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Created October 11, 2017 11:32
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import numpy as np
def split_price(split, warehouse_prices, warehouse_min_price, freight_cost):
price_per_warehouse = list(map(lambda row: sum(row[0] * row[1]), zip(warehouse_prices, split)))
price = sum(price_per_warehouse)
for warehouse_id, warehouse_price in enumerate(price_per_warehouse):
if 0 < warehouse_price < warehouse_min_price[warehouse_id]:
price += freight_cost
return price
def best_split(blanks, warehouse_count, warehouse_prices, warehouse_quantities, warehouse_min_price, freight_cost):
# order in which it would be best to take skus from warehouses
sorted_warehouses = list(map(lambda blank_id: list(warehouse_prices[:, blank_id].argsort()), blanks))
# calculate best possible split regardless of shipping
split = np.zeros((warehouse_count, len(blanks)), dtype=np.int32)
blanks_comp = blanks.copy()
for blank_id in blanks:
for warehouse_id in sorted_warehouses[blank_id]:
wbc = min(warehouse_quantities[warehouse_id, blank_id], blanks_comp[blank_id])
split[warehouse_id, blank_id] = wbc
blanks_comp[blank_id] -= wbc
if blanks_comp[blank_id] == 0:
price = split_price(split, warehouse_prices, warehouse_min_price, freight_cost)
nonempty_warehouses = list(np.nonzero(split.sum(1))[0])
current_price = price
current_split = split
# iterate - try to move items from one warehouse to another
# break if there is no change in the last iteration
while True:
updated_price = False
# Swap whole warehouse order
for i, warehouse_id in enumerate(nonempty_warehouses):
for next_warehouse_id in nonempty_warehouses[:i] + nonempty_warehouses[i + 1:]:
row = np.copy(split[warehouse_id, :])
split[warehouse_id, :] -= row
split[next_warehouse_id, :] += row
if (warehouse_quantities - split < 0).any():
split[next_warehouse_id, :] -= row
split[warehouse_id, :] += row
next_price = split_price(split, warehouse_prices, warehouse_min_price, freight_cost)
if next_price < current_price:
current_price = next_price
current_split = np.copy(split)
updated_price = True
split[next_warehouse_id, :] -= row
split[warehouse_id, :] += row
# Swap SKUs from one warehouse to another
for i, warehouse_id in enumerate(nonempty_warehouses):
for blank_id in range(len(blanks)):
for next_warehouse_id in nonempty_warehouses[:i] + nonempty_warehouses[i + 1:]:
value = split[warehouse_id, blank_id]
split[warehouse_id, blank_id] -= value
split[next_warehouse_id, blank_id] += value
if (warehouse_quantities - split < 0).any():
split[next_warehouse_id, blank_id] -= value
split[warehouse_id, blank_id] += value
next_price = split_price(split, warehouse_prices, warehouse_min_price, freight_cost)
if next_price < current_price:
current_price = next_price
current_split = np.copy(split)
updated_price = True
split[next_warehouse_id, blank_id] -= value
split[warehouse_id, blank_id] += value
split = current_split
nonempty_warehouses = list(np.nonzero(split.sum(1))[0])
if not updated_price:
return current_price, split
def main():
# sku_to_id = {'#1': 0, '#2': 1, '#3': 2}
blanks = {0: 10, 1: 15, 2: 20}
w_count = 4
w_prices = np.array([[2, 3, 1], [2.5, 4, 2], [5, 1.5, 1.4], [1.9, 3.5, 1.23]])
w_quantities = np.array([[1, 10, 15], [10, 4, 20], [20, 20, 7], [2, 7, 3]], dtype=np.int32)
w_min_prices = [1, 300, 200, 30]
freight_cost = 5
price, split = best_split(blanks, w_count, w_prices, w_quantities, w_min_prices, freight_cost)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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