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Last active September 30, 2021 05:50
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Created using remix-ide: Realtime Ethereum Contract Compiler and Runtime. Load this file by pasting this gists URL or ID at
//SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicensed
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract SpockPlatform {
//Stores the current score of each stock
mapping(uint => uint) stockScores;
address owner;
struct Stock {
uint id;
string playerName;
uint totalNum;
uint score;
uint totalPrice;
mapping(address => Stock[]) userStocks;
mapping(uint => uint) numStocksInCirculation;
//Buy and Sell Events
//Buyer, Number of Stocks, Current stock price
event Buy(address, uint, uint);
//Buyer, Number of Stocks, Current stock price
event Sell(address, uint, uint);
constructor() {
owner = msg.sender;
modifier onlyOwner() {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner can call this function");
function buyStock(uint _id, string memory _playerName, uint _totalNum, uint _currentScore) public payable {
//This can come from Chainlink
// uint _currentPrice = stockPrices[_id];
stockScores[_id] = _currentScore;
uint _totalPrice = stockScores[_id]*_totalNum;
require(msg.value >= _totalPrice, "Not enought amount to but the stocks");
uint bought = 0;
if(userStocks[msg.sender].length == 0){
Stock memory userStock = Stock(_id, _playerName, _totalNum, stockScores[_id], _totalPrice);
bought = 1;
numStocksInCirculation[_id] = numStocksInCirculation[_id] + _totalNum;
emit Buy(msg.sender, _totalNum, stockScores[_id]);
else {
for(uint i = 0; i < userStocks[msg.sender].length; i++){
if(userStocks[msg.sender][i].id == _id){
Stock memory existingStock = userStocks[msg.sender][i];
existingStock.totalNum = existingStock.totalNum + _totalNum;
userStocks[msg.sender][i] = existingStock;
bought = 1;
emit Buy(msg.sender, _totalNum, stockScores[_id]);
numStocksInCirculation[_id] = numStocksInCirculation[_id] + _totalNum;
if(bought == 0) {
Stock memory userStock = Stock(_id, _playerName, _totalNum, stockScores[_id], _totalPrice);
bought = 1;
numStocksInCirculation[_id] = numStocksInCirculation[_id] + _totalNum;
emit Buy(msg.sender, _totalNum, stockScores[_id]);
function sellStock(uint _id, uint _currentScore, uint _numStocks ) public returns(bool) {
require(userStocks[msg.sender].length != 0, "User does not have any stocks");
Stock memory existingStock;
uint userMoney;
uint stockPosition;
for(uint i = 0; i < userStocks[msg.sender].length; i++){
if(userStocks[msg.sender][i].id == _id){
existingStock = userStocks[msg.sender][i];
stockPosition = i;
require( != 0, "Player ID cannot be zero");
require(existingStock.totalNum >= _numStocks, "You cannot sell more than you own");
stockScores[_id] = _currentScore;
existingStock.totalNum = existingStock.totalNum - _numStocks;
userStocks[msg.sender][stockPosition] = existingStock;
numStocksInCirculation[_id] = numStocksInCirculation[_id] - _numStocks;
userMoney = _numStocks*_currentScore;
emit Sell(msg.sender, _numStocks, _currentScore);
return true;
function setScoreAndPrice(uint _id, uint _score) public onlyOwner {
stockScores[_id] = _score;
function getUserStocks(address userAddress) public view returns(Stock[] memory) {
return userStocks[userAddress];
function getContractBalance() public view returns(uint) {
return address(this).balance;
function getStocksInCirculation(uint _id) public view returns(uint) {
return numStocksInCirculation[_id];
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