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#Jones(1999) "Reduced state-variable tomato growth model"
#Jones(1991) "A dynamix tomato growth and yield model(TOMGRO)"
#Dimokas(2009) "Calibration and validation of a biological model..."
#Heuvelink(1994) "Dry-matter partitioning in a tomato crop:Comparison of two simulation models"
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import random
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
import pandas as pd
from keras.utils import *
from keras.models import *
from keras.layers import *
from keras import regularizers
import datetime
import random as rnd
from sklearn import svm
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
import math
from tqdm import tqdm
#Random Forest
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
import warnings
# dN/dt : The rate of node development
def fN(T):
#Heuvelink(1994) & Jones(1991)
if(T > 12 and T <= 28):
return 1.0 + 0.0281 * (T - 28)
elif(T > 28 and T < 50):
return 1.0 - 0.0455 * (T - 28)
return 0
return 0
def dNdt(fN_):
Nm = 0.5 #P Jones(1991)
#("dNdt:", Nm * fN_)
return Nm * fN_
# d(LAI)/dt : The rate of LAI(Leaf Area Index) development
def lambdas(Td):
return 1.0
def dLAIdt(LAI, dens, N, lambda_, dNdt_):
sigma = 0.038 #P Maximum leaf area expansion per node, coefficient in expolinear equation; Jones(1999)
beta = 0.169 #P Coefficient in expolinear equation; Jones(1999)
Nb = 16.0 #P Coefficient in expolinear equation, projection of linear segment of LAI vs N to horizontal axis; Jones(1999)
LAImax = 4.0 #P Jones(1999)
if(LAI > LAImax):
return 0
a = np.exp(beta * (N - Nb))
return dens * sigma * lambda_ * a * dNdt_ / (1 + a)
# dW/dt
def dWdt(LAI, dWfdt_, GRnet_, dens, dNdt_):
LAImax = 4.0 #P Jones(1999)
if(LAI >= LAImax):
p1 = 2.0 #P Jones(1999)
p1 = 0
Vmax = 8.0 #P Jones(1999)
a = dWfdt_ + (Vmax - p1) * dens * dNdt_
b = GRnet_ - p1 * dens * dNdt_
return min(a, b)
# dWdt_max
# dWmdt
def Df(T):
# The rate of development or aging of fruit at temperature T; Jones(1991)
if(T > 9 and T <= 28):
return 0.0017 * T - 0.015
elif(T > 28 and T <= 35):
return 0.032
return 0
def dWmdt(Df_, Wf, Wm, N):
NFF = 22.0 #P Jones(1999)
kF = 5.0 #P Jones(1999)
if(N <= NFF + kF):
return 0
return Df_ * (Wf - Wm)
# dWfdt : The rate of Fruit dry weight
def fR(N):
#root phenology-dependent fraction; Jones(1991)
if(N >= 30):
return 0.07
return -0.0046 * N + 0.2034
def LFmax(CO2):
#maximum leaf photosyntehstic rate;Jones(1991)
tau = 0.0693 #P carbon dioxide use efficiency; Jones(1991)
return tau * CO2
def PGRED(T):
#function to modify Pg under suboptimal daytime temperatures; Jones(1991)
if(T > 0 and T <= 12):
return 1.0 / 12.0 * T
elif(T > 12 and T < 35):
return 1.0
return 0
return 0
def Pg(LFmax_, PGRED_, PPFD, LAI):
D = 2.593 #P coefficient to convert Pg from CO2 to CH2O; Jones(1991)
K = 0.58 #P light extinction coefficient; Jones(1991)
m = 0.1 #P leaf light transmission coefficient; Jones(1991)
Qe = 0.0645 #P leaf quantum efficiency; Jones(1991)
#if(PPFD > 250):
# PPFD = 0
a = D * LFmax_ * PGRED_ / K
b = np.log(((1-m) * LFmax_ + Qe * K * PPFD) /
((1-m) * LFmax_ + Qe * K * PPFD * np.exp(-1 * K * LAI)))
return a * b
def Rm(T, W, Wm):
#Hourly Data!
Q10 = 1.4 #P Jones(1991)
rm = 0.016 #P Jones(1999)
return Q10 ** ((T-20)/10) * rm * (W - Wm)
def GRnet(Pg_, Rm_, fR_):
E = 0.717 #P convert efficiency; Dimokas(2009)
#print("GRnet", Pg_, Rm_, fR_)
return max(0, E * (Pg_ - Rm_) * (1 - fR_))
def fF(Td):
if(Td > 8 and Td <= 28):
return 0.0017 * Td - 0.0147
elif(Td > 28):
return 0.032
return 0
return 0
def g(T_daytime):
T_CRIT = 24.4 #P mean daytime temperature above which fruits abortion start; Jones(1999)
if(T_daytime < T_CRIT):
return 0
return 1.0 - 0.154 * (T_daytime - T_CRIT)
def dWfdt(GRnet_, fF_, N, g_):
NFF = 22.0 #P Nodes per plant when first fruit appears; Jones(1999)
alpha_F = 0.80 #P Maximum partitioning of new growth to fruit; Jones(1999)
v = 0.135 #P Transition coefficient between vegetative and full fruit growth; Jones(1999)
fF_ = 0.5 #P ORIGINAL
if(N <= NFF):
return 0
#print(GRnet_, fF_, 1 - np.exp(v*(NFF-N)), g_)
return GRnet_ * alpha_F * fF_ * (1 - np.exp(v*(NFF-N))) * g_
def calc(inT, inPPFD):
# Initial Variables
N = 6.0
LAI = 0.006
W = 0
Wm = 0
Wf = 0
CO2 = 350
# Growth data per day
N_hist = []
LAI_hist = []
W_hist = []
Wm_hist = []
Wf_hist = []
# Growth rate per day
delN = []
delLAI = []
delW = []
delWm = []
delWf = []
length = int(len(inT)/24)*24
for i in range(0, length, 24):
# Reset varialbes
dNdt_ = 0
Td = 0 # Change!
Tdaytime = 0
PPFDd = 0
# for daily tempereture
for h in range(24):
Td += inT[i+h]
PPFDd += inPPFD[i+h]
if(h==13): #14時
Tdaytime = inT[i+h]
Td /= 24 # average dialy temperature
PPFDd /= 24 # average dialy temperature
fN_ = fN(Td)
dNdt_ += dNdt(fN_)
# dN/dt
#fN_ = fN(Td)
#dNdt_ += dNdt(fN_)
# d(LAI)/dt
lambda_ = lambdas(Td)
dLAIdt_ = dLAIdt(LAI=LAI, dens=3.10, N=N, lambda_=lambda_, dNdt_=dNdt_)
# dWfdt
fR_ = fR(N)
LFmax_ = LFmax(CO2)
Pg_ = Pg(LFmax_, PGRED_, PPFDd, LAI)
Rm_ = Rm(Td, W, Wm)
GRnet_ = GRnet(Pg_, Rm_, fR_)
fF_ = fF(Td)
g_ = g(Tdaytime)
dWfdt_ = dWfdt(GRnet_, fF_, N, g_)
# dWdt
dWdt_ = dWdt(LAI=LAI, dWfdt_=dWfdt_, GRnet_=GRnet_, dens=3.10, dNdt_=dNdt_)
# dWmdt
Df_ = Df(Td)
dWmdt_ = dWmdt(Df_, Wf, Wm, N)
# Reload
N += dNdt_
LAI += dLAIdt_
Wf += dWfdt_
W += dWdt_
Wm += dWmdt_
# Save
N_hist = np.array(N_hist)
LAI_hist = np.array(LAI_hist)
W_hist = np.array(W_hist)
Wf_hist = np.array(Wf_hist)
Wm_hist = np.array(Wm_hist)
delN = np.array(delN)
delLAI = np.array(delLAI)
delW = np.array(delW)
delWf = np.array(delWf)
delWm = np.array(delWm)
# X:Final Value, X_hist:Values per Day, delX:Growth Rate per Day
return {"N":N, "LAI":LAI, "Wf":Wf, "W":W, "Wm":Wm,
"N_hist":N_hist, "LAI_hist":LAI_hist,"W_hist":W_hist,"Wf_hist":Wf_hist,"Wm_hist":Wm_hist,
"delN":delN, "delLAI":delLAI, "delWf":delWf, "delW":delW, "delWm":delWm}
def pseudoClimate(filename, rng, fix=0):
df = pd.read_csv(filename, sep=',', index_col='date')
data_range = pd.date_range('2018-08-20 01:00:00',periods=rng,freq='d')
data_range = pd.date_range('2019-03-20 01:00:00',periods=5160,freq='H')
plt.plot(data_range, df['temperature'])
plt.plot(data_range, df['PPFD'])
return {'date':data_range, 'T':df['temperature'], 'PPFD':df['PPFD']}
def calcDay(startday, period, hour=0):
date_formatted = datetime.datetime.strptime(startday, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M")
after = date_formatted + datetime.timedelta(days=period) + datetime.timedelta(hours=hour)
return after.strftime("%Y/%-m/%-d %-H:%M")
def calcHour(startday, period):
date_formatted = datetime.datetime.strptime(startday, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M")
after = date_formatted + datetime.timedelta(hours=period)
return after.strftime("%Y/%-m/%-d %-H:%M")
def dayPlot(startday, y, title="", xlabel="", ylabel=""):
data_range = pd.date_range(startday, periods=len(y), freq='d')
plt.rcParams["font.size"] = 12
plt.title(title, fontsize=18)
plt.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=18)
plt.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=18)
plt.plot(data_range, y)
def splitInData(x, n=24, step=1):
# x:Input data n:1つの成長率に対応する元々の入力データ数[時間] step:平均間隔
resX, tmpX = np.empty(0), np.empty(0)
for i in range(0, len(x)-n+1, n):
xx = x[i:i+n]
for j in range(0, n-step+1, step):
tmpX = np.append(tmpX, np.average(xx[j:j+step]))
resX = np.append(resX, tmpX)
tmpX = np.empty(0)
resX = resX.reshape(-1, int(n/step))
return resX
def splitOutData(y, n):
resY = np.empty(0)
for i in range(len(y)-1):
deltaY = y[i+1] - y[i]
resY = np.append(resY, deltaY)
return resY
def averageInData(x, n):
resX = np.empty(0)
daytime, night = 0, 0
for i in range(0, len(x)-n, 24):
daytime = np.average(x[i+6:i+19])
night = np.average(x[i+0:i+6]) + np.average(x[i+19:i+24])
resX = np.append(resX, np.array([daytime, night/2]))
return resX.reshape(-1 , 2)
resX = np.empty(0)
for i in range(0, len(x)-n, 24):
average = np.average(x[i:24+i])
resX = np.append(resX, average)
return resX
def TOMGRO(startday, get_period=1, step=1, trainmode=False):
# startday:定植時刻 get_period:最終定植時刻数 step:定植時刻間隔
splitPeriod = 24 # hour
ave_step = 3
get_period = int(get_period/step)
datas = pseudoClimate('./weather_Tokyo.csv', 400)
T = datas['T']
PPFD = datas['PPFD']
xT, xP = np.empty(0), np.empty(0)
delN, delLAI, delW, delWf, delWm = np.empty(0), np.empty(0), np.empty(0), np.empty(0), np.empty(0)
N_hist, LAI_hist, W_hist, Wf_hist, Wm_hist = np.empty(0), np.empty(0), np.empty(0), np.empty(0), np.empty(0)
for i in tqdm(range(0,get_period,step)):
endday = calcDay(startday, period=100)
inT = np.array(T[startday:endday].tolist()) # ある日の1:00~99日後の1:00
inP = np.array(PPFD[startday:endday].tolist())
startday = calcHour(startday, period=step)
res = calc(inT, inP)
delN = np.append(delN, res['delN'])
delLAI = np.append(delLAI, res['delLAI'])
delW = np.append(delW, res['delW'])
delWf = np.append(delWf, res['delWf'])
delWm = np.append(delWm, res['delWm'])
N_hist = np.append(N_hist, res['N_hist'])
LAI_hist = np.append(LAI_hist, res['LAI_hist'])
W_hist = np.append(W_hist, res['W_hist'])
Wf_hist = np.append(Wf_hist, res['Wf_hist'])
Wm_hist = np.append(Wm_hist, res['Wm_hist'])
xT = np.concatenate([xT, splitInData(inT, splitPeriod, step=ave_step)])
xP = np.concatenate([xP, splitInData(inP, splitPeriod, step=ave_step)])
xT = splitInData(inT, splitPeriod, step=ave_step)
xP = splitInData(inP, splitPeriod, step=ave_step)
x = np.concatenate([xT, xP], axis=1)
x = np.insert(x, 0, Wm_hist, axis=1)
x = np.insert(x, 0, Wf_hist, axis=1)
x = np.insert(x, 0, W_hist, axis=1)
x = np.insert(x, 0, LAI_hist, axis=1)
x = np.insert(x, 0, N_hist, axis=1)
return {'x':x, 'xT':xT, 'xP':xP,
'delN':delN, 'delLAI':delLAI, 'delW':delW, 'delWf':delWf, 'delWm':delWm,
'N_hist':N_hist, 'LAI_hist':LAI_hist, 'W_hist':W_hist, 'Wf_hist':Wf_hist, 'Wm_hist':Wm_hist}
def getTrain(train_startday):
step = 6 #[hour]
period = 365 * 1 * 24
traindata = TOMGRO(train_startday, get_period=period, step=step, trainmode=True) #get_period, step [hour]
return traindata
def machineL(traindata, target):
xT, xP = traindata['xT'], traindata['xP']
delY = traindata[target]
N_hist, LAI_hist, W_hist, Wf_hist, Wm_hist = traindata['N_hist'], traindata['LAI_hist'], traindata['W_hist'], traindata['Wf_hist'], traindata['Wm_hist']
x = traindata['x']
y = delY
forest = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=20), y)
return forest
def validation(forests, teststartday, target):
id = 3
testdata = TOMGRO(teststartday)
x = testdata['x']
delY = testdata[target]
addx = np.array([6.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
p, y = addx[id], addx[id] #CHANGE
P, Y = np.empty(0), np.empty(0)
i = 0
for eachx in x:
eachx = np.append(addx, eachx)
newaddx = np.empty(0)
for forest in forests:
newaddx = np.append(newaddx, forest.predict(eachx.reshape(1,-1)))
addx += newaddx
p = p + newaddx[id] #CHANGE
y = y + delY[i]
i = i + 1
P = np.append(P, p)
Y = np.append(Y, y)
dayPlot(teststartday, Y, xlabel="day", ylabel="TOMGRO")
dayPlot(teststartday, P, xlabel="day", ylabel="Predicted")
dayPlot(teststartday, np.abs(Y-P)/Y, xlabel="day", ylabel="DELTA")
plt.scatter(delY, predicted, alpha=0.3)
#return, delY)/(np.linalg.norm(predicted, ord=2)*np.linalg.norm(delY, ord=2))
return 0
train_startday = "2016/1/1 1:00"
test_startday = "2018/5/1 1:00"
#traindata = getTrain(train_startday)
forestN = machineL(traindata, 'delN')
forestLAI = machineL(traindata, 'delLAI')
forestW = machineL(traindata, 'delW')
forestWf = machineL(traindata, 'delWf')
forestWm = machineL(traindata, 'delWm')
forests = [forestN, forestLAI, forestW, forestWf,forestWm]
r = validation(forests, test_startday, 'delWf')
sumP = np.empty(0)
for i in range(p.shape[0]):
sumP = np.append(sumP, np.sum(p[0:i]))
return sumP
#Random Forest
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
def TOMGRO(startday, get_period=1, step=1, trainmode=False):
# startday:定植時刻 get_period:最終定植時刻数 step:定植時刻間隔
splitPeriod = 24 # hour
ave_step = 3
get_period = int(get_period/step)
datas = pseudoClimate('./weather_Tokyo.csv', 400)
T = datas['T']
PPFD = datas['PPFD']
xT, xP = np.empty(0), np.empty(0)
delN, delLAI, delW, delWf, delWm = np.empty(0), np.empty(0), np.empty(0), np.empty(0), np.empty(0)
N_hist, LAI_hist, W_hist, Wf_hist, Wm_hist = np.empty(0), np.empty(0), np.empty(0), np.empty(0), np.empty(0)
for i in tqdm(range(0,get_period,step)):
endday = calcDay(startday, period=100)
inT = np.array(T[startday:endday].tolist()) # ある日の1:00~99日後の1:00
inP = np.array(PPFD[startday:endday].tolist())
startday = calcHour(startday, period=step)
res = calc(inT, inP)
delN = np.append(delN, res['delN'])
delLAI = np.append(delLAI, res['delLAI'])
delW = np.append(delW, res['delW'])
delWf = np.append(delWf, res['delWf'])
delWm = np.append(delWm, res['delWm'])
N_hist = np.append(N_hist, res['N_hist'])
LAI_hist = np.append(LAI_hist, res['LAI_hist'])
W_hist = np.append(W_hist, res['W_hist'])
Wf_hist = np.append(Wf_hist, res['Wf_hist'])
Wm_hist = np.append(Wm_hist, res['Wm_hist'])
xT = np.concatenate([xT, splitInData(inT, splitPeriod, step=ave_step)])
xP = np.concatenate([xP, splitInData(inP, splitPeriod, step=ave_step)])
xT = splitInData(inT, splitPeriod, step=ave_step)
xP = splitInData(inP, splitPeriod, step=ave_step)
x = np.concatenate([xT, xP], axis=1)
x = np.insert(x, 0, Wm_hist, axis=1)
x = np.insert(x, 0, Wf_hist, axis=1)
x = np.insert(x, 0, W_hist, axis=1)
x = np.insert(x, 0, LAI_hist, axis=1)
x = np.insert(x, 0, N_hist, axis=1)
return {'x':x, 'xT':xT, 'xP':xP,
'delN':delN, 'delLAI':delLAI, 'delW':delW, 'delWf':delWf, 'delWm':delWm,
'N_hist':N_hist, 'LAI_hist':LAI_hist, 'W_hist':W_hist, 'Wf_hist':Wf_hist, 'Wm_hist':Wm_hist}
def getTrain(train_startday):
step = 6 #[hour]
period = 365 * 1 * 24
traindata = TOMGRO(train_startday, get_period=period, step=step, trainmode=True) #get_period, step [hour]
return traindata
def machineL(traindata, target):
xT, xP = traindata['xT'], traindata['xP']
delY = traindata[target]
N_hist, LAI_hist, W_hist, Wf_hist, Wm_hist = traindata['N_hist'], traindata['LAI_hist'], traindata['W_hist'], traindata['Wf_hist'], traindata['Wm_hist']
x = traindata['x']
y = delY
forest = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=20), y)
return forest
def validation(forests, teststartday, target):
id = 3
testdata = TOMGRO(teststartday)
x = testdata['x']
delY = testdata[target]
addx = np.array([6.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
p, y = addx[id], addx[id] #CHANGE
P, Y = np.empty(0), np.empty(0)
i = 0
for eachx in x:
eachx = np.append(addx, eachx)
newaddx = np.empty(0)
for forest in forests:
newaddx = np.append(newaddx, forest.predict(eachx.reshape(1,-1)))
addx += newaddx
p = p + newaddx[id] #CHANGE
y = y + delY[i]
i = i + 1
P = np.append(P, p)
Y = np.append(Y, y)
dayPlot(teststartday, Y, xlabel="day", ylabel="TOMGRO")
dayPlot(teststartday, P, xlabel="day", ylabel="Predicted")
dayPlot(teststartday, np.abs(Y-P)/Y, xlabel="day", ylabel="DELTA")
plt.scatter(delY, predicted, alpha=0.3)
#return, delY)/(np.linalg.norm(predicted, ord=2)*np.linalg.norm(delY, ord=2))
return 0
train_startday = "2016/1/1 1:00"
test_startday = "2018/5/1 1:00"
#traindata = getTrain(train_startday)
forestN = machineL(traindata, 'delN')
forestLAI = machineL(traindata, 'delLAI')
forestW = machineL(traindata, 'delW')
forestWf = machineL(traindata, 'delWf')
forestWm = machineL(traindata, 'delWm')
forests = [forestN, forestLAI, forestW, forestWf,forestWm]
r = validation(forests, test_startday, 'delWf')
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