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  • Save gyaresu/3195064 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save gyaresu/3195064 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. Challenge #2 (SpaceX) Solution in NodeJS
// Challenge #2 (SpaceX Challenge)
// @hacker mediaupstream, aka Derek Anderson
// How to Win:
// 1. Install required npm packages: `npm install request sugar`
// 2. Modify the `username` and `password` variables below to match what you used to signup on
// with
// 3. Run the script: `$ node hackerchallenge2-spacex.js`
// 4. Wait for about 40 minutes...
// The script can be optimized to run each game in parallel, probably.
var request = require('request'),
username = 'USERNAME HERE',
password = 'PASSWORD HERE',
gameStart = 1,
gameEnd = 10000;
// I am lazy, and sugar is sweet.
// Quick lookup for our ghetto lexical parser
var tokens = {
zero: 0, one: 1, two: 2, three: 3, four: 4, five: 5, six: 6, seven: 7, eight: 8, nine: 9,
ten: 10, eleven: 11, twelve: 12, thirteen: 13, fourteen: 14, fifteen: 15, sixteen: 16,
seventeen: 17, eighteen: 18, nineteen: 19, twenty: 20, thirty: 30, fourty: 40, fifty: 50,
sixty:60, seventy: 70, eighty: 80, ninety:90
// Ghetto lexical parser, transforms phrases into numbers
// eg: "one thousand two hundred and six" becomes "1206"
var parseWords = function(str){
str = str.replace(',', '').replace('-', ' ').replace(' and', '').split(' ');
var results = [];
for(var i=0; i<str.length; i++){
var cur = str[i];
if(cur.has(/hundred|thousand|million|billion|trillion/)) continue;
var num = tokens[cur];
var next = str[i+1];
if(next.has('hundred')) num += '00';
if(next.has('thousand')) num += '000';
if(next.has('million')) num += '00000';
if(next.has('billion')) num += '00000000';
var sum = results.sum(function(n){
return parseInt(n, 10);
return sum;
// Decrypts a `string`, using ROT13 style encryption, given the `num` number offset
// @param {string} string The encrypted string, eg: 'lbhe zbz'
// @param {number} num The number offset to "shift" the `string` by
// @param {boolean} enc (optional) true to encrypt rather than decrypt
var decrypt = function(string, num, enc){
// dictionary of character codes, the numeric values of our ascii characters.
var dict = [
var buf = ''; // our encrypted / decrypted message will go here
// loop over our string, one character at a time
for(var i=0; i<string.length; i++){
var c = string.charCodeAt(i); // the current character code
var o = (c >= 97) ? dict[0] : dict[1]; // which dict to use
var index = o.findIndex(c); // index of the character in dict
var n = c; // encrypted / decrypted character code
if(c != 32 && c != 45 && c != 44){ // skip "space" "," and "-" chars
index = (!enc) ? (index-num) : (index+num); // shift up or down based on `enc`
// get the new character from our dictionary, given the shifted index from above
n =, true);
// transform the number (n) into the character code (eg, "A")
// and append it to our buffer, which in turn will start to spell out the
// decrypted / encrypted message
buf += (n).chr();
return buf;
// Wrapper to decrypt with the `enc` flag set to true
var encrypt = function(string, num){
return decrypt(string, num, true);
// Log into using the Request module
var login = function(username, pass, cb){
url: '',
form: {
'commit': 'Sign in',
'user[login]': username,
'user[password]': pass,
'user[remember_me]': 1
method: 'POST'
}, cb);
// Ask for a game
// @param {number} n The number of game you want in the range 1-10000
// @param {function} cb A callback with response data
var getGame = function(n, cb){
url: '',
method: 'POST',
form: {
n: n,
remote: true
}, cb);
// Helper method to submit an answer to
// @param {object} d This object should be in the format:
// {
// id: 12943, // the game ID, not the same as the game number, eg 1-10000
// answer: 102, // your answer
// remote: true
// }
var submitAnswer = function(d, cb){
url: '',
method: 'PUT',
form: d
}, cb);
// Crack an encrypted string
// we are taking advantage of the fact that all decrypted messages
// will contain lexical numbers, eg: "twelve", in essence a brute-force rot13
// @param {string} str The encrypted string to decrypt
// @returns {string} a decrypted string
var crack = function(str){
var result = '';
for(var i=0; i<35; i++){
var test = decrypt(str, i);
// console.log(test);
if(test.has(/thousand|hundred|and|zero|one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine|ten/) ||
test.has(/eleven|twelve|thirteen|fourteen|fifteen|sixteen|seventeen|eighteen|nineteen/) ||
test.has(/twenty|thirty|fourty|fifty|sixty|seventy|eighty|ninety/) ){
result = test;
return result;
// Crack the whole game, from range `start` to `stop`
// Also submits the answer, so you'll want to login first before calling this...
var crackAll = function(start, stop){
start = start || 1;
stop = stop || 10000;
console.log('cracking '+ start +' to '+ stop +'... this will take awhile.');
for(var i=start; i<=stop; i++){
getGame(level, function(x,y, body){
// something went wrong... probably a server request limiting issue
if(body.has('<')) return console.log('Something went wrong on game #'+ level);
// all is well... process
body = JSON.parse(body);
if(body && &&{
var answer = crack(;
var number = parseWords( answer );
console.log('Message: '+ answer +', Number: '+ number);
if(isNaN( number )){
console.log('- Error');
} else {
answer: number,
remote: true
}, function(x,y, resp){
console.log('incorrect answer: '+ level);
// login to and start crackin'
login(username, password, function(err, res, body){
crackAll(gameStart, gameEnd);
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