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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Google Phone Number Assignment
Phone numbers are assigned to all the customers (in Canada, where
the phone number format is xxx xxx xxxx). We have three functions to do:
* isTaken? : is this number taken?
* iGaveOut : takes a number and marks it as taken.
* giveMeNumber : takes no arguments and returns a random number not taken.
Describe a data structure that can accomplish these functions
in the fastest possible time.
// This solution presents a Trie as the selected data structure.
// Assuming a constant size of a phone number, we achieve constant time
// for all three functions. This has space implications (time was favoured).
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.Math.*;
class Telecomm
public static void main(String[] args) {
Telecommunication tc = new Telecommunication();
class Telecommunication
Trie t;
int phoneNumLength = 10;
public Telecommunication() {
t = new Trie(0, phoneNumLength);
public boolean isTaken(String number) {
Trie tr = t;
for(int i = 0; i < phoneNumLength; i++) {
int digit = Character.getNumericValue(number.charAt(i));
// If that part of the Trie doesn't exist, the number isn't taken
if(tr.isEmpty(digit)) {
return false;
} else if(tr.isFull()) {
// If it's full, it's definitely taken
return true;
// Go to the next level of the Trie otherwise
tr = tr.num[digit];
// The number exists in the Trie if we have got this far
return true;
public void iGaveOut(String number) {
Trie tr = t;
for(int i = 0; i < phoneNumLength; i++) {
int digit = Character.getNumericValue(number.charAt(i));
// If that part of the Trie doesn't exist, we need to create it
if(tr.isEmpty(digit)) {
tr.num[digit] = new Trie(tr.level + 1, phoneNumLength);
// Mark that it has an additional leaf and proceed
tr = tr.num[digit];
public String giveMeNumber() {
Trie tr = t;
String number = "";
for(int i = 0; i < phoneNumLength; i++) {
// Finding a suitable digit
for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
// If that part of the Trie doesn't exist, we can use the left trees
if(tr.isEmpty(j)) {
number += Integer.toString(j);
// and we are done
return addZeroes(number);
} else if(!tr.isFull()) {
// Go down the next part of the Trie
// if there is a candidate number (not full)
number += Integer.toString(j);
tr = tr.num[j];
// If the tree is full, we go to the next iteration
// Assertion
if(isTaken(number)) {
System.err.println("ERROR: Giving a number that is taken");
return number;
// Append zeros to the string until it is the length of the phone number
private String addZeroes(String number) {
while(number.length() < phoneNumLength) {
number += "0";
return number;
// Debugging mechanism
public void printTrie(Trie tr) {
if(tr == null) {
for(int i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
if(!tr.isEmpty(i)) {
System.out.println("Level: " + tr.level);
class Trie
Trie[] num;
int level;
int childrenTaken;
int length;
public Trie(int level_, int length_) {
num = new Trie[10];
level = level_;
length = length_;
childrenTaken = 0;
public void addChild() {
// Is this part of the Trie full?
public boolean isFull() {
// Base case at the last level of the Trie
if(level == length-1) {
return true;
return ((int) Math.pow(10, (length-1)-level)) == childrenTaken;
// Is this part of the Trie empty?
public boolean isEmpty(int dig) {
return (num[dig] == null);
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