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Created April 12, 2011 02:43
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Iteratee implementation example by @tanakh
module Iteratee where
import Control.Applicative (Applicative, pure, (<*>))
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import System.IO (Handle, hIsEOF, hGetChar, openFile, hClose)
import System.IO (IOMode (ReadMode))
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Control.Monad ((>=>))
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadTrans, lift)
data StreamG el = Empty | El el | EOF
data IterV el a
= Done a (StreamG el)
| Cont (StreamG el -> IterV el a)
enum :: IterV el a -> [el] -> IterV el a
enum i [] = i
enum i@(Done _ _) _ = i
enum (Cont k) (x:xs) = enum (k (El x)) xs
run :: IterV el a -> Maybe a
run (Done x _) = Just x
run (Cont k) = run' (k EOF)
run' (Done x _) = Just x
run' _ = Nothing
head :: IterV el (Maybe el)
head = Cont step
step (El el) = Done (Just el) Empty
step Empty = Cont step
step EOF = Done Nothing EOF
peek :: IterV el (Maybe el)
peek = Cont step
step c@(El el) = Done (Just el) c
step Empty = Cont step
step EOF = Done Nothing EOF
drop :: Int -> IterV el ()
drop 0 = Done () Empty
drop n = Cont step
step (El _) = Iteratee.drop (n-1)
step Empty = Cont step
step EOF = Done () EOF
length :: IterV el Int
length = Cont (step 0)
step acc (El _) = Cont (step (acc+1))
step acc Empty = Cont (step acc)
step acc EOF = Done acc EOF
instance Monad (IterV el) where
return x = Done x Empty
m >>= f = case m of
Done x str -> case f x of
Done x' _ -> Done x' str
Cont k -> k str
Cont k -> Cont (\str -> k str >>= f)
instance Functor (IterV el) where
fmap f (Done x str) = Done (f x) str
fmap f (Cont k) = Cont (fmap f . k)
instance Applicative (IterV el) where
pure x = Done x Empty
(Done f str) <*> i2 = fmap f i2
(Cont k) <*> i2 = Cont (\str -> k str <*> i2)
drop1keep1 :: IterV el (Maybe el)
drop1keep1 = Iteratee.drop 1 >> Iteratee.head
alternates :: IterV el [el]
alternates = fmap catMaybes . sequence . replicate 5 $ drop1keep1
type EnumeratorM el m a = IterV el a -> m (IterV el a)
enumHandle :: Handle -> EnumeratorM Char IO a
enumHandle h iter = loop iter
loop i@(Done _ _) = return i
loop i@(Cont k) = do
isEOF <- hIsEOF h
if isEOF then return i else hGetChar h >>= loop . k . El
enumFile :: FilePath -> EnumeratorM Char IO a
enumFile fp i =
(openFile fp ReadMode)
(flip enumHandle i)
lengthOfTwoFiles :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe Int)
lengthOfTwoFiles fp1 fp2 =
fmap run $ ((enumFile fp1) >=> (enumFile fp2)) Iteratee.length
data IterVM el m a
= DoneM a (StreamG el)
| ContM (StreamG el -> Iteratee el m a)
newtype Iteratee el m a
= Iteratee { runIter :: m (IterVM el m a) }
liftIter :: Monad m => IterV el a -> Iteratee el m a
littIter (Done x str) = Iteratee . return $ DoneM x str
liftIter (Cont k) = Iteratee . return $ ContM (liftIter . k)
instance MonadTrans (Iteratee el) where
lift m = Iteratee $ m >>= \x -> return (DoneM x Empty)
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