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Created May 14, 2022 20:40
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Build ETL from device to cloud:
// query data in raw table
// test_data/raw_oil_data.csv
// total records 102
// specifically added some bad data:
// - first three records are duplicated
// - third record contains an empty TagName
// - fourth record is below zero (-1.25)
// - fifth record is above 10 000 (10 254)
// lets look at our dimension tables
// test_data/dimSiteEqmt.csv
// 56 records
// test_data/dimSystemTag.csv
// 5 records
// lets create our factOilData table as a variable
// note that it is only available within this query
let factOilData =
| summarize arg_max(TimeStamp, *) by TimeStamp, TagName
| project-away TimeStamp1
| where Value between (0..10000)
| where isnotempty(TagName)
| parse TagName with Site: string '.' System: string '.' EqmtIp: string '.' Tag: string;
// join our two dimension tables using lookup and their keys
// lookup is similar to join, however it is optimised for larger fact tables joining smaller dimension tables
| lookup kind=leftouter dimSiteEqmt on Site, EqmtIp
| lookup kind=leftouter dimSystemTag on System, Tag
// our factOilData now has 97 records (5 bad data records removed)
// we also parsed the TagName to generate keys Site, System, EqmtIp and Tag
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