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Last active February 13, 2020 20:12
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Iterative radix4-DecimationInFrequency FFT in MATLAB -
% --- Radix-2 Decimation In Frequency - Iterative approach
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% --- N should be a power of 4
N = 1024;
% x = randn(1, N);
x = zeros(1, N);
x(1 : 10) = 1;
xoriginal = x;
xhat = zeros(1, N);
numStages = log2(N) / 2;
W = exp(-1i * 2 * pi * (0 : N - 1) / N);
omegaa = exp(-1i * 2 * pi / N);
mulCount = 0;
sumCount = 0;
M = N / 4;
for p = 1 : numStages;
for index = 0 : (N / (4^(p - 1))) : (N - 1);
for n = 0 : M - 1;
a = x(n + index + 1) + x(n + index + M + 1) + x(n + index + 2 * M + 1) + x(n + index + 3 * M + 1);
b = (x(n + index + 1) - x(n + index + M + 1) + x(n + index + 2 * M + 1) - x(n + index + 3 * M + 1)) .* omegaa^(2 * (4^(p - 1) * n));
c = (x(n + index + 1) - 1i * x(n + index + M + 1) - x(n + index + 2 * M + 1) + 1i * x(n + index + 3 * M + 1)) .* omegaa^(1 * (4^(p - 1) * n));
d = (x(n + index + 1) + 1i * x(n + index + M + 1) - x(n + index + 2 * M + 1) - 1i * x(n + index + 3 * M + 1)) .* omegaa^(3 * (4^(p - 1) * n));
x(n + 1 + index) = a;
x(n + M + 1 + index) = b;
x(n + 2 * M + 1 + index) = c;
x(n + 3 * M + 1 + index) = d;
mulCount = mulCount + 3;
sumCount = sumCount + 8;
M = M / 4;
xhat = bitrevorder(x);
xhatcheck = fft(xoriginal);
timeFFTW = toc;
rms = 100 * sqrt(sum(sum(abs(xhat - xhatcheck).^2)) / sum(sum(abs(xhat).^2)));
fprintf('Theoretical multiplications count \t = %i; \t Actual multiplications count \t = %i\n', ...
(3 / 8) * N * log2(N), mulCount);
fprintf('Theoretical additions count \t\t = %i; \t Actual additions count \t\t = %i\n\n', ...
N * log2(N), sumCount);
fprintf('Root mean square with FFTW implementation = %.10e\n', rms);
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