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Created July 19, 2012 12:09
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C# GPS location format converter
public static void ConvertDecimalToSexagesimal(decimal input, out int deg, out int min, out int sec)
if (input < 0)
input = -input;
deg = (int)input;
min = (int)Math.Round((input - deg) * 60);
sec = (int)Math.Round((((input - deg) - (decimal)min / 60) * 3600), 0);
if (sec < 0)
sec += 60;
if (sec == 60)
sec = 0;
if (min == 60)
min = 0;
public static decimal ConvertSexagesimalToDecimal(int deg, int min, int sec)
return (decimal)deg + (decimal)min / 60 + (decimal)sec / 3600;
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