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hlsl Noise generator functions
Most of this code hasn't been made by me (maybe partially tweaked to fit) and just collected those snippets from many sources
across the internet. I haven't saved some of the original author names and all the credits
should go to them. I'm pretty some of you may find optimizations to them, feel free to leave a comment.
HPlass ( - 2020
/* glsl style mod because of missmatch issues:
mod(1.5, 1) == 0.5 // glsl mod +, + = +
fmod(1.5, 1) == 0.5 // hlsl fmod +, + = +
mod(-1.5, -1) == -0.5 // glsl mod -, - = -
fmod(-1.5, -1) == -0.5 // hlsl fmod -, - = -
mod(-1.5, 1) == 0.5 // glsl mod -, + = +
fmod(-1.5, 1) == -0.5 // hlsl fmod -, + = -
mod(1.5, -1) == -0.5 // glsl mod +, - = -
fmod(1.5, -1) == 0.5 // hlsl fmod +, - = +
// and the real kicker
mod(-1.25, 1) == 0.75
fmod(-1.25, 1) == -0.25
#define mod(x, y) (x - y * floor(x / y))
float lt(float a, float b){ return a<b?1.0:0.0;}
float lessThan(float a, float b){ return lt(a,b); }
float2 lessThan(float2 a, float2 b){ return float2(lt(a.x,b.x),lt(a.y,b.y) );}
float3 lessThan(float3 a, float3 b){ return float3(lt(a.x,b.x),lt(a.y,b.y),lt(a.z,b.z) );}
float4 lessThan(float4 a, float4 b){ return float4(lt(a.x,b.x),lt(a.y,b.y),lt(a.z,b.z),lt(a.w,b.w) );}
// Generic 1,2,3 Noise
float rand1(float n) { return frac(sin(n) * 43758.5453123); }
float rand2(float2 n) { return frac(sin(dot(n, float2(12.9898, 4.1414))) * 43758.5453); }
// NDimensionalRandom
float rand4dTo1d(float4 value, float4 dotDir = float4(12.9898, 78.233, 37.719, 17.4265)){
float4 smallValue = sin(value);
float random = dot(smallValue, dotDir);
random = frac(sin(random) * 143758.5453);
return random;
//get a scalar random value from a 3d value
float rand3dTo1d(float3 value, float3 dotDir = float3(12.9898, 78.233, 37.719)){
//make value smaller to avoid artefacts
float3 smallValue = sin(value);
//get scalar value from 3d vector
float random = dot(smallValue, dotDir);
//make value more random by making it bigger and then taking the factional part
random = frac(sin(random) * 143758.5453);
return random;
float rand2dTo1d(float2 value, float2 dotDir = float2(12.9898, 78.233)){
float2 smallValue = sin(value);
float random = dot(smallValue, dotDir);
random = frac(sin(random) * 143758.5453);
return random;
float rand1dTo1d(float3 value, float mutator = 0.546){
float random = frac(sin(value + mutator) * 143758.5453);
return random;
//to 2d functions
float2 rand3dTo2d(float3 value){
return float2(
rand3dTo1d(value, float3(12.989, 78.233, 37.719)),
rand3dTo1d(value, float3(39.346, 11.135, 83.155))
float2 rand2dTo2d(float2 value){
return float2(
rand2dTo1d(value, float2(12.989, 78.233)),
rand2dTo1d(value, float2(39.346, 11.135))
float2 rand1dTo2d(float value){
return float2(
rand2dTo1d(value, 3.9812),
rand2dTo1d(value, 7.1536)
//to 3d functions
float3 rand3dTo3d(float3 value){
return float3(
rand3dTo1d(value, float3(12.989, 78.233, 37.719)),
rand3dTo1d(value, float3(39.346, 11.135, 83.155)),
rand3dTo1d(value, float3(73.156, 52.235, 09.151))
float3 rand2dTo3d(float2 value){
return float3(
rand2dTo1d(value, float2(12.989, 78.233)),
rand2dTo1d(value, float2(39.346, 11.135)),
rand2dTo1d(value, float2(73.156, 52.235))
float3 rand1dTo3d(float value){
return float3(
rand1dTo1d(value, 3.9812),
rand1dTo1d(value, 7.1536),
rand1dTo1d(value, 5.7241)
// to 4d // TEMP
float4 rand4dTo4d(float4 value){
return float4(
rand4dTo1d(value, float4(12.989, 78.233, 37.719, -12.15)),
rand4dTo1d(value, float4(39.346, 11.135, 83.155, -11.44)),
rand4dTo1d(value, float4(73.156, 52.235, 09.151, 62.463)),
rand4dTo1d(value, float4(-12.15, 12.235, 41.151, -1.135))
float gnoise(float p){
float fl = floor(p);
float fc = frac(p);
return lerp(rand1(fl), rand1(fl + 1.0), fc);
float gnoise(float2 n) {
const float2 d = float2(0.0, 1.0);
float2 b = floor(n),
f = smoothstep(d.xx, d.yy, frac(n));
//float2 f = frac(n);
//f = f*f*(3.0-2.0*f);
float x = lerp(rand2(b), rand2(b + d.yx), f.x),
y = lerp(rand2(b + d.xy), rand2(b + d.yy), f.x);
return lerp( x, y, f.y );
float mod289(float x) { return x - floor(x * (1.0 / 289.0)) * 289.0;}
float4 mod289(float4 x){ return x - floor(x * (1.0 / 289.0)) * 289.0;}
float4 perm(float4 x) { return mod289(((x * 34.0) + 1.0) * x);}
float gnoise(float3 p){
float3 a = floor(p);
float3 d = p - a;
d = d * d * (3.0 - 2.0 * d);
float4 b = a.xxyy + float4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
float4 k1 = perm(b.xyxy);
float4 k2 = perm(k1.xyxy + b.zzww);
float4 c = k2 + a.zzzz;
float4 k3 = perm(c);
float4 k4 = perm(c + 1.0);
float4 o1 = frac(k3 * (1.0 / 41.0));
float4 o2 = frac(k4 * (1.0 / 41.0));
float4 o3 = o2 * d.z + o1 * (1.0 - d.z);
float2 o4 = o3.yw * d.x + o3.xz * (1.0 - d.x);
return o4.y * d.y + o4.x * (1.0 - d.y);
// <>
// By Morgan McGuire @morgan3d,
float hash(float n) { return frac(sin(n) * 1e4); }
float hash(float2 p) { return frac(1e4 * sin(17.0 * p.x + p.y * 0.1) * (0.1 + abs(sin(p.y * 13.0 + p.x)))); }
float noise(float x) {
float i = floor(x);
float f = frac(x);
float u = f * f * (3.0 - 2.0 * f);
return lerp(hash(i), hash(i + 1.0), u);
float noise(float2 x) {
float2 i = floor(x);
float2 f = frac(x);
// Four corners in 2D of a tile
float a = hash(i);
float b = hash(i + float2(1.0, 0.0));
float c = hash(i + float2(0.0, 1.0));
float d = hash(i + float2(1.0, 1.0));
// Simple 2D lerp using smoothstep envelope between the values.
// return float3(lerp(lerp(a, b, smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, f.x)),
// lerp(c, d, smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, f.x)),
// smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, f.y)));
// Same code, with the clamps in smoothstep and common subexpressions
// optimized away.
float2 u = f * f * (3.0 - 2.0 * f);
return lerp(a, b, u.x) + (c - a) * u.y * (1.0 - u.x) + (d - b) * u.x * u.y;
// This one has non-ideal tiling properties that I'm still tuning
float noise(float3 x) {
const float3 step = float3(110, 241, 171);
float3 i = floor(x);
float3 f = frac(x);
// For performance, compute the base input to a 1D hash from the integer part of the argument and the
// incremental change to the 1D based on the 3D -> 1D wrapping
float n = dot(i, step);
float3 u = f * f * (3.0 - 2.0 * f);
return lerp(lerp(lerp( hash(n + dot(step, float3(0, 0, 0))), hash(n + dot(step, float3(1, 0, 0))), u.x),
lerp( hash(n + dot(step, float3(0, 1, 0))), hash(n + dot(step, float3(1, 1, 0))), u.x), u.y),
lerp(lerp( hash(n + dot(step, float3(0, 0, 1))), hash(n + dot(step, float3(1, 0, 1))), u.x),
lerp( hash(n + dot(step, float3(0, 1, 1))), hash(n + dot(step, float3(1, 1, 1))), u.x), u.y), u.z);
// Simplex Noise
// Simplex 2D noise
float permute(float x) { return floor(mod(((x*34.0)+1.0)*x, 289.0)); }
float3 permute(float3 x) { return mod(((x*34.0)+1.0)*x, 289.0); }
float4 permute(float4 x){ return mod(((x*34.0)+1.0)*x, 289.0); }
float taylorInvSqrt(float r){return 1.79284291400159 - 0.85373472095314 * r;}
float4 taylorInvSqrt(float4 r){ return float4( taylorInvSqrt(r.x), taylorInvSqrt(r.y), taylorInvSqrt(r.z), taylorInvSqrt(r.w) ); }
float snoise(float2 v){
const float4 C = float4(0.211324865405187, 0.366025403784439,-0.577350269189626, 0.024390243902439);
float2 i = floor(v + dot(v, C.yy) );
float2 x0 = v - i + dot(i, C.xx);
float2 i1;
i1 = (x0.x > x0.y) ? float2(1.0, 0.0) : float2(0.0, 1.0);
float4 x12 = x0.xyxy + C.xxzz;
x12.xy -= i1;
i = mod(i, 289.0);
float3 p = permute( permute( i.y + float3(0.0, i1.y, 1.0 )) + i.x + float3(0.0, i1.x, 1.0 ));
float3 m = max(0.5 - float3(dot(x0,x0), dot(x12.xy,x12.xy), dot(,, 0.0);
m = m*m ;
m = m*m ;
float3 x = 2.0 * frac(p * C.www) - 1.0;
float3 h = abs(x) - 0.5;
float3 ox = floor(x + 0.5);
float3 a0 = x - ox;
m *= 1.79284291400159 - 0.85373472095314 * ( a0*a0 + h*h );
float3 g;
g.x = a0.x * x0.x + h.x * x0.y;
g.yz = a0.yz * x12.xz + h.yz * x12.yw;
return 130.0 * dot(m, g);
// Simplex 3D Noise
// by Ian McEwan, Ashima Arts
float snoise(float3 v){
const float2 C = float2(1.0/6.0, 1.0/3.0) ;
const float4 D = float4(0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0);
// First corner
float3 i = floor(v + dot(v, C.yyy) );
float3 x0 = v - i + dot(i, ;
// Other corners
float3 g = step(x0.yzx,;
float3 l = 1.0 - g;
float3 i1 = min(, l.zxy );
float3 i2 = max(, l.zxy );
// x0 = x0 - 0. + 0.0 * C
float3 x1 = x0 - i1 + 1.0 *;
float3 x2 = x0 - i2 + 2.0 *;
float3 x3 = x0 - 1. + 3.0 *;
// Permutations
i = mod(i, 289.0 );
float4 p = permute( permute( permute(
i.z + float4(0.0, i1.z, i2.z, 1.0 ))
+ i.y + float4(0.0, i1.y, i2.y, 1.0 ))
+ i.x + float4(0.0, i1.x, i2.x, 1.0 ));
// Gradients
// ( N*N points uniformly over a square, mapped onto an octahedron.)
float n_ = 1.0/7.0; // N=7
float3 ns = n_ * D.wyz - D.xzx;
float4 j = p - 49.0 * floor(p * ns.z *ns.z); // mod(p,N*N)
float4 x_ = floor(j * ns.z);
float4 y_ = floor(j - 7.0 * x_ ); // mod(j,N)
float4 x = x_ *ns.x + ns.yyyy;
float4 y = y_ *ns.x + ns.yyyy;
float4 h = 1.0 - abs(x) - abs(y);
float4 b0 = float4( x.xy, y.xy );
float4 b1 = float4(, );
float4 s0 = floor(b0)*2.0 + 1.0;
float4 s1 = floor(b1)*2.0 + 1.0;
float4 sh = -step(h, float4(0,0,0,0));
float4 a0 = b0.xzyw + s0.xzyw*sh.xxyy ;
float4 a1 = b1.xzyw + s1.xzyw*sh.zzww ;
float3 p0 = float3(a0.xy,h.x);
float3 p1 = float3(,h.y);
float3 p2 = float3(a1.xy,h.z);
float3 p3 = float3(,h.w);
//Normalise gradients
float4 norm = taylorInvSqrt(float4(dot(p0,p0), dot(p1,p1), dot(p2, p2), dot(p3,p3)));
p0 *= norm.x;
p1 *= norm.y;
p2 *= norm.z;
p3 *= norm.w;
// lerp final noise value
float4 m = max(0.6 - float4(dot(x0,x0), dot(x1,x1), dot(x2,x2), dot(x3,x3)), 0.0);
m = m * m;
return 42.0 * dot( m*m, float4( dot(p0,x0), dot(p1,x1),
dot(p2,x2), dot(p3,x3) ) );
// Simplex 4D Noise
// by Ian McEwan, Ashima Arts
float4 grad4(float j, float4 ip){
const float4 ones = float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0);
float4 p,s; = floor( frac(float3(j,j,j) * * 7.0) * ip.z - 1.0;
p.w = 1.5 - dot(abs(,;
s = float4(lessThan(p, float4(0,0,0,0))); = + (*2.0 - 1.0) * s.www;
return p;
float snoise(float4 v){
const float2 C = float2( 0.138196601125010504, // (5 - sqrt(5))/20 G4
0.309016994374947451); // (sqrt(5) - 1)/4 F4
// First corner
float4 i = floor(v + dot(v, C.yyyy) );
float4 x0 = v - i + dot(i, C.xxxx);
// Other corners
// Rank sorting originally contributed by Bill Licea-Kane, AMD (formerly ATI)
float4 i0;
float3 isX = step( x0.yzw, );
float3 isYZ = step( x0.zww, x0.yyz );
// i0.x = dot( isX, float3( 1.0 ) );
i0.x = isX.x + isX.y + isX.z;
i0.yzw = 1.0 - isX;
// i0.y += dot( isYZ.xy, float2( 1.0 ) );
i0.y += isYZ.x + isYZ.y; += 1.0 - isYZ.xy;
i0.z += isYZ.z;
i0.w += 1.0 - isYZ.z;
// i0 now contains the unique values 0,1,2,3 in each channel
float4 i3 = clamp( i0, 0.0, 1.0 );
float4 i2 = clamp( i0-1.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
float4 i1 = clamp( i0-2.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
// x0 = x0 - 0.0 + 0.0 * C
float4 x1 = x0 - i1 + 1.0 * C.xxxx;
float4 x2 = x0 - i2 + 2.0 * C.xxxx;
float4 x3 = x0 - i3 + 3.0 * C.xxxx;
float4 x4 = x0 - 1.0 + 4.0 * C.xxxx;
// Permutations
i = mod(i, 289.0);
float j0 = permute( permute( permute( permute(i.w) + i.z) + i.y) + i.x);
float4 j1 = permute( permute( permute( permute (
i.w + float4(i1.w, i2.w, i3.w, 1.0 ))
+ i.z + float4(i1.z, i2.z, i3.z, 1.0 ))
+ i.y + float4(i1.y, i2.y, i3.y, 1.0 ))
+ i.x + float4(i1.x, i2.x, i3.x, 1.0 ));
// Gradients
// ( 7*7*6 points uniformly over a cube, mapped onto a 4-octahedron.)
// 7*7*6 = 294, which is close to the ring size 17*17 = 289.
float4 ip = float4(1.0/294.0, 1.0/49.0, 1.0/7.0, 0.0) ;
float4 p0 = grad4(j0, ip);
float4 p1 = grad4(j1.x, ip);
float4 p2 = grad4(j1.y, ip);
float4 p3 = grad4(j1.z, ip);
float4 p4 = grad4(j1.w, ip);
// Normalise gradients
float4 norm = taylorInvSqrt(float4(dot(p0,p0), dot(p1,p1), dot(p2, p2), dot(p3,p3)));
p0 *= norm.x;
p1 *= norm.y;
p2 *= norm.z;
p3 *= norm.w;
p4 *= taylorInvSqrt(dot(p4,p4));
// lerp contributions from the five corners
float3 m0 = max(0.6 - float3(dot(x0,x0), dot(x1,x1), dot(x2,x2)), 0.0);
float2 m1 = max(0.6 - float2(dot(x3,x3), dot(x4,x4) ), 0.0);
m0 = m0 * m0;
m1 = m1 * m1;
return 49.0 * ( dot(m0*m0, float3( dot( p0, x0 ), dot( p1, x1 ), dot( p2, x2 )))
+ dot(m1*m1, float2( dot( p3, x3 ), dot( p4, x4 ) ) ) ) ;
// <>
// by Nikita Miropolskiy
/* discontinuous pseudorandom uniformly distributed in [-0.5, +0.5]^3 */
float3 rand3(float3 c) {
float j = 4096.0*sin(dot(c,float3(17.0, 59.4, 15.0)));
float3 r;
r.z = frac(512.0*j);
j *= .125;
r.x = frac(512.0*j);
j *= .125;
r.y = frac(512.0*j);
return r-0.5;
float _snoise(float3 p) {
const float F3 = 0.3333333;
const float G3 = 0.1666667;
float3 s = floor(p + dot(p, float3(F3,F3,F3)));
float3 x = p - s + dot(s, float3(G3,G3,G3));
float3 e = step(float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), x - x.yzx);
float3 i1 = e*(1.0 - e.zxy);
float3 i2 = 1.0 - e.zxy*(1.0 - e);
float3 x1 = x - i1 + G3;
float3 x2 = x - i2 + 2.0*G3;
float3 x3 = x - 1.0 + 3.0*G3;
float4 w, d;
w.x = dot(x, x);
w.y = dot(x1, x1);
w.z = dot(x2, x2);
w.w = dot(x3, x3);
w = max(0.6 - w, 0.0);
d.x = dot(rand3(s), x);
d.y = dot(rand3(s + i1), x1);
d.z = dot(rand3(s + i2), x2);
d.w = dot(rand3(s + 1.0), x3);
w *= w;
w *= w;
d *= w;
return dot(d, float4(52.0,52.0,52.0,52.0));
float snoisefracal(float3 m) {
return 0.5333333* _snoise(m)
+0.2666667* _snoise(2.0*m)
+0.1333333* _snoise(4.0*m)
+0.0666667* _snoise(8.0*m);
// NormalMap Noise
float3 normalNoise(float2 _st, float _zoom, float _speed){
float time = GlobalWorldTime;
float2 v1 = _st;
float2 v2 = _st;
float2 v3 = _st;
float expon = pow(10.0, _zoom*2.0);
v1 /= 1.0*expon;
v2 /= 0.62*expon;
v3 /= 0.83*expon;
float n = time*_speed;
float nr = (snoise(float3(v1, n)) + snoise(float3(v2, n)) + snoise(float3(v3, n))) / 6.0 + 0.5;
n = time * _speed + 1000.0;
float ng = (snoise(float3(v1, n)) + snoise(float3(v2, n)) + snoise(float3(v3, n))) / 6.0 + 0.5;
return float3(nr,ng,0.5);
// fracional Brownian motion
// <>
// by inigo quilez <>
float3 hash3( float2 p ){
float3 q = float3( dot(p,float2(127.1,311.7)),
dot(p,float2(419.2,371.9)) );
return frac(sin(q)*43758.5453);
float iqnoise( in float2 x, float u, float v ){
float2 p = floor(x);
float2 f = frac(x);
float k = 1.0+63.0*pow(1.0-v,4.0);
float va = 0.0;
float wt = 0.0;
for( int j=-2; j<=2; j++ )
for( int i=-2; i<=2; i++ )
float2 g = float2( float(i),float(j) );
float3 o = hash3( p + g )*float3(u,u,1.0);
float2 r = g - f + o.xy;
float d = dot(r,r);
float ww = pow( 1.0-smoothstep(0.0,1.414,sqrt(d)), k );
va += o.z*ww;
wt += ww;
return va/wt;
// by Pietro De Nicola
#define OCTAVES 1 // 7
#define SWITCH_TIME 60.0 // seconds
const float t = time/SWITCH_TIME;
const float function = mod(t,4.0);
const bool multiply_by_F1 = mod(t,8.0) >= 4.0;
const bool inverse = mod(t,16.0) >= 8.0;
const float distance_type = mod(t/16.0,4.0);
float2 hash2( float2 p ){
p = float2( dot(p,float2(127.1,311.7)),dot(p,float2(269.5,183.3)));
return frac(sin(p)*43758.5453);
float voronoi( in float2 x ){
const float t = GlobalWorldTime/SWITCH_TIME;
const float function = mod(t,4.0);
const bool multiply_by_F1 = mod(t,8.0) >= 4.0;
const bool inverse = mod(t,16.0) >= 8.0;
const float distance_type = mod(t/16.0,4.0);
float2 n = floor( x );
float2 f = frac( x );
float F1 = 8.0;
float F2 = 8.0;
for( int j=-1; j<=1; j++ )
for( int i=-1; i<=1; i++ ){
float2 g = float2(i,j);
float2 o = hash2( n + g );
o = 0.5 + 0.41*sin( GlobalWorldTime + 6.2831*o );
float2 r = g - f + o;
float d = distance_type < 1.0 ? dot(r,r) : // euclidean^2
distance_type < 2.0 ? sqrt(dot(r,r)) : // euclidean
distance_type < 3.0 ? abs(r.x) + abs(r.y) : // manhattan
distance_type < 4.0 ? max(abs(r.x), abs(r.y)) : // chebyshev
if( d<F1 ) {
F2 = F1;
F1 = d;
} else if( d<F2 ) {
F2 = d;
float c = function < 1.0 ? F1 :
function < 2.0 ? F2 :
function < 3.0 ? F2-F1 :
function < 4.0 ? (F1+F2)/2.0 :
if( multiply_by_F1 ) c *= F1;
if( inverse ) c = 1.0 - c;
return c;
float vfbm( in float2 p ){
float s = 0.0;
float m = 0.0;
float a = 0.5;
for( int i=0; i<OCTAVES; i++ ){
s += a * voronoi(p);
m += a;
a *= 0.5;
p *= 2.0;
return s/m;
// Use:
// float2 p = gl_FragCoord.xy/iResolution.xx;
// float c = POWER*vfbm( SCALE*p ) + BIAS;
// NormalMap Noise
#define NUM_OCTAVES 5
float fbm(float x) {
float v = 0.0;
float a = 0.5;
float shift = float(100);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OCTAVES; ++i) {
v += a * noise(x);
x = x * 2.0 + shift;
a *= 0.5;
return v;
float fbm(float2 x) {
float v = 0.0;
float a = 0.5;
float2 shift = float2(100,100);
// Rotate to reduce axial bias
//float2x2 rot = float2x2(cos(0.5), sin(0.5), -sin(0.5), cos(0.50));
float2x2 rot = { cos(0.5), sin(0.5), -sin(0.5), cos(0.50) };
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OCTAVES; ++i) {
v += a * noise(x);
x = mul(rot, x) * 2.0 + shift;
//0 no translation, 1 translation
a *= 0.5;
return v;
float fbm(float3 x) {
float v = 0.0;
float a = 0.5;
float3 shift = float3(100, 100, 100);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OCTAVES; ++i) {
v += a * noise(x);
x = x * 2.0 + shift;
a *= 0.5;
return v;
float fbm(float4 v){float w=0.,d=.5;float4 y=float4(100,100,100,100);for(int x=0;x<NUM_OCTAVES;++x)w+=d*snoise(v),v=v*2.+y,d*=.5;return w;}
// <>
// by inigo quilez
float fbm2( in float2 p ){
const float2x2 m2 = {0.8,-0.6,0.6,0.8};
float f = 0.0;
f += 0.5000*noise( p ); p = mul(m2,p) * 2.02;
f += 0.2500*noise( p ); p = mul(m2,p) * 2.03;
f += 0.1250*noise( p ); p = mul(m2,p) * 2.01;
f += 0.0625*noise( p );
return f/0.9375;
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bendzz commented Jun 6, 2021

Hey just FYI I found this on google and tried including it in a unity shader, but got this error:

undeclared identifier 'rand' at kernel generateTerrain at Noise.cginc(176) (on d3d11)

(Actually line 142 here). So the rand() functions are undefined for me.

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h3r commented Jun 8, 2021

Hey just FYI I found this on google and tried including it in a unity shader, but got this error:

undeclared identifier 'rand' at kernel generateTerrain at Noise.cginc(176) (on d3d11)

(Actually line 142 here). So the rand() functions are undefined for me.

Seems a typo bug, you got the function rand1 above, that should work, i'll edit or create an alias for it

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