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Created June 13, 2023 14:48
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from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import NamedTuple, TextIO
from io import StringIO
class Point(NamedTuple):
x: int
y: int
class Edge(NamedTuple):
head: Point
tail: Point
def neighbours(point: Point) -> list[Point]:
x, y = point
return [Point(x, y - 1), Point(x, y + 1), Point(x - 1, y), Point(x + 1, y)]
# This function returns new visited edges and REMOVE new visited points from `unvisited`.
def access(unvisited: set[Point], edges: list[Edge]) -> list[Edge]:
new_visited = []
for (_, tail) in edges:
for point in neighbours(tail):
if point in unvisited:
new_visited.append(Edge(tail, point))
return new_visited
class Board:
blanks: set[Point]
start: Point
goal: Point
points: list[list[str]]
def load_board(f: TextIO):
blanks = set()
start = Point(-1, -1)
goal = Point(-1, -1)
points = []
for y, line in enumerate(f):
for x, ch in enumerate(line):
if ch == ' ':
blanks.add(Point(x, y))
if ch == 'S':
start = Point(x, y)
if ch == 'G':
goal = Point(x, y)
return Board(blanks, start, goal, points)
def main():
board_str = '''\
*S* * *
* * * * ************* *
* * * ************ *
* * *
************** ***********
* *
** ***********************
* * G *
* * *********** * *
* * ******* * *
* * *
board = load_board(StringIO(board_str))
unvisited = board.blanks | {board.goal}
new_edges = [Edge(board.start, board.start)]
segments = {}
while (new_edges := access(unvisited, new_edges)):
segments.update({e.tail: e.head for e in new_edges})
target = board.goal
while target != board.start:
target = segments[target]
board.points[target.y][target.x] = '$'
board.points[board.start.y][board.start.x] = 'S'
for line in board.points:
if __name__ == '__main__':
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