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Last active October 21, 2015 23:01
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Given a sentence and a screen specification, find out how many duplications are possible without word breaks
Given a text with N words (a_1 ... a_N), and a very large textual screen of
width C chars and height L lines (C & L may be much larger than N).
How many times would the text fully fit on the screen if words cannot be broken?
Text = "this is an example"
C = 15
L = 5
textOnScreen(text, c, l) = 3
this is an
example this is
an example this
is an example
this is an
import java.util.*;
class TextDuplicator
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
int charLim = sc.nextInt();
int lines = sc.nextInt();
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();
while(sc.hasNext()) {
text.append(" ");
text.deleteCharAt(text.length() - 1);
System.out.println(textOnScreen(text.toString(), charLim, lines));
public static int textOnScreen(String text, int charLimit, int lines) {
text = text.trim();
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
int start = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) {
// Add the word when we see a space
if(text.charAt(i) == ' ') {
list.add(text.substring(start, i));
// Set start as the character after space
// ASSUMPTION: No consecutive whitespace
start = i+1;
// Add the final word to the list
list.add(text.substring(start, text.length()));
String[] words = new String[list.size()];
words = list.toArray(words);
int count = 0;
int curWord = 0;
// We assume text wrapping where spaces between lines are discarded
for(int i = 0; i < lines; i++) {
int curLineLen = 0;
while(words[curWord].length() + curLineLen <= charLimit) {
// Add the word since we can
curLineLen += words[curWord].length();
// If we have reached the end of the text
if(curWord == words.length) {
// Start again and mark that we added it more than once
curWord = 0;
// Account for the space after it
return count;
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