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Last active October 8, 2015 13:37
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WordPress Widget Logic plugin code generator
These days I prefer the Dynamic Widgets plugin (, because
it can accommodate sophisticated widget display rules in a GUI that clients can use. However, the Widget Logic
plugin ( still has its place. This bit of code will add
a "Widget Logic generator" to the Widgets page, which is useful if you use this plugin and have some users
who aren't comfortable with writing the simple PHP.
I don't use it anymore, it's provided as-is and won't be developed any more - but let me know if you find a bug!
if ( is_admin() && function_exists( "widget_logic_expand_control" ) ) {
add_action( 'sidebar_admin_page', 'slt_widget_logic_generator' );
function slt_widget_logic_generator() { ?>
<div class="wrap">
<h2><?php _e( 'Widget Logic code generator' ); ?></h2>
<form action="">
<label for="wl-display"><?php _e( 'I want to...' ); ?></label>
<select id="wl-display" name="wl-display">
<option value="yes"><?php _e( 'display the widget' ); ?></option>
<option value="no"><?php _e( 'not display the widget' ); ?></option>
foreach ( array( "front", "posts", "pages", "categories" ) as $slt_object ) {
echo '<label for="wl-object-' . $slt_object . '"><input type="checkbox" name="wl-object" id="wl-object-' . $slt_object . '" value="' . $slt_object . '" />';
if ( $slt_object == "front" ) {
echo ' ' . __( 'the front page' );
} else if ( $slt_object == "categories" ) {
echo ' ' . __( 'particular category archive lists' );
} else {
echo ' ' . __( "particular", 'slt-custom' ) . ' ' . $slt_object;
echo '</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
<?php foreach ( array( "post", "page" ) as $slt_postType ) { ?>
<div id="wl-<?php echo $slt_postType; ?>s-select" style="display:none">
<label for="wl-<?php echo $slt_postType; ?>s"><?php _e( 'Select' ); ?> <?php echo $slt_postType; ?>(s)</label><br />
<select id="wl-<?php echo $slt_postType; ?>s" name="wl-<?php echo $slt_postType; ?>s" multiple="multiple" size="10" style="height:auto">
if ( $slt_postType == "post" ) {
$slt_posts = get_posts( 'numberposts=-1&posts_per_page=-1&orderby=date&order=desc' );
} else {
$slt_posts = get_pages( 'sort_column=menu_order' );
foreach ( $slt_posts as $slt_post ) {
echo '<option value="' . $slt_post->ID . '">';
if ( strlen( $slt_post->post_title ) > 50 ) {
echo substr( $slt_post->post_title, 0, 50 ) . "&hellip;";
} else {
echo $slt_post->post_title;
echo '</option>';
<?php } ?>
<div id="wl-categories-select" style="display:none">
<label for="wl-categories"><?php _e( 'Select category / categories' ); ?></label><br />
<select id="wl-categories" name="wl-categories" multiple="multiple" size="10" style="height:auto">
$slt_cats = get_categories();
foreach ( $slt_cats as $slt_cat ) {
echo '<option value="' . $slt_cat->term_id . '">';
if ( strlen( $slt_cat->name ) > 50 ) {
echo substr( $slt_cat->name, 0, 50 ) . "&hellip;";
} else {
echo $slt_cat->name;
echo '</option>';
<p><input type="button" id="wl-generate" name="wl-generate" value=" <?php _e( 'Generate Widget Logic!' ); ?> " style="font-weight:bold" /></p>
<p><input type="text" id="wl-output" name="wl-output" size="100" /></p>
<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */
jQuery( document ).ready( function($) {
$( "#wl-output" ).click( function() { $( this ).select(); });
$( "input[name='wl-object']" ).click( function() {
if ( $( this ).val() == "posts" || $( this ).val() == "pages" || $( this ).val() == "categories" ) {
if ( $( this ).is( ":checked" ) ) {
$( "#wl-" + $( this ).val() + "-select" ).slideDown( "fast" );
} else {
$( "#wl-" + $( this ).val() + "-select" ).slideUp( "fast" );
$( "#wl-generate" ).click( function() {
var output = [];
var values;
var conditional;
$( "input[name='wl-object']:checked" ).each( function() {
if ( $( this ).val() == "front" ) {
output.push( "is_front_page()" );
} else {
switch ( $( this ).val() ) {
case "posts": { conditional = "is_single"; break; }
case "pages": { conditional = "is_page"; break; }
case "categories": { conditional = "is_category"; break; }
values = $( '#wl-' + $( this ).val() + ' :selected' ).map( function() { return $(this).val(); } ).get();
output.push( conditional + "( array( " + values + " ) )" );
output = output.join( ' || ' );
if ( $( "#wl-display" ).val() == "no" ) output = "! ( " + output + " )";
$( "#wl-output" ).val( output );
/* ]]> */</script>
} // if ( function_exists( "widget_logic_expand_control" ) )
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