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Created October 16, 2018 20:15
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Types for jira-client npm module
declare module "jira-client" {
import * as request from "request";
import { ReadStream } from "fs";
namespace JiraApi {
interface JiraApiOptions {
/** What protocol to use to connect to jira? Ex: http|https (default: http) */
protocol?: string; // optional
/** What host is this tool connecting to for the jira instance? Ex: () */
host?: string; //
/** What port is this tool connecting to jira with? Only needed for none standard ports. Ex: 8080, 3000, etc () */
port?: string; // optional
/** Specify a username for this tool to authenticate all requests with. () */
username?: string; // optional
/** Specify a password for this tool to authenticate all requests with. () */
password?: string; // optional
/** What version of the jira rest api is the instance the tool is connecting to? (default: 2) */
apiVersion?: string; // optional
/** What other url parts exist, if any, before the rest/api/ section? () */
base?: string; // optional
/** If specified, overwrites the default rest/api/version section of the uri () */
intermediatePath?: string; // optional
/** Does this tool require each request to be authenticated? Defaults to true. (default: true) */
strictSSL?: boolean; // optional
/** What method does this tool use to make its requests? Defaults to request from request-promise () */
request?: Function; // optional
/** Integer containing the number of milliseconds to wait for a server to send response headers (and start the response body) before aborting the request. Note that if the underlying TCP connection cannot be established, the OS-wide TCP connection timeout will overrule the timeout option (the default in Linux can be anywhere from 20-120 * seconds). () */
timeout?: number; // optional
/** What webhook version does this api wrapper need to hit? (default: 1.0) */
webhookVersion?: string; // optional
/** What webhook version does this api wrapper need to hit? (default: 1.0) */
greenhopperVersion?: string; // optional
bearer?: string;
oauth?: OAuth;
interface OAuth {
consumer_key: string;
consumer_secret: string;
access_token: string;
access_token_secret: string;
signature_method?: string;
interface LinkObject {
[name: string]: any;
interface Query {
[name: string]: any;
interface JsonResponse {
[name: string]: any;
interface JiraWebLink {
id: number;
self: string;
application: object;
object: {
url: string;
title: string;
icon: {
url16x16: string;
status: {
icon: {
url16x16: string;
interface JiraProject {
/** A list of fields */
expand: string;
/** URL to the project */
self: string;
/** UID of the project */
id: string;
/** The project key */
key: string;
/** Name of the project */
name: string;
/** List of urls to the icon for the project */
avatarUrls: {
"48x48": string;
"24x24": string;
"16x16": string;
"32x32": string;
/** The type of the project */
projectTypeKey: "software";
/** True if this project should use the simplified flow */
simplified: boolean;
/** The kind of JIRA issue this is */
interface JiraIssueType {
/** URL to the Type of issue */
self: string;
/** ID of the type (numeric string) */
id: string;
/** Description of the issue type */
description: string;
/** URL to the icon for this type of issue */
iconUrl: string;
/** Short name for this type of issue */
name: string;
/** True if this is a subtask */
subtask: boolean;
/** ? Don't really know what this is */
avatarId: number;
interface JiraResolution {
/** URL to the resolution */
self: string;
/** ID of the resolution (numeric string) */
id: string;
/** Description of the resolution */
description: string;
/** Short name of the resolution */
name: string;
interface JiraPriority {
/** URL to the priority */
self: string;
/** URL to an icon for this priority */
iconUrl: string;
/** Name of this priority */
name: string;
/** ID of this priority (numeric string) */
id: string;
interface JiraVersion {
/** URL to this version */
self: string;
/** ID of this version (numeric string) */
id: string;
/** The name of this version */
name: string;
/** True if this version is archived */
archived: boolean;
/** True if this version is released */
released: boolean;
interface JiraIssueLink {
/** ID of the link (numeric string) */
id: string;
/** URL to the link */
self: string;
type: {
/** ID of the type of link */
id: string;
/** Name of the issue */
name: string;
/** Description for the incoming relationship */
inward: string;
/** Description for the outgoing relationship */
outward: string;
/** URL to the issue type */
self: string;
inwardIssue: JiraIssue;
interface JiraUser {
/** URL to the user */
self: string;
/** Username */
name: string;
/** Type of user??? */
key: "admin";
/** GUID */
accountId: string;
/** Email for the user */
emailAddress: string;
/** URLS for different sized avatars */
avatarUrls: {
"48x48": string;
"24x24": string;
"16x16": string;
"32x32": string;
/** How the user should be presented as text */
displayName: string;
/** Set to false to disable a user */
active: true;
/** Timezone code for this user (ie. America/Chicago) */
timeZone: string;
// "groups": {
// "size": 3,
// "items": []
// };
interface JiraIssueStatusCategory {
/** URL to the issue status category */
self: string;
id: number;
/** JIRA key for this status category */
key: string;
/** A color for this status category */
colorName: string;
name: string;
interface JiraIssueStatus {
/** URL to the issue status */
self: string;
description: string;
/** URL to the icon for this issue status */
iconUrl: string;
name: string;
/** ID of the issue status (numeric string) */
id: string;
statusCategory: JiraIssueStatusCategory;
interface JiraComponent {
/** URL to the component */
self: string;
/** ID of the component (numeric string) */
id: string;
name: string;
interface JiraIssueAuthor {
active: boolean;
displayName: string;
emailAddress: string;
key: string;
name: string;
self: string;
timezone: string;
interface JiraAttachment {
author: JiraIssueAuthor;
content: string;
created: string;
filename: string;
id: string;
mimeType: string;
self: string;
size: number;
interface JiraIssueComment {
author: JiraIssueAuthor;
body: string;
created: string;
id: string;
self: string;
updateAuthor: JiraIssueAuthor;
updated: string;
interface JiraIssue {
/** Some list of fields */
expand: string;
/** The id of the issue (numeric string) */
id: string;
/** URL to the issue */
self: string;
/** The JIRA key for the issue */
key: string;
/** Set of fields for the issue */
fields: {
comment: {
maxResults: number;
startAt: number;
total: number;
comments: JiraIssueComment[];
attachment: JiraAttachment[];
/** The type of issue this is */
issuetype: JiraIssueType;
/** Human readable amount of time spent on this issue */
timespent: string;
/** The project for this issue */
project: JiraProject;
/** List of fix version ids */
fixVersions: JiraVersion[];
aggregatetimespent: null;
resolution: JiraResolution;
/** ISO datestamp for the date of the resolution */
resolutiondate: string;
// "workratio": -1;
// "lastViewed": null;
// "watches": {
// "self": "";
// "watchCount": 1;
// "isWatching": false
// };
/** ISO date the issue was created */
created: string;
/** Priority of the issue */
priority?: JiraPriority;
/** List of labels for the issue */
labels: string[];
// "aggregatetimeoriginalestimate": null;
/** The time estimate for this issue in seconds */
timeestimate: number;
/** Versions affected by this issue */
versions: JiraVersion[];
issuelinks: JiraIssueLink[];
assignee: Partial<JiraUser>;
/** ISO datestamp for the late updated date of this issue */
updated: string;
status: JiraIssueStatus;
components: JiraComponent[];
// "timeoriginalestimate": null;
/** Long description of this issue */
description: string;
// "security": null;
// "aggregatetimeestimate": null;
/** Short description of this issue */
summary: string;
creator: JiraUser;
subtasks: JiraIssue[];
reporter: JiraUser;
// "aggregateprogress": {
// "progress": 0;
// "total": 0;
// };
/** Information about the environment in which this issue occurred */
environment: string;
/** Short YYYY-MM-DD date when this issue is due */
duedate: string;
// "progress": {
// "progress": 0;
// "total": 0;
// };
// "votes": {
// "self": "";
// "votes": 0;
// "hasVoted": false
// }
interface JiraIssueSearchResults {
/** Some sort of field list */
expand: string;
/** Where the search started */
startAt: number;
/** The limit specified for this search */
maxResults: number;
/** How many results are there including results not in this response */
total: number;
/** The list of issues */
issues: JiraIssue[];
interface JiraIssueUpdate {
fields?: {
// You can send any of the key/value pairs of any of the fields
[key in keyof JiraIssue["fields"]]?: Partial<
transition?: {
/** The ID (numeric string) of the transition to execute */
id: string;
update?: {
comment: [
add: { body: string };
interface JiraTransition {
/** The transition id (numeric string) */
id: string;
/** The name of this transition */
name: string;
/** The new status post-transition */
to: JiraIssueStatus;
/** True if the transition should show a screen when performed in the UI */
hasScreen: boolean;
/** I haven't figured out what this is */
fields: any;
interface JiraTransitionsResponse {
/** Not sure what this is for */
expand: "transitions";
/** The list of transitions in the response */
transitions: JiraTransition[];
interface UserObject {
[name: string]: any;
interface IssueObject extends Partial<JiraIssue> {}
interface ComponentObject {
[name: string]: any;
interface FieldObject {
[name: string]: any;
interface FieldOptionObject {
[name: string]: any;
interface TransitionObject {
[name: string]: any;
interface WorklogObject {
[name: string]: any;
interface EstimateObject {
[name: string]: any;
interface WebhookObject {
[name: string]: any;
interface NotificationObject {
[name: string]: any;
interface BoardObject {
[name: string]: any;
interface SearchUserOptions {
/** A query string used to search username, name or e-mail address */
username: string;
/** The index of the first user to return (0-based) (default: 0) */
startAt?: number;
/** The maximum number of users to return (default: 50) */
maxResults?: number;
/** If true, then active users are included in the results (default: true) */
includeActive?: boolean;
/** If true, then inactive users are included in the results (default: false) */
includeInactive?: boolean;
interface SearchQuery {
startAt?: number;
maxResults?: number;
fields?: string[];
interface SearchQuery {
startAt?: number;
maxResults?: number;
fields?: string[];
interface UriOptions {
pathname: string;
query?: Query;
intermediatePath?: string;
type JiraLinks = JiraApi.JiraIssueLink[] | JiraApi.JiraWebLink[];
class JiraApi {
private protocol: string;
private host: string;
private port: string | null;
private apiVersion: string;
private base: string;
private intermediatePath?: string;
private strictSSL: boolean;
private webhookVersion: string;
private greenhopperVersion: string;
constructor(options: JiraApi.JiraApiOptions);
issueNumber: string,
expand?: string,
fields?: string,
properties?: string,
fieldsByKeys?: boolean
): Promise<JiraApi.JiraIssue>;
getUnresolvedIssueCount(version: string): Promise<number>;
getProject(project: string): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
createProject(project: string): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
findRapidView(projectName: string): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse[]>;
rapidViewId: string
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
rapidViewId: string,
sprintId: string
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
listSprints(rapidViewId: string): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
issueId: string,
sprintId: string
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
issueLink(link: JiraApi.LinkObject): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
getRemoteLinks(issueNumber: string): Promise<JiraApi.JiraLinks>;
issueNumber: string,
remoteLink: JiraApi.LinkObject
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
getVersions(project: string): Promise<JiraApi.JiraVersion[]>;
version: Partial<JiraApi.JiraVersion>
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
updateVersion(version: string): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
versionId: string,
moveFixIssuesToId: string,
moveAffectedIssuesToId: string
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
searchString: string,
optional?: JiraApi.SearchQuery
): Promise<JiraApi.JiraIssueSearchResults>;
createUser(user: JiraApi.UserObject): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
options: JiraApi.SearchUserOptions
): Promise<JiraApi.JiraUser[]>;
groupname: string,
startAt?: number,
maxResults?: number
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
addNewIssue(issue: JiraApi.IssueObject): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
issueKey: string,
username: string
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
deleteIssue(issueId: string): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
issueId: string,
issueUpdate: JiraApi.JiraIssueUpdate
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
listComponents(project: string): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
component: JiraApi.ComponentObject
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
deleteComponent(componentId: string): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
field: JiraApi.FieldObject
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
listFields(): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
fieldKey: string,
option: JiraApi.FieldOptionObject
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
listFieldOptions(fieldKey: string): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
fieldKey: string,
optionId: string,
option: JiraApi.FieldOptionObject
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
fieldKey: string,
optionId: string
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
fieldKey: string,
optionId: string
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
issueNumber: string,
property: string
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
listPriorities(): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
issueId: string
): Promise<JiraApi.JiraTransitionsResponse>;
issueId: string,
issueTransition: JiraApi.TransitionObject
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
listProjects(): Promise<JiraApi.JiraProject[]>;
issueId: string,
comment: string
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
issueId: string,
commentId: string,
comment: string,
options?: any
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
issueId: string,
worklog: JiraApi.WorklogObject,
newEstimate: JiraApi.EstimateObject
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
issueId: string,
worklogId: string
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
listIssueTypes(): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
webhook: JiraApi.WebhookObject
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
listWebhooks(): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
getWebhook(webhookID: string): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
deleteWebhook(webhookID: string): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
getCurrentUser(): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
rapidViewId: string
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
issueId: string,
readStream: ReadStream
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
issueId: string,
notificationBody: JiraApi.NotificationObject
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
listStatus(): Promise<JiraApi.JiraIssueStatus[]>;
getDevStatusSummary(issueId: string): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
issueId: string,
applicationType: string,
dataType: string
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
moveToBacklog(issues: string[]): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
startAt?: number,
maxResults?: number,
type?: string,
name?: string,
projectKeyOrId?: string
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
boardBody: JiraApi.BoardObject
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
getBoard(boardId: string): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
deleteBoard(boardId: string): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
boardId: string,
startAt?: number,
maxResults?: number,
jql?: string,
validateQuery?: boolean,
fields?: string
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
getConfiguration(boardId: string): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
boardId: string,
startAt?: number,
maxResults?: number,
jql?: string,
validateQuery?: boolean,
fields?: string
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
boardId: string,
startAt?: number,
maxResults?: number,
done?: "true" | "false"
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
boardId: string,
epicId: string,
startAt?: number,
maxResults?: number,
jql?: string,
validateQuery?: boolean,
fields?: string
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
boardId: string,
startAt?: number,
maxResults?: number
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
getProjectsFull(boardId: string): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
getBoardPropertiesKeys(boardId: string): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
boardId: string,
propertyKey: string
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
boardId: string,
propertyKey: string,
body: string
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
boardId: string,
propertyKey: string
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
boardId: string,
startAt?: number,
maxResults?: number,
state?: "future" | "active" | "closed"
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
boardId: string,
sprintId: string,
startAt?: number,
maxResults?: number,
jql?: string,
validateQuery?: boolean,
fields?: string
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
boardId: string,
startAt?: number,
maxResults?: number,
released?: "true" | "false"
): Promise<JiraApi.JsonResponse>;
private makeRequestHeader(uri: string, options?: JiraApi.UriOptions);
private makeUri(options: JiraApi.UriOptions): string;
private makeWebhookUri(options: JiraApi.UriOptions): string;
private makeSprintQueryUri(options: JiraApi.UriOptions): string;
private makeDevStatusUri(options: JiraApi.UriOptions): string;
private makeAgileUri(options: JiraApi.UriOptions): string;
private doRequest(
requestOptions: request.CoreOptions
): Promise<request.RequestResponse>;
export = JiraApi;
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