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Created March 5, 2011 07:16
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Vim - Levenshtein Distance
function! lib#string#levenshtein_distance(str1, str2)
let str1_chars = split(a:str1, '\zs') | let str1_len = len(str1_chars)
let str2_chars = split(a:str2, '\zs') | let str2_len = len(str2_chars)
let matrix = []
let y = 0
while y <= str2_len
let row = range(0, str1_len)
let row[0] = y
call add(matrix, row)
let y += 1
let y = 1
while y <= str2_len
let x = 1
while x <= str1_len
let cost = !(str1_chars[x - 1] ==# str2_chars[y - 1])
let matrix[y][x] = min([
\ matrix[y][x - 1] + 1,
\ matrix[y - 1][x] + 1,
\ matrix[y - 1][x - 1] + cost,
\ ])
let x += 1
let y += 1
return matrix[str2_len][str1_len]
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