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Created September 28, 2022 07:08
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Frame chain is being re-arranged, tried to set Lamar.IoC.Instances.InstanceConstructorFrame as the 'Next
using Wolverine;
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var s = new SemaphoreSlim(1);
builder.Host.UseWolverine(opt =>
var app = builder.Build();
app.MapGet("/", () => "Hello World!");
app.MapGet("/do", async (ICommandBus bus, CancellationToken cancellationToken) =>
var commands = Enumerable.Range(1, 100).Select<int, object>(i => i % 2 == 0 ? new ExternalCommand(i) : new ExternalCommand2(i));
var results = commands.AsParallel().Select<object, Task<int>>(async c => await ProcessCommand(c, bus, cancellationToken))
.Select(t => t.Result).ToList();
return Results.Ok(results);
async Task<int> ProcessCommand(object command, ICommandBus commandBus, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// await s.WaitAsync();
// try
// {
// return await commandBus.InvokeAsync<int>(command, cancellationToken);
// }
// finally
// {
// s.Release();
// }
if (command is ExternalCommand ec)
return await commandBus.InvokeAsync<int>(ec, cancellationToken);
else if (command is ExternalCommand2 ec2)
return await commandBus.InvokeAsync<int>(ec2, cancellationToken);
return 0;
public class ExternalCommandHandler
private readonly ICommandBus commandBus;
public ExternalCommandHandler(ICommandBus commandBus)
this.commandBus = commandBus;
public async Task<int> Handle(ExternalCommand cmd, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var e = new ThingHappened(cmd.Id);
Console.WriteLine($"Handling External Command {cmd.Id}");
return await commandBus.InvokeAsync<int>(e, cancellationToken);
public class ExternalCommand2Handler
private readonly ICommandBus commandBus;
public ExternalCommand2Handler(ICommandBus commandBus)
this.commandBus = commandBus;
public async Task<int> Handle(ExternalCommand2 cmd, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var e = new ThingHappened(cmd.Id);
Console.WriteLine($"Handling External Command {cmd.Id}");
return await commandBus.InvokeAsync<int>(e, cancellationToken);
public class DomainEventHandler
private readonly ICommandBus commandBus;
public DomainEventHandler(ICommandBus commandBus)
this.commandBus = commandBus;
public async Task<int> Handle(ThingHappened ev, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var cmd = new InternalCommand(ev.Id);
Console.WriteLine($"Handling Domain Event {cmd.Id}");
return await commandBus.InvokeAsync<int>(cmd, cancellationToken);
public class InternalCommandHandler
private static Random r = new();
public async Task<int> Handle(InternalCommand cmd, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
await Task.Delay(r.Next(1, 3), cancellationToken);
Console.WriteLine($"Handling Internal Command {cmd.Id}");
return r.Next();
public sealed record ExternalCommand(int Id);
public sealed record ExternalCommand2(int Id);
public sealed record ThingHappened(int Id);
public sealed record InternalCommand(int Id);
public static class Queues
public const string External = "ext";
public const string Internal = "int";
public const string Events = "evt";
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