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Campfire notifications via growl (for fluid browsers) (Updated for prototype 1.7)
// ==UserScript==
// @name Growl Notifications with messages for campfire and fluid
// @namespace
// @description If your name is mentioned in a message, a growl notification shows what was said.
// @author Tim Harper, Murray Steele (modifications for prototype 1.7)
// @homepage
// @include **
// ==/UserScript==
try { if ( typeof(Campfire) != "undefined" ) {
Campfire.window_is_focused = false;
Campfire.currentName = $('user_' +'span').innerHTML;
// hook into the onMessagesInserted function
if (typeof( Campfire.Transcript.prototype.insertMessages_without_hook ) == "undefined" ) Campfire.Transcript.prototype.insertMessages_without_hook = Campfire.Transcript.prototype.insertMessages;
Campfire.Transcript.prototype.insertMessages = function() {
try {
messages = this.insertMessages_without_hook.apply(this, arguments);
messages.each(function(message) {
if ((! Campfire.window_is_focused) && (message) ) notifyMessage(message);
return messages;
} catch(e) { notifyError(e); }
function notifyError(e)
new Insertion.Bottom('chat', "<tr><td colspan='2' style='color: red'>A Javascript Error Occurred in the campfire grease monkey script: " + e + "</td></tr>");
function notifyMessage(message)
try {
message_dom_id = "message_";
if ($(message_dom_id))
what_node = $$("#" + message_dom_id + " .body div").first();
name_node = $$("#" + message_dom_id + " .person span").first();
if (what_node && name_node) {
what = what_node.innerHTML;
name = name_node.innerHTML;
growler.sendMessage(document.title, name, what)
} catch(e) { notifyError(e) }
Event.observe(window, 'blur', function() { Campfire.window_is_focused = false; });
Event.observe(window, 'focus', function() { Campfire.window_is_focused = true; });
Object.extend(String.prototype, {
stripHTML: function() { return(this.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, '').gsub("&gt;", ">").gsub("&lt;", "<").gsub("&amp;", "&")); }
Growler = Class.create();
Growler.prototype = {
initialize: function() { = $('room_name').innerHTML;
this.room_id =[^a-z0-9]/, "");
this.saveRoomSettings(); // Keep the cookie alive
matchesTrigger: function(message) {
matcher = this.room_settings.get("trigger").strip();
if (matcher.empty()) return false
if (contents = /^\/(.+)\/([a-z]*)$/i.exec(matcher))
matcher = new RegExp(contents[1], contents[2]);
matcher = new RegExp("\\b" + matcher + "\\b", "i");
if (matcher.exec(message)) return true;
return false;
growlFor: function(message) {
if (this.room_settings.get("growl_when") == "always") return true;
if (this.matchesTrigger(message)) return true;
return false;
sendMessage: function(title, name, message) {
if (! this.growlFor(message)) return false;
alert_message = new String(name + ": " + message).stripHTML();
title: title,
description: alert_message,
priority: 2,
sticky: this.matchesTrigger(message)
showConfigForm: function() {
if ($('growl_config_div')) $('growl_config_div').remove();
new Insertion.After('participants', "\
<div id='growl_config_div'>\
<div id='debug'></div>\
<form id='growl_form' style='font-size: 10px'>\
<div><input type='radio' name='growl_when' id='growl_when_always' value='always' /> Always, but stick on trigger</div>\
<div><input type='radio' name='growl_when' id='growl_when_on_name' value='on_name' /> Only on trigger</div>\
<div>Trigger: <input type='text' name='trigger' id='growl_trigger'/></div>\
that = this;
$w("growl_when_always growl_when_on_name growl_trigger").each( function(e_id) {
Event.observe(e_id, 'change', function(e) { this.extractSettings() }.bindAsEventListener(that))
populateSettings: function() {
if (this.room_settings.get("growl_when") == "always")
$('growl_when_always').checked = true
$('growl_when_on_name').checked = true
$('growl_trigger').value = this.room_settings.get("trigger");
extractSettings: function() {
this.room_settings = $H(Form.serialize('growl_form', true));
saveRoomSettings: function() {
setCookie("growl_settings_" + this.room_id, Object.toJSON(this.room_settings), 14);
loadRoomSettings: function() {
if (serialized_settings = getCookie("growl_settings_" + this.room_id))
eval("this.room_settings = $H(" + serialized_settings + ");");
this.room_settings = $H({
growl_when: 'always',
trigger: Campfire.currentName
function setCookie(name, value, days) {
expire_str = days ? ";expires="+(new Date(new Date().getTime() + days*24*60*60*1000)).toGMTString() : ""
document.cookie = (name + "=" + escape(value)) + (expire_str);
function getCookie(name) {
return $A(document.cookie.split(";")).map(function(c) {
parts = c.split("=")
if (parts[0].toString().strip()==name)
return unescape(parts[1]);
growler = new Growler();
} } catch(e) { new Insertion.After('participants', e); }
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rwilcox commented Oct 22, 2013

Thank you, thank you! This userscript works (for me) with Campfire as of this date (Oct 2013)

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