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Forked from stefanprodan/Backup-Postgres.ps1
Created November 6, 2019 15:41
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PostgreSQL cluster base backup automation made easy with PowerShell and Windows Task Scheduler or PgAgent. This script does the following: checks if there is enough free space to make a new backup (based on the last backup size), purges expired backups, creates a new folder for each backup, calls pb_basebackup to begin a tar gzip backup of every…
## PostgreSQL base backup automation
## Author: Stefan Prodan
## Date : 20 Oct 2014
## Company:
# path settings
$BackupRoot = 'C:\Database\Backup';
$BackupLabel = (Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd_HHmmss');
# pg_basebackup settings
$PgBackupExe = 'C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin\pg_basebackup.exe';
$PgUser = 'postgres';
# purge settings
$ExpireDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(-7);
# log settings
$EventSource = 'pg_basebackup';
# log erros to Windows Application Event Log
function Log([string] $message, [System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType] $type){
# create EventLog source
if (![System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::SourceExists($EventSource)){
New-Eventlog -LogName 'Application' -Source $EventSource;
# write to EventLog
Write-EventLog -LogName 'Application'`
-Source $EventSource -EventId 1 -EntryType $type -Message $message;
# remove expired backups
function Purge([string] $backupRoot, [DateTime] $expireDate){
# remove old files
Get-ChildItem -Path $backupRoot -Recurse -Force -File |
Where-Object { $_.CreationTime -lt $expireDate } |
Remove-Item -Force;
# remove old dirs
Get-ChildItem -Path $backupRoot -Recurse -Force -Directory |
Where-Object { (Get-ChildItem -Path $_.FullName -Recurse -Force -File) -eq $null } |
Where-Object { $_.CreationTime -lt $expireDate } |
Remove-Item -Force -Recurse;
# check free space based on last backup size if destination is local
function CheckDiskSpace([string] $backupRoot){
$currentDrive = Split-Path -qualifier $backupRoot;
$logicalDisk = Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk -filter "DeviceID = '$currentDrive'";
if ($logicalDisk.DriveType -eq 3){
# get free space
$freeSpace = $logicalDisk.FreeSpace;
# calculate last backup size
$lastBackup = Get-ChildItem -Directory $backupRoot | sort CreationTime -desc | select -f 1;
$lastBackupDir = Join-Path $backupRoot $lastBackup;
$totalSize = Get-ChildItem -path $lastBackupDir | Measure-Object -property length -sum;
# space check
if($totalSize.sum -ge $freeSpace){
# format error message
$sizeMB = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalSize.sum / 1MB) + " MB";
$spaceError = "Not enough free space to backup on $backupRoot last backup $lastBackup was $sizeMB";
# log and break execution
Log $spaceError Error;
Exit 1;
$BackupDir = Join-Path $BackupRoot $BackupLabel;
$PgBackupErrorLog = Join-Path $BackupRoot ($BackupLabel + '-tmp.log');
# check free space
CheckDiskSpace $BackupRoot;
# create backup dir
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $BackupDir;
# execution time
$StartTS = (Get-Date);
# start pg_basebackup
Start-Process $PgBackupExe -ArgumentList "-D $BackupDir", "-Ft", "-z", "-x", "-R", "-U $PgUser"`
-Wait -NoNewWindow -RedirectStandardError $PgBackupErrorLog;
Write-Error $_.Exception.Message;
Log $_.Exception.Message Error;
Exit 1;
# check pg_basebackup output
If (Test-Path $PgBackupErrorLog){
# read errors
$errors = Get-Content $PgBackupErrorLog;
If($errors -eq $null){
# backup successful, purge old backups
Purge $BackupRoot $ExpireDate;
# write error to Event Log
Log $errors Error;
# delete tmp error log
Remove-Item $PgBackupErrorLog -Force;
# Log backup duration
$ElapsedTime = $(get-date) - $StartTS;
Log "Backup done in $($ElapsedTime.TotalMinutes) minutes" Information;
# Create pgpass.conf file in C:\Users\PG-USER\AppData\Roaming\postgresql
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