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Created April 20, 2024 15:05
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C++ syntax

List initialization

Advantage: Doesn't allow narrowing, i.e. the following throws an error:

int i {2.0f};

Direct and copy initialization

Advantage: Doesn't create a copy (practical for objects):

T a(b); // direct initialization
T a = b; // copy initialization (temporary object created from b)
T a = T(b); // similar to previous line

Passing arguments by constant reference

Alternative to passing by value because:

  • Reference => Avoids making a copy, unlike pass by value.
  • Constant => Cannot by modified, like pass by value.
void foo(const string& s);

Const methods

It guarantees that the object it is being invoked on cannot be changed.

class MyClass {
    int fct(int var) const;

Getter and setters

  • To avoid as much as possible for a better encapsulation.

Declaring a variable inside a loop

  • It's encouraged for primitive types as it reduces their scope while the variable is only allocated once.
  • For objects, the constructor and the destructor are called in every iteration.


  • Functors (function object) are classes which implement operator().
  • They operate like functions, but are capable of storing data in member variables.
  • Used for sorting std::vectors and for calculating the minimum and the maximum.
class Accumulator {
    int m_counter{0};
    Accumulator() {}
    int operator() (int i) {
        return (m_counter += i);
int main() {
    Accumulator acc;
    std::cout << acc(10) << '\n'; // prints 10
    std::cout << acc(20) << '\n'; // prints 30
    return 0;

Base constructor in initialization list

  • The constructor of the base class can be called in a derived class inside the member initialization list.
class Base {
    int m_id;
    Base(int id): m_id{id} {}

class Derived: public Base {
    double m_cost;
    Derived(int id, double cost): Base(id), m_cost{cost} {} // note the call to Base's constructor


int i = 3;
int* p = new int; // dynamic allocation of pointer (on the heap)
p = &i;
delete p; // release storage space allocated with new

Smart pointers

  • See this introductory youtube video.
  • Introduced in C++11, and are preferred to raw pointers.
  • Object that wraps a raw pointer to manage its lifetime (i.e. avoids memory leaks).
  • The wrapped pointer will be deleted once out of scope.
  • Unique pointer:
    • Cannot be copied.
    • Initialize with make_unique() to handle exceptions.


std::vector<Type> allocates its Type elements on the heap (like a pointer or an array), and its header on the stack.

Passing functions as arguments

  • Same as function pointers in C (see example below).
  • There's a more convenient way to pass functions:
#include <functional>

int operation(int a, int b, std::function<int (int, int)> f) { return f(a, b) }

Inline functions

When the execution time of a small function is less than the switching time, the inline keyword tells the compiler to insert the code of the inline function where it is called.

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