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Created March 30, 2012 17:00
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Save h4ck3rm1k3/2252931 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::OAuth::RequestTokenRequest;
my $oarequest = Net::OAuth->request("access token")->from_hash(
'consumer_secret' => 'jJs8XFPjywSyrVlwkNvLanh7ZVyHaJWTQHWFOn1U',
'consumer_key' => 'jJs8XFPjywSyrVlwkNvLanh7ZVyHaJWTQHWFOn1U',
'token_secret' => 'jJs8XFPjywSyrVlwkNvLanh7ZfsdfsfdVyHaJWTQHWFOn1U',
'request_method' => 'GET',
'timestamp' => '1333185703',
'nonce' => 'F2EBB736-C47E-BF79-5A65-680F6D2DC424',
'signature_method' => 'HMAC-SHA1',
'request_url' => '',
my $output = $oarequest->to_post_body;
warn "check output:". $output;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::OAuth::RequestTokenRequest;
my $oarequest = Net::OAuth->request("access token")->from_hash(
'consumer_secret' => 'jJs8XFPjywSyrVlwkNvLanh7ZVyHaJWTQHWFOn1U',
'consumer_key' => 'jJs8XFPjywSyrVlwkNvLanh7ZVyHaJWTQHWFOn1U',
'token_secret' => 'jJs8XFPjywSyrVlwkNvLanh7ZfsdfsfdVyHaJWTQHWFOn1U',
'request_method' => 'GET',
'timestamp' => '1333185703',
'nonce' => 'F2EBB736-C47E-BF79-5A65-680F6D2DC424',
'signature_method' => 'HMAC-SHA1',
'request_url' => '',
my $output = $oarequest->to_post_body;
warn "check output:". $output;
use Net::OAuth::RequestTokenRequest;
my %args=(
'consumer_key' => 'yUV5Mk9FZYEGdFEfZ786AiMl6R9D0flYWXsu10bQ',
'consumer_secret' => 'jJs8XFPjywSyrVlwkNvLanh7ZVyHaJWTQHWFOn1U',
'extra_params' => {},
'nonce' => 'F2EBB736-C47E-BF79-5A65-680F6D2DC424',
'request_method' => 'GET',
'request_url' => '',
'signature' => '5A32qbq4D/ppZ2r9I+jwQlramBc=',
'signature_method' => 'HMAC-SHA1',
'timestamp' => '1333185703'
my $oarequest = Net::OAuth::RequestTokenRequest->new(
if (! $oarequest->verify)
warn "failed";
use Net::OAuth::RequestTokenRequest;
my $oarequest = Net::OAuth->request("request token")->from_hash(
'oauth_consumer_key' => 'yUV5Mk9FZYEGdFEfZ786AiMl6R9D0flYWXsu10bQ',
'oauth_nonce' => 'F2EBB736-C47E-BF79-5A65-680F6D2DC424',
'oauth_signature' => '5A32qbq4D/ppZ2r9I+jwQlramBc=',
'oauth_timestamp' => '1333185703',
'oauth_signature_method' => 'HMAC-SHA1',
'consumer_secret' => 'jJs8XFPjywSyrVlwkNvLanh7ZVyHaJWTQHWFOn1U',
'request_method' => 'GET',
'request_url' => '',
if (! $oarequest->verify)
warn "failed";
#!perl -w
use strict;
use lib qw(lib);
#use JSON::Any;
#put this in the .osmdev_config to start it up
#consumer_key = yUV5Mk9FZYEGdFEfZ786AiMl6R9D0flYWXsu10bQ
#consumer_secret = jJs8XFPjywSyrVlwkNvLanh7ZVyHaJWTQHWFOn1U
my $CONFIG = ".osmdev_config";
binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
# Get the tokens from the command line, a config file or wherever
my %tokens = get_tokens();
my $app = OSMDev->new(%tokens);
# Check to see we have a consumer key and secret
unless ($app->consumer_key && $app->consumer_secret) {
die "You must go get a consumer key and secret from App\n";
# If the app is authorized (i.e has an access token and secret)
# Then look at a restricted resourse
get_user_prefs($app) if $app->authorized;
# right, we need to get their access stuff
print "\tURL : ".$app->get_authorization_url( callback => 'oob' )."\n";
print "\n-- Please go to the above URL and authorize the app";
print "\n-- It will give you a code. Please type it here: ";
my $verifier = <STDIN>; print "\n";
chomp($verifier); $verifier =~ s!(^\s*|\s*$)!!g;
my ($access_token, $access_token_secret) = $app->request_access_token();
print "You have now authorized this app.\n";
print "Your access token and secret are:\n\n";
print "access_token=$access_token\n";
print "access_token_secret=$access_token_secret\n";
print "\n";
if (-f $CONFIG) {
print "You should note these down but they have also been saved in $CONFIG\n\n";
} else {
print "You should note these down or put them in $CONFIG with your consumer key and secret\n\n";
use YAML;
sub get_user_prefs {
my $prefs = $app->get_user_prefs;
warn Dump($prefs);
sub get_tokens {
my %tokens = OSMDev->load_tokens($CONFIG);
while (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ m!^(\w+)\=(\w+)$!) {
$tokens{$1} = $2;
shift @ARGV;
return %tokens;
sub save_tokens {
my $app = shift;
my %tokens = $app->tokens;
OSMDev->save_tokens($CONFIG, %tokens);
package OSMDev;
use strict;
use base qw(Net::OAuth::Simple);
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %tokens = @_;
my $root="";
return $class->SUPER::new(
tokens => \%tokens,
protocol_version => '1.0a',
urls => {
authorization_url => $root . 'oauth/authorize',
request_token_url => $root . 'oauth/request_token',
access_token_url => $root . 'oauth/access_token',
# args["api"] = root + "api/0.6/";
# args["policy"] = "";
# args["connection"] = "XML";
# args["oauth_policy"] = root + "oauth/crossdomain.xml";
# args["oauth_request_url"] = root + "oauth/request_token";
# args["oauth_access_url"] = root + "oauth/access_token";
# args["oauth_auth_url"] = root + "oauth/authorize";
# args["oauth_consumer_key"] = "yUV5Mk9FZYEGdFEfZ786AiMl6R9D0flYWXsu10bQ";
# args["oauth_consumer_secret"] = "jJs8XFPjywSyrVlwkNvLanh7ZVyHaJWTQHWFOn1U";
# args["serverName"] = "";
# args["show_help"] = "once";
# args["site_name"] = "FOSM";
# args["force_auth"] = "force";
sub get_user_prefs {
my $self = shift;
my $url = "";
return $self->_make_restricted_request($url, 'GET');
sub _make_restricted_request {
my $self = shift;
my $response = $self->make_restricted_request(@_);
return $response->content;
#!perl -w
use strict;
use lib qw(lib);
#use JSON::Any;
#put this in the .osmdev_config to start it up
#consumer_key = yUV5Mk9FZYEGdFEfZ786AiMl6R9D0flYWXsu10bQ
#consumer_secret = jJs8XFPjywSyrVlwkNvLanh7ZVyHaJWTQHWFOn1U
my $CONFIG = ".osmdev_config";
binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
# Get the tokens from the command line, a config file or wherever
my %tokens = get_tokens();
my $app = FOSM->new(%tokens);
# Check to see we have a consumer key and secret
unless ($app->consumer_key && $app->consumer_secret) {
die "You must go get a consumer key and secret from App\n";
# If the app is authorized (i.e has an access token and secret)
# Then look at a restricted resourse
get_user_prefs($app) if $app->authorized;
# right, we need to get their access stuff
print "\tURL : ".$app->get_authorization_url( callback => 'oob' )."\n";
print "\n-- Please go to the above URL and authorize the app";
print "\n-- It will give you a code. Please type it here: ";
my $verifier = <STDIN>; print "\n";
chomp($verifier); $verifier =~ s!(^\s*|\s*$)!!g;
my ($access_token, $access_token_secret) = $app->request_access_token();
print "You have now authorized this app.\n";
print "Your access token and secret are:\n\n";
print "access_token=$access_token\n";
print "access_token_secret=$access_token_secret\n";
print "\n";
if (-f $CONFIG) {
print "You should note these down but they have also been saved in $CONFIG\n\n";
} else {
print "You should note these down or put them in $CONFIG with your consumer key and secret\n\n";
use YAML;
sub get_user_prefs {
my $prefs = $app->get_user_prefs;
warn Dump($prefs);
sub get_tokens {
my %tokens = FOSM->load_tokens($CONFIG);
while (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ m!^(\w+)\=(\w+)$!) {
$tokens{$1} = $2;
shift @ARGV;
return %tokens;
sub save_tokens {
my $app = shift;
my %tokens = $app->tokens;
FOSM->save_tokens($CONFIG, %tokens);
package FOSM;
use strict;
use base qw(Net::OAuth::Simple);
my $root;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %tokens = @_;
die unless $root;
return $class->SUPER::new(
tokens => \%tokens,
protocol_version => '1.0',
urls => {
authorization_url => $root . 'oauth/authorize',
request_token_url => $root . 'oauth/request_token',
access_token_url => $root . 'oauth/access_token',
# args["api"] = root + "api/0.6/";
# args["policy"] = "";
# args["connection"] = "XML";
# args["oauth_policy"] = root + "oauth/crossdomain.xml";
# args["oauth_request_url"] = root + "oauth/request_token";
# args["oauth_access_url"] = root + "oauth/access_token";
# args["oauth_auth_url"] = root + "oauth/authorize";
# args["oauth_consumer_key"] = "yUV5Mk9FZYEGdFEfZ786AiMl6R9D0flYWXsu10bQ";
# args["oauth_consumer_secret"] = "jJs8XFPjywSyrVlwkNvLanh7ZVyHaJWTQHWFOn1U";
# args["serverName"] = "";
# args["show_help"] = "once";
# args["site_name"] = "FOSM";
# args["force_auth"] = "force";
sub get_user_prefs {
my $self = shift;
my $url = $root . "api/0.6/user/preferences";
return $self->_make_restricted_request($url, 'GET');
sub _make_restricted_request {
my $self = shift;
my $response = $self->make_restricted_request(@_);
return $response->content;
#!perl -w
use strict;
use lib qw(lib);
# args["api"] = root + "api/0.6/";
# args["policy"] = "";
# args["connection"] = "XML";
# args["oauth_policy"] = root + "oauth/crossdomain.xml";
# args["oauth_request_url"] = root + "oauth/request_token";
# args["oauth_access_url"] = root + "oauth/access_token";
# args["oauth_auth_url"] = root + "oauth/authorize";
# args["oauth_consumer_key"] = "yUV5Mk9FZYEGdFEfZ786AiMl6R9D0flYWXsu10bQ";
# args["oauth_consumer_secret"] = "jJs8XFPjywSyrVlwkNvLanh7ZVyHaJWTQHWFOn1U";
# args["serverName"] = "";
# args["show_help"] = "once";
# args["site_name"] = "FOSM";
# args["force_auth"] = "force";
my $CONFIG = ".osmdev_config";
binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
# Get the tokens from the command line, a config file or wherever
my %tokens = get_tokens();
my $app = FOSM->new(%tokens);
# Check to see we have a consumer key and secret
unless ($app->consumer_key && $app->consumer_secret) {
die "You must go get a consumer key and secret from App\n";
# If the app is authorized (i.e has an access token and secret)
# Then look at a restricted resourse
get_user_prefs($app) if $app->authorized;
# right, we need to get their access stuff
print "\tURL : ".$app->get_authorization_url( callback => 'oob' )."\n";
print "\n-- Please go to the above URL and authorize the app";
print "\n-- It will give you a code. Please type it here: ";
my $verifier = <STDIN>; print "\n";
chomp($verifier); $verifier =~ s!(^\s*|\s*$)!!g;
my ($access_token, $access_token_secret) = $app->request_access_token();
print "You have now authorized this app.\n";
print "Your access token and secret are:\n\n";
print "access_token=$access_token\n";
print "access_token_secret=$access_token_secret\n";
print "\n";
if (-f $CONFIG) {
print "You should note these down but they have also been saved in $CONFIG\n\n";
} else {
print "You should note these down or put them in $CONFIG with your consumer key and secret\n\n";
use YAML;
sub get_user_prefs {
my $prefs = $app->get_user_prefs;
warn Dump($prefs);
sub get_tokens {
my %tokens = FOSM->load_tokens($CONFIG);
while (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ m!^(\w+)\=(\w+)$!) {
$tokens{$1} = $2;
shift @ARGV;
return %tokens;
sub save_tokens {
my $app = shift;
my %tokens = $app->tokens;
FOSM->save_tokens($CONFIG, %tokens);
package FOSM;
use strict;
use base qw(Net::OAuth::Simple);
my $root;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %tokens = @_;
die unless $root;
return $class->SUPER::new(
tokens => \%tokens,
protocol_version => '1.0',
urls => {
authorization_url => $root . 'oauth/authorize',
request_token_url => $root . 'oauth/request_token',
access_token_url => $root . 'oauth/access_token',
sub get_user_prefs {
my $self = shift;
my $url = $root . "api/0.6/user/preferences";
return $self->_make_restricted_request($url, 'GET');
sub _make_restricted_request {
my $self = shift;
my $response = $self->make_restricted_request(@_);
return $response->content;
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