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Created November 16, 2010 21:32
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Feature: Allowing users to vote for an answer
As a visitor to the FAQ site
I want to be able to vote for the answer I think is best
In order to crowd-source the question having the most relevant answer
Scenario: I can vote for an answer
Given there is a question "What is jam?"
And it has been answered "Lovely sticky fruit stuff, best smeared on toast"
And it has been answered "A problem with too much traffic"
When I am on the page for question "What is jam?"
Then I should see "0 votes" for the answer "Lovely sticky fruit stuff, best smeared on toast"
And I should see "0 votes" for the answer "A problem with too much traffic"
When I press the "+" voting button for "Lovely sticky fruit stuff, best smeared on toast"
Then I should see "Vote accepted"
And I should see "1 vote" for the answer "Lovely sticky fruit stuff, best smeared on toast"
And I should see "0 votes" for the answer "A problem with too much traffic"
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