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Last active December 12, 2015 06:49
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module BitVector (BitVector, unsigned, signed, width, value, toHexStr) where
import Data.Bits
import Data.Monoid
import Text.Printf
data BitVector = BV Int Integer
width :: BitVector -> Int
width (BV w _) = w
value :: Integral a => BitVector -> a
value (BV _ v) = fromIntegral v
instance Monoid BitVector where
mempty = BV 0 0
(BV wa va) `mappend` (BV wb vb) = BV (wa+wb) (va `shiftL` wb .|. vb)
unsigned :: (Integral a, Show a) => Int -> a -> BitVector
unsigned w v | w <= 0 = error $ "bit width must be greater than or equal to 1."
| v < 0 = error $ "negative value is given for unsigned."
| (1::Integer) `shiftL` w > fromIntegral v = BV w (mask w v)
| otherwise =
error $ show v ++ " is out of range of bit width " ++ show w
signed :: (Integral a, Show a) => Int -> a -> BitVector
signed w v | w <= 0 = error $ "bit width must be greater than or equal to 1."
| v < 0 &&
(1::Integer) `shiftL` (w-1) >= fromIntegral (-v) = BV w (mask w v)
| (1::Integer) `shiftL` (w-1) > fromIntegral v = BV w (mask w v)
| otherwise =
error $ show v ++ " is out of range of bit width " ++ show w
mask :: Integral a => Int -> a -> Integer
mask w v = ((1 `shiftL` w) - 1) .&. fromIntegral v
toHexStr :: BitVector -> String
toHexStr (BV width value) = printf format $ value
format = "%0" ++ show (width `div` 4) ++ "x"
module Main where
import BitVector (BitVector)
import qualified BitVector as BV
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), (<*))
import Text.Parsec (many1, option, sepBy, (<|>),
char, string, digit, spaces,
import Text.Parsec.String (Parser, parseFromFile)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Data.Monoid
data Format = Signed Int
| Unsigned Int
unsigned :: (Integral a, Read a) => Parser a
unsigned = read <$> many1 digit
signed :: (Integral a, Read a) => Parser a
signed = (*) <$> option 1 sign <*> unsigned
sign = plus <|> minus
plus = char '+' >> return 1
minus = char '-' >> return (-1)
format :: Parser Format
format = signedF <|> unsignedF
where signedF = char 's' >> Signed <$> unsigned
unsignedF = char 'u' >> Unsigned <$> unsigned
values :: Parser [Integer]
values = sepBy signed (char ',')
forms :: Parser [Format]
forms = sepBy format (char ',')
entry :: Parser [BitVector]
entry = do
vs <- values
string "::"
fs <- forms
if length vs == length fs
then return $ zipWith cons fs vs
else parserFail "The number of the values and the formats shall be equal"
cons (Signed w) = BV.signed w
cons (Unsigned w) = BV.unsigned w
readBVFromFile :: FilePath -> IO [[BitVector]]
readBVFromFile path =
either (error . show) id <$> parseFromFile (many1 $ entry <* spaces) path
main :: IO ()
main = do
[readFilePath] <- getArgs
readBVFromFile readFilePath >>=
(mapM_ putStrLn) . (map (BV.toHexStr . mconcat))
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