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Created July 31, 2016 20:46
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from __future__ import division
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
import lasagne
class MirrorPadLayer(lasagne.layers.Layer):
def __init__(self, incoming, width, batch_ndim=2, **kwargs):
super(MirrorPadLayer, self).__init__(incoming, **kwargs)
self.width = width
self.batch_ndim = batch_ndim
def get_output_for(self, input, **kwargs):
return mirror_pad(input, self.width, self.batch_ndim)
def get_output_shape_for(self, input_shape):
output_shape = list(input_shape)
for dim in range(self.batch_ndim,len(input_shape)):
output_shape[dim] = self.width[dim-self.batch_ndim]+input_shape[dim]
return output_shape
def mirror_pad(input, width, batch_ndim=2):
pad_amount = width
input_ndim = input.ndim
all_dims = [slice(None)]*input_ndim
new_shape = list(input.shape)
center = list(all_dims)
offset = [0]*input_ndim
for dim in range(batch_ndim,input_ndim):
padding = pad_amount[dim-batch_ndim]
offset[dim] = padding//2
new_shape[dim] = input.shape[dim]+offset[dim]*2
# Location to place original image
center[dim] = slice(offset[dim],offset[dim]+input.shape[dim])
new_tensor = T.zeros(new_shape)
# Place original tensor in the center
new_tensor = T.inc_subtensor(new_tensor[center], input)
for dim in range(batch_ndim,input_ndim):
off = offset[dim]
#Padding at the start of a dimension
start_padding = list(all_dims)
start_padding[dim] = slice(None,off,1)
#Padding at the end of a dimension
end_padding = list(all_dims)
end_padding[dim] = slice(new_shape[dim]-off,None,1)
#Sources of padding (reverse from the offset)
start_source = list(all_dims)
start_source[dim] = slice(off*2-1,off-1,-1)
end_source = list(all_dims)
end_source[dim] = slice(new_shape[dim]-off-1,new_shape[dim]-off*2-1,-1)
#Pad both ends of the dimensions
new_tensor = T.set_subtensor(new_tensor[start_padding], new_tensor[start_source])
#new_tensor = T.set_subtensor(new_tensor[end_padding], new_tensor[end_source])
return new_tensor
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