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Created August 10, 2018 23:58
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beta regression in statsmodels
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Beta regression for modeling rates and proportions.
Grün, Bettina, Ioannis Kosmidis, and Achim Zeileis. Extended beta regression
in R: Shaken, stirred, mixed, and partitioned. No. 2011-22. Working Papers in
Economics and Statistics, 2011.
Smithson, Michael, and Jay Verkuilen. "A better lemon squeezer?
Maximum-likelihood regression with beta-distributed dependent variables."
Psychological methods 11.1 (2006): 54.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
from scipy.special import gammaln as lgamma
from statsmodels.base.model import GenericLikelihoodModel
from statsmodels.genmod.families import Binomial
# this is only need while #2024 is open.
class Logit(sm.families.links.Logit):
"""Logit tranform that won't overflow with large numbers."""
def inverse(self, z):
return 1 / (1. + np.exp(-z))
_init_example = """
Beta regression with default of logit-link for exog and log-link
for precision.
>>> mod = Beta(endog, exog)
>>> rslt =
>>> print rslt.summary()
We can also specify a formula and a specific structure and use the
identity-link for phi.
>>> from sm.families.links import identity
>>> Z = patsy.dmatrix('~ temp', dat, return_type='dataframe')
>>> mod = Beta.from_formula('iyield ~ C(batch, Treatment(10)) + temp',
... dat, Z=Z, link_phi=identity())
In the case of proportion-data, we may think that the precision depends on
the number of measurements. E.g for sequence data, on the number of
sequence reads covering a site:
>>> Z = patsy.dmatrix('~ coverage', df)
>>> mod = Beta.from_formula('methylation ~ disease + age + gender + coverage', df, Z)
>>> rslt =
class Beta(GenericLikelihoodModel):
"""Beta Regression.
This implementation uses `phi` as a precision parameter equal to
`a + b` from the Beta parameters.
def __init__(self, endog, exog, Z=None, link=Logit(),
link_phi=sm.families.links.Log(), **kwds):
endog : array-like
1d array of endogenous values (i.e. responses, outcomes,
dependent variables, or 'Y' values).
exog : array-like
2d array of exogeneous values (i.e. covariates, predictors,
independent variables, regressors, or 'X' values). A nobs x k
array where `nobs` is the number of observations and `k` is
the number of regressors. An intercept is not included by
default and should be added by the user. See
Z : array-like
2d array of variables for the precision phi.
link : link
Any link in sm.families.links for `exog`
link_phi : link
Any link in sm.families.links for `Z`
See Also
assert np.all((0 < endog) & (endog < 1))
if Z is None:
extra_names = ['phi']
Z = np.ones((len(endog), 1), dtype='f')
extra_names = ['precision-%s' % zc for zc in \
(Z.columns if hasattr(Z, 'columns') else range(1, Z.shape[1] + 1))]
kwds['extra_params_names'] = extra_names
super(Beta, self).__init__(endog, exog, **kwds) = link
self.link_phi = link_phi
self.Z = Z
assert len(self.Z) == len(self.endog)
def nloglikeobs(self, params):
Negative log-likelihood.
params : np.ndarray
Parameter estimates
return -self._ll_br(self.endog, self.exog, self.Z, params)
def fit(self, start_params=None, maxiter=100000, maxfun=5000, disp=False,
method='bfgs', **kwds):
Fit the model.
start_params : array-like
A vector of starting values for the regression
coefficients. If None, a default is chosen.
maxiter : integer
The maximum number of iterations
disp : bool
Show convergence stats.
method : str
The optimization method to use.
if start_params is None:
start_params = sm.GLM(self.endog, self.exog, family=Binomial()
start_params = np.append(start_params, [0.5] * self.Z.shape[1])
return super(Beta, self).fit(start_params=start_params,
maxiter=maxiter, maxfun=maxfun,
method=method, disp=disp, **kwds)
def _ll_br(self, y, X, Z, params):
nz = self.Z.shape[1]
Xparams = params[:-nz]
Zparams = params[-nz:]
mu =, Xparams))
phi = self.link_phi.inverse(, Zparams))
# TODO: derive a and b and constrain to > 0?
if np.any(phi <= np.finfo(float).eps): return np.array(-np.inf)
ll = lgamma(phi) - lgamma(mu * phi) - lgamma((1 - mu) * phi) \
+ (mu * phi - 1) * np.log(y) + (((1 - mu) * phi) - 1) \
* np.log(1 - y)
return ll
if __name__ == "__main__":
import patsy
dat = pd.read_table('gasoline.txt')
Z = patsy.dmatrix('~ temp', dat, return_type='dataframe')
# using other precison params with
m = Beta.from_formula('iyield ~ C(batch, Treatment(10)) + temp', dat,
Z=Z, link_phi=sm.families.links.identity())
fex = pd.read_csv('foodexpenditure.csv')
m = Beta.from_formula(' I(food/income) ~ income + persons', fex)
#print GLM.from_formula('iyield ~ C(batch) + temp', dat, family=Binomial()).fit().summary()
dev = pd.read_csv('methylation-test.csv')
Z = patsy.dmatrix('~ age', dev, return_type='dataframe')
m = Beta.from_formula('methylation ~ gender + CpG', dev,
data("GasolineYield", package = "betareg")
data("FoodExpenditure", package = "betareg")
#fe_beta = betareg(I(food/income) ~ income + persons, data = FoodExpenditure)
#m = betareg(yield ~ batch + temp, data = GasolineYield)
#gy2 <- betareg(yield ~ batch + temp | temp, data = GasolineYield, link.phi="identity")
meth = read.csv('methylation-test.csv')
m = betareg(methylation ~ gender + CpG | age, meth)
food income persons
15.998 62.476 1
16.652 82.304 5
21.741 74.679 3
7.431 39.151 3
10.481 64.724 5
13.548 36.786 3
23.256 83.052 4
17.976 86.935 1
14.161 88.233 2
8.825 38.695 2
14.184 73.831 7
19.604 77.122 3
13.728 45.519 2
21.141 82.251 2
17.446 59.862 3
9.629 26.563 3
14.005 61.818 2
9.16 29.682 1
18.831 50.825 5
7.641 71.062 4
13.882 41.99 4
9.67 37.324 3
21.604 86.352 5
10.866 45.506 2
28.98 69.929 6
10.882 61.041 2
18.561 82.469 1
11.629 44.208 2
18.067 49.467 5
14.539 25.905 5
19.192 79.178 5
25.918 75.811 3
28.833 82.718 6
15.869 48.311 4
14.91 42.494 5
9.55 40.573 4
23.066 44.872 6
14.751 27.167 7
iyield gravity pressure temp10 temp batch
0.122 50.8 8.6 190 205 1
0.223 50.8 8.6 190 275 1
0.347 50.8 8.6 190 345 1
0.457 50.8 8.6 190 407 1
0.08 40.8 3.5 210 218 2
0.131 40.8 3.5 210 273 2
0.266 40.8 3.5 210 347 2
0.074 40 6.1 217 212 3
0.182 40 6.1 217 272 3
0.304 40 6.1 217 340 3
0.069 38.4 6.1 220 235 4
0.152 38.4 6.1 220 300 4
0.26 38.4 6.1 220 365 4
0.336 38.4 6.1 220 410 4
0.144 40.3 4.8 231 307 5
0.268 40.3 4.8 231 367 5
0.349 40.3 4.8 231 395 5
0.1 32.2 5.2 236 267 6
0.248 32.2 5.2 236 360 6
0.317 32.2 5.2 236 402 6
0.028 41.3 1.8 267 235 7
0.064 41.3 1.8 267 275 7
0.161 41.3 1.8 267 358 7
0.278 41.3 1.8 267 416 7
0.05 38.1 1.2 274 285 8
0.176 38.1 1.2 274 365 8
0.321 38.1 1.2 274 444 8
0.14 32.2 2.4 284 351 9
0.232 32.2 2.4 284 424 9
0.085 31.8 0.2 316 365 10
0.147 31.8 0.2 316 379 10
0.18 31.8 0.2 316 428 10
Unnamed: 0 gender age Basename ID id plate CpG methylation
0 0 F 58.231 6042324088_R04C01 age58.231_F id_0 6042324088 CpG_0 0.815
1 1 M 52.632 6042324088_R06C01 age52.632_M id_1 6042324088 CpG_0 0.803
2 2 M 64.679 6042324088_R01C01 age64.679_M id_2 6042324088 CpG_0 0.803
3 3 F 55.299 6042324088_R04C02 age55.299_F id_3 6042324088 CpG_0 0.808
4 4 M 56.019 6042324088_R02C01 age56.019_M id_4 6042324088 CpG_0 0.8550000000000001
5 5 M 62.021 6042324088_R01C02 age62.021_M id_5 6042324088 CpG_0 0.8129999999999998
6 6 F 52.298 6042324088_R06C02 age52.298_F id_6 6042324088 CpG_0 0.816
7 7 F 39.71 6042324088_R03C01 age39.71_F id_7 6042324088 CpG_0 0.827
8 8 F 57.492 6042324088_R05C02 age57.492_F id_8 6042324088 CpG_0 0.829
9 9 F 57.623999999999995 6042324088_R05C01 age57.624_F id_9 6042324088 CpG_0 0.7760000000000001
10 10 F 40.486999999999995 6042324088_R03C02 age40.487_F id_10 6042324088 CpG_0 0.7859999999999999
11 11 M 53.662 6042324088_R02C02 age53.662_M id_11 6042324088 CpG_0 0.822
12 12 F 58.231 6042324088_R04C01 age58.231_F id_0 6042324088 CpG_1 0.891
13 13 M 52.632 6042324088_R06C01 age52.632_M id_1 6042324088 CpG_1 0.894
14 14 M 64.679 6042324088_R01C01 age64.679_M id_2 6042324088 CpG_1 0.894
15 15 F 55.299 6042324088_R04C02 age55.299_F id_3 6042324088 CpG_1 0.869
16 16 M 56.019 6042324088_R02C01 age56.019_M id_4 6042324088 CpG_1 0.914
17 17 M 62.021 6042324088_R01C02 age62.021_M id_5 6042324088 CpG_1 0.889
18 18 F 52.298 6042324088_R06C02 age52.298_F id_6 6042324088 CpG_1 0.8850000000000001
19 19 F 39.71 6042324088_R03C01 age39.71_F id_7 6042324088 CpG_1 0.898
20 20 F 57.492 6042324088_R05C02 age57.492_F id_8 6042324088 CpG_1 0.896
21 21 F 57.623999999999995 6042324088_R05C01 age57.624_F id_9 6042324088 CpG_1 0.86
22 22 F 40.486999999999995 6042324088_R03C02 age40.487_F id_10 6042324088 CpG_1 0.887
23 23 M 53.662 6042324088_R02C02 age53.662_M id_11 6042324088 CpG_1 0.8800000000000001
24 24 F 58.231 6042324088_R04C01 age58.231_F id_0 6042324088 CpG_2 0.936
25 25 M 52.632 6042324088_R06C01 age52.632_M id_1 6042324088 CpG_2 0.9129999999999999
26 26 M 64.679 6042324088_R01C01 age64.679_M id_2 6042324088 CpG_2 0.9000000000000001
27 27 F 55.299 6042324088_R04C02 age55.299_F id_3 6042324088 CpG_2 0.9119999999999999
28 28 M 56.019 6042324088_R02C01 age56.019_M id_4 6042324088 CpG_2 0.9349999999999999
29 29 M 62.021 6042324088_R01C02 age62.021_M id_5 6042324088 CpG_2 0.9280000000000002
30 30 F 52.298 6042324088_R06C02 age52.298_F id_6 6042324088 CpG_2 0.9150000000000001
31 31 F 39.71 6042324088_R03C01 age39.71_F id_7 6042324088 CpG_2 0.9160000000000001
32 32 F 57.492 6042324088_R05C02 age57.492_F id_8 6042324088 CpG_2 0.929
33 33 F 57.623999999999995 6042324088_R05C01 age57.624_F id_9 6042324088 CpG_2 0.92
34 34 F 40.486999999999995 6042324088_R03C02 age40.487_F id_10 6042324088 CpG_2 0.9160000000000001
35 35 M 53.662 6042324088_R02C02 age53.662_M id_11 6042324088 CpG_2 0.926
# in R:
import io
import statsmodels.api as sm
import pandas as pd
import patsy
from betareg import Beta
import numpy as np
# betareg(I(food/income) ~ income + persons, data = FoodExpenditure)
_income_estimates_mean = u"""\
varname Estimate StdError zvalue Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -0.62254806 0.223853539 -2.781051 5.418326e-03
income -0.01229884 0.003035585 -4.051556 5.087819e-05
persons 0.11846210 0.035340667 3.352005 8.022853e-04"""
_income_estimates_precision = u"""\
varname Estimate StdError zvalue Pr(>|z|)
(phi) 35.60975 8.079598 4.407366 1.046351e-05
_methylation_estimates_mean = u"""\
varname Estimate StdError zvalue Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 1.44224 0.03401 42.404 2e-16
genderM 0.06986 0.04359 1.603 0.109
CpGCpG_1 0.60735 0.04834 12.563 2e-16
CpGCpG_2 0.97355 0.05311 18.331 2e-16"""
_methylation_estimates_precision = u"""\
varname Estimate StdError zvalue Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 8.22829 1.79098 4.594 4.34e-06
age -0.03471 0.03276 -1.059 0.289"""
expected_income_mean = pd.read_table(io.StringIO(_income_estimates_mean), sep="\s+")
expected_income_precision = pd.read_table(io.StringIO(_income_estimates_precision), sep="\s+")
expected_methylation_mean = pd.read_table(io.StringIO(_methylation_estimates_mean), sep="\s+")
expected_methylation_precision = pd.read_table(io.StringIO(_methylation_estimates_precision), sep="\s+")
income = pd.read_csv('foodexpenditure.csv')
methylation = pd.read_csv('methylation-test.csv')
def check_same(a, b, eps, name):
assert np.allclose(a, b, rtol=0.01, atol=eps), \
("different from expected", name, list(a), list(b))
def test_income_coefficients():
model = "I(food/income) ~ income + persons"
mod = Beta.from_formula(model, income)
rslt =
yield check_same, rslt.params[:-1], expected_income_mean['Estimate'], 1e-3, "estimates"
yield check_same, rslt.tvalues[:-1], expected_income_mean['zvalue'], 0.1, "z-scores"
yield check_same, rslt.pvalues[:-1], expected_income_mean['Pr(>|z|)'], 1e-3, "p-values"
def test_income_precision():
model = "I(food/income) ~ income + persons"
mod = Beta.from_formula(model, income)
rslt =
# note that we have to exp the phi results for now.
yield check_same, np.exp(rslt.params[-1:]), expected_income_precision['Estimate'], 1e-3, "estimate"
#yield check_same, rslt.tvalues[-1:], expected_income_precision['zvalue'], 0.1, "z-score"
yield check_same, rslt.pvalues[-1:], expected_income_precision['Pr(>|z|)'], 1e-3, "p-values"
def test_methylation_coefficients():
model = "methylation ~ gender + CpG"
Z = patsy.dmatrix("~ age", methylation)
mod = Beta.from_formula(model, methylation, Z=Z, link_phi=sm.families.links.identity())
rslt =
yield check_same, rslt.params[:-2], expected_methylation_mean['Estimate'], 1e-2, "estimates"
yield check_same, rslt.tvalues[:-2], expected_methylation_mean['zvalue'], 0.1, "z-scores"
yield check_same, rslt.pvalues[:-2], expected_methylation_mean['Pr(>|z|)'], 1e-2, "p-values"
def test_methylation_precision():
model = "methylation ~ gender + CpG"
Z = patsy.dmatrix("~ age", methylation)
mod = Beta.from_formula(model, methylation, Z=Z, link_phi=sm.families.links.identity())
rslt =
#yield check_same, sm.families.links.logit()(rslt.params[-2:]), expected_methylation_precision['Estimate'], 1e-3, "estimate"
#yield check_same, rslt.tvalues[-2:], expected_methylation_precision['zvalue'], 0.1, "z-score"
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