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Last active December 3, 2023 23:13
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Useful tools around generating and checking prime numbers and factorising integers
package main
import (
var zero = big.NewInt(int64(0))
var one = big.NewInt(int64(1))
var two = big.NewInt(int64(2))
// Sieve of Eratosthenes
// Generate the primes up to n by going through each number up
// to sqrt(n) and crossing out all their multiples. The numbers
// that are left are all prime.
func SieveEratosthenes(n int) []int {
var primes []int
if n < 2 {
return primes
// Initialise a boolean slice with all true values
b := make([]bool, n+1)
for i, _ := range b {
b[i] = true
b[0], b[1] = false, false
// Set all multiples of numbers up to sqrt(n) to false
for i := 2; i*i <= n; i++ {
if !b[i] {
for j := i * i; j <= n; j += i {
b[j] = false
// Primes are remaining true values
for i, v := range b {
if v {
primes = append(primes, i)
return primes
// Segmented Sieve of Eratosthenes
// Generate the primes up to n, but only portions or the range
// 2-n are sieved at a time.
func SieveEratosthenesSegmented(n int) []int {
// Use chunks with a maximum size of sqrt(n)
delta := int(math.Sqrt(float64(n)))
// Use normal sieve to get first chunk of primes
primes := SieveEratosthenes(delta)
// Loop through remaining chunks
min := delta
max := 2 * delta
for min <= n {
// Shorten chunk if max value is greater than sqrt(n)
if max >= n {
max = n
// Initialise boolean array up to chunk max value
b := make([]bool, max+1)
for i, _ := range b {
b[i] = true
// Remove all multiples of currently found primes
for i := 0; i < len(primes); i++ {
// Find lowest common multiple of current prime in range
lcm := (min / primes[i]) * primes[i]
if lcm < min {
lcm += primes[i]
// Mark all multiples of current prime as not prime
for j := lcm; j <= max; j += primes[i] {
b[j-min] = false
// Add newly found primes to slice
for k := min; k <= max; k++ {
if b[k-min] {
primes = append(primes, k)
// Move onto next chunk
min += delta
max += delta
return primes
// Sieve of Pritchard / Wheel Sieve
// Generate the primes up to n progressively by building up "wheels"
// which represent the numbers up to n not divisible by any of the
// primes processed so far
func WheelSieve(n int) []int {
// Initialise boolean array all false
W := make([]bool, n+1)
// Start on W[1]={1}
W[1] = true
// Initialise values for W[1]
step, p, wlimit := 1, 2, 2
primes := []int{}
// Expand wheels and gather primes up to n
for p*p <= n {
if step <= n {
// Extend wheel by step sized increments
for i := 0; i < len(W); i++ {
if W[i] {
w := i + step
for w <= wlimit {
W[w] = true
w += step
// Increase step for next wheel
step = wlimit
// Initialise next prime and copy wheel
np := 5
wcpy := make([]bool, n+1)
copy(wcpy, W)
for i := 0; i < len(W); i++ {
if wcpy[i] {
// Initialise next prime
if np == 5 && i > p {
np = i
// Remove multiples of current prime
w := p * i
if w > wlimit {
W[w] = false
// Next prime cant be lower than current prime
if np < p {
// Add current prime to prime list
primes = append(primes, p)
// Set prime to next prime found
if p == 2 {
p = 3
} else {
p = np
// Increase wheel limit to the lower value of step*p or n
wlimit = func(a, b int) int {
if a < b {
return a
return b
}(step*p, n)
// Add primes left in wheel to found primes
for i := 2; i < len(W); i++ {
if W[i] {
primes = append(primes, i)
// Sort and return
sort.Slice(primes, func(i, j int) bool { return i < j })
return primes
// Get all primes up to 2^16
var PRIMES = SieveEratosthenes(2 << 16)
// Return new slice containing only the elements in a that are
// not in b.
// d = {x : x ∈ a and x ∉ b}
func _difference(a, b []int) []int {
mb := make(map[int]int, len(b))
for _, v := range b {
mb[v] = 1
var diff []int
for _, v := range a {
if mb[v] != 1 {
diff = append(diff, v)
return diff
// Generate a bitmask for primes from lo->hi
func primemask(lo, hi int) *big.Int {
low := make([]int, lo)
high := make([]int, hi)
// Get primes 2->hi
high = SieveEratosthenes(hi)
// Only get lower limit primes is lo > 2
if lo > 2 {
low = SieveEratosthenes(lo)
// Use only difference between high and low slices
diff := _difference(high, low)
// Create by doing mask |= 1<<prime
mask := new(big.Int)
for i := 0; i < len(diff); i++ {
prime := new(big.Int)
prime = prime.Lsh(big.NewInt(int64(1)), uint(diff[i]))
mask = mask.Or(mask, prime)
return mask
// Compute b^e (mod m) efficiently using the right-to-left
// binary method of modular exponentiation. It makes use of
// the identity (a*b) (mod m) = [(a (mod m) * b (mod m)] (mod m)
func PowMod(b, e, m uint) (uint, error) {
// Special case
if m == 1 {
return 0, nil
// Catch overflow
if m*m >= ^uint(0) {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("Modulus too large")
// Initialise remainder
r := uint(1)
// Use the binary exponentation of e
for e > 0 {
// Calculate product of remainder
if e%2 == 1 {
r = (r * b) % m
// Divide e by two
e >>= uint(1)
// Repeatedly square b to achieve b=b^(2^i) (mod m)
b = (b * b) % m
return r, nil
// Compute b^e (mod m) efficiently using the right-to-left
// binary method of modular exponentiation. It makes use of
// the identity (a*b) (mod m) = [(a (mod m) * b (mod m)] (mod m)
func BigPowMod(b, e, m *big.Int) *big.Int {
// Special case
if m.Cmp(one) == 0 {
return zero
// Copy arguments
base := new(big.Int)
base = base.Set(b)
exp := new(big.Int)
exp = exp.Set(e)
mod := new(big.Int)
mod = mod.Set(m)
// Initialise remainder
r := big.NewInt(int64(1))
// Use the binary exponentation of e to successively
// calculate (b*b) (mod m)
base = base.Mod(base, mod)
for exp.Cmp(zero) > 0 {
em := new(big.Int)
em = em.Mod(exp, two)
if em.Cmp(one) == 0 {
r = r.Mul(r, base).Mod(r, mod)
// Divide exponent by 2
exp = exp.Rsh(exp, uint(1))
// Repeatedly square b to achieve b=b^(2^i) (mod m)
base = base.Mul(base, base).Mod(base, mod)
return r
// Miller-Rabin Primality Test raises the base witnesses
// to the binary exponentiation of n-1. If this is congruent
// to 1 (mod n) then the number is probably prime. This
// method is 100% accurate up to 2^64-1.
// 25 repitions is recommended
func BigIsPrime(n *big.Int, reps int, force2 bool) bool {
// n must and odd integer > 2
even := new(big.Int)
even = even.And(n, one)
if n.Cmp(two) <= 0 || even.Cmp(zero) == 0 {
return false
// Get prime bitmask for primes between 2-2^16
if n.Cmp(big.NewInt(int64(65536))) <= 0 {
primeBitmask := primemask(2, 65536)
// Check that primeBitmask&(1<<n) != 0 -> n == prime
shift := new(big.Int)
shift = shift.Lsh(big.NewInt(int64(1)), uint(n.Uint64()))
prime := new(big.Int)
prime = prime.And(primeBitmask, shift)
return prime.Cmp(zero) != 0
nm1 := big.NewInt(int64(-1))
nm1 = nm1.Add(n, nm1)
nm4 := big.NewInt(int64(-4))
nm4 = nm4.Add(n, nm4)
// s > 0 and d > 0 such that n-1 = 2^s(d)
s := nm1.TrailingZeroBits() // get highest power of 2 from n-1
d := new(big.Int)
d = d.Rsh(nm1, s) // get odd multiplier such that n-1/2^s=d
// Get random source
src := rand.NewSource(time.Now().UTC().UnixNano())
rand := rand.New(src)
y := new(big.Int)
for i := 0; i < reps; i++ {
// n is always a probable prime to base 1 and n-1
a := new(big.Int)
if i == reps-1 && force2 {
a = big.NewInt(int64(2)) // Force using base 2 once
} else {
a = a.Rand(rand, nm4).Add(a, big.NewInt(int64(2))) // random(2, n-2)
x := BigPowMod(a, d, n)
for j := uint(0); j < s; j++ {
y = BigPowMod(x, big.NewInt(int64(2)), n)
if y.Cmp(one) == 0 && x.Cmp(one) != 0 && x.Cmp(nm1) != 0 {
return false // nontrivial square root of 1 (mod n)
x = x.Set(y)
if y.Cmp(one) != 0 {
return false
return true
// Quick sort given slice in place by first finding a correctly
// placed pivot point and then recursively sorting the left and
// right subarrays until all subarrays are of length 1 or 0
func quicksort(array []*big.Int) []*big.Int {
if len(array) <= 1 {
return array
p1 := 0
p2 := len(array) - 1
// Correctly place the pivot element
for p1 != p2 {
if (array[p1].Cmp(array[p2]) > 0 && p1 < p2) || (array[p1].Cmp(array[p2]) < 0 && p1 > p2) {
array[p1], array[p2] = array[p2], array[p1]
p1, p2 = p2, p1
if p1 < p2 {
p1 += 1
} else {
p1 -= 1
// Sort left and right subarrays
left := quicksort(array[:p1])
right := quicksort(array[p1+1:])
// Return the sorted slice
return array
// Pollard's Rho Factoring algorithm
// Find a nontrivial factor of input number n using Floyd's
// cycle-finding algorithm (turtle and hare pointers)
func _pollardRhoFloyd(N *big.Int, s int) []*big.Int {
//fmt.Printf("Factorising: %v (%d digits)\n", N, len(N.String()))
// Initialise constants
x := big.NewInt(int64(s)) // TODO: look into optimal starting values (or random)
y := big.NewInt(int64(2))
d := big.NewInt(int64(1))
// Loop through cycle
for d.Cmp(one) == 0 {
// x = g(x)
x = x.Mul(x, x).Add(x, one).Mod(x, N)
// y = g(g(x))
y = y.Mul(y, y).Add(y, one).Mod(y, N)
y = y.Mul(y, y).Add(y, one).Mod(y, N)
// d = gcd(|x - y|, n)
xy := new(big.Int)
xy = xy.Sub(x, y).Abs(xy)
// If d != 1 then the sequence {x[k] mod p} must have a repetition
// and the difference between x[i] and x[j] at this point must be a
// multiple of p
d = d.GCD(nil, nil, xy, N)
// Get factors
factors := []*big.Int{}
if d.Cmp(N) == 0 {
//fmt.Printf("No factors found for %v, trying with new parameters\n", N)
facs := _pollardRhoFloyd(N, s+1)
factors = append(factors, facs...)
} else {
d2 := new(big.Int)
d2 = d2.Div(N, d)
factors = append(factors, d)
factors = append(factors, d2)
// Recursion step to ensure all are prime
final := []*big.Int{}
i := 0
for i < len(factors) {
prime := BigIsPrime(factors[i], 25, true)
if prime {
final = append(final, factors[i])
i += 1
facs := _pollardRhoFloyd(factors[i], 2)
factors = append(factors, facs...)
i += 1
return final
func min(a, b int) int {
if a >= b {
return b
return a
// Pollard's Rho Factoring algorithm
// Find a nontrivial factor of input number n using Brent's
// cycle-finding algorithm and optimisations
func _pollardRhoBrent(N *big.Int) []*big.Int {
//fmt.Printf("Factorising: %v (%d digits)\n", N, len(N.String()))
// Get random source
src := rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())
rng := rand.New(src)
// Initialise constants
nm2 := big.NewInt(int64(-2))
nm2 = nm2.Add(N, nm2)
//y := new(big.Int)
//y = y.Rand(rng, nm2).Add(y, one)
y := big.NewInt(int64(2))
// Randomise c in f(x)=x^2+c (mod N)
c := new(big.Int)
c = c.Rand(rng, nm2).Add(c, one)
for c.Cmp(nm2) == 0 {
c = c.Rand(rng, nm2).Add(c, one)
ys := new(big.Int)
x := new(big.Int)
m := 1900 // TODO: look into optimal m value
k := 0
r := 2
q := big.NewInt(int64(1))
G := big.NewInt(int64(1))
// Loop through cycle
for G.Cmp(one) == 0 {
for i := 0; i <= r; i++ {
// y = f(y)
y = y.Mul(y, y).Add(y, c).Mod(y, N)
// k = 0
k = 0
for k <= r && G.Cmp(one) == 0 {
min := min(m, r-k)
for i := 0; i <= min; i++ {
// y = f(y)
y = y.Mul(y, y).Add(y, c).Mod(y, N)
// q = q*|x-y| (mod N)
xy := new(big.Int)
xy = xy.Sub(x, y).Abs(xy)
q = q.Mul(q, xy).Mod(q, N)
G = G.GCD(nil, nil, q, N)
k += m
r *= 2
// Get factors
factors := []*big.Int{}
if G.Cmp(N) == 0 {
G = big.NewInt(int64(1))
for G.Cmp(one) == 0 {
// ys = f(ys)
ys = ys.Mul(ys, ys).Add(ys, c).Mod(ys, N)
// G = GCD(|x-ys|, N)
xys := new(big.Int)
xys = xys.Sub(x, ys).Abs(xys)
G = G.GCD(nil, nil, xys, N)
// Failure case
if G.Cmp(N) == 0 {
//fmt.Printf("No factors found for %v, trying with new parameters\n", N)
facs := _pollardRhoBrent(N)
factors = append(factors, facs...)
} else {
// Success
G2 := new(big.Int)
G2 = G2.Div(N, G)
factors = append(factors, G)
factors = append(factors, G2)
// Recursion step to ensure all are prime
final := []*big.Int{}
i := 0
for i < len(factors) {
prime := BigIsPrime(factors[i], 25, true)
if prime {
final = append(final, factors[i])
i += 1
facs := _pollardRhoBrent(factors[i])
factors = append(factors, facs...)
i += 1
return final
// Struct to store results of factorisation
type Results struct {
Number *big.Int
Digits int
Factors []*big.Int
Seconds float64
Method string
// Pollard's Rho factorisation method using Brent's cycle
// finding algorithm and optimisations. Works on any integer
// and will take out factors of 2 prior to undertaking the rho
// method. Returns a Result struct containg the details of the
// factorisation
func PollardRho(N *big.Int) Results {
// Take out any factors of 2
n := new(big.Int)
even := new(big.Int)
even = even.And(n, one)
factors := []*big.Int{}
final := []*big.Int{}
for even.Cmp(zero) == 0 && n.Cmp(two) != 0 {
n = n.Div(n, two)
even = even.And(n, one)
factors = append(factors, two)
// Prepare results struct
var res Results
res.Number = N
res.Digits = len(n.String())
start := time.Now()
if len(n.String()) < 30 {
// Use Floyd's cycle detection for smaller numbers
final = _pollardRhoFloyd(n, 2)
res.Method = "Pollard's Rho (Floyd)"
} else {
// Use Brent's optimisations for larger numbers
final = _pollardRhoBrent(n)
res.Method = "Pollard's Rho (Brent)"
// Add time taken in seconds to results struct
elapsed := time.Since(start)
res.Seconds = elapsed.Seconds()
// Sort factors and add to struct
final = append(final, factors...)
final = quicksort(final)
res.Factors = final
return res
func main() {
str := []string{
"340282366920938463463374607431768211457", // F7
// Loop through each string and factor them with both
// Rho methods in parrallel
c := make(chan Results, 2)
for i := 0; i < len(str)-1; i += 2 {
for j := 0; j < 2; j++ {
n := new(big.Int)
n.SetString(str[i+j], 10)
go func(ch chan<- Results, n *big.Int) {
res := PollardRho(n)
ch <- res
}(c, n)
for k := 0; k < 2; k++ {
factors := <-c
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", factors)
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