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Last active June 11, 2020 04:40
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extension Trie {
class Node {
var element: Element?
var children: [Path: Node]
init() {
self.element = nil
self.children = [:]
/// 再帰的に直列なNode列を作る(string[index + 1]を根とする部分木を作成)
fileprivate init<C: Collection>(_ element: Element, path: C, after index: C.Index) where C.Element == Path {
let nextIndex = path.index(after: index)
if nextIndex == path.endIndex {
self.element = element
self.children = [:]
} else {
self.element = nil
self.children = [path[nextIndex]: Node(element, path: path, after: nextIndex)]
/// そのノードの下についてる文字列一覧を返す
func subLeaves() -> [Element] {
guard !children.isEmpty else {
return { [$0] } ?? []
return children.values.flatMap { child -> [Element] in
return child.subLeaves()
/// 自身を根とする部分木のから、対応するprefix分動いたノードを探す
func findNode<C: Collection>(prefix: C) -> Node? where C.Element == Path {
guard let firstCharacter = prefix.first else {
return self
let remaining = prefix.dropFirst()
if let node = children[firstCharacter]?.findNode(prefix: remaining) {
return node
return nil
/// 改行を少なく表示
fileprivate func showPretty(indent: Int) {
guard !children.isEmpty else {
print("") // 葉で改行
var isFirst: Bool = true
for node in children {
if isFirst {
print("\(node.key)", terminator: "")
isFirst = false
} else {
let spaces = [String](repeating: " ", count: indent).joined()
print(spaces + "\(node.key)", terminator: "")
node.value.showPretty(indent: indent + 1)
final class Trie<Element, Path: Hashable> {
var rootNode: Node
init() {
rootNode = Node()
func insert<C: Collection>(_ element: Element, at path: C) where C.Element == Path {
var currentNode = rootNode
for index in path.indices {
let character = path[index]
if let node = currentNode.children[character] {
currentNode = node
} else {
currentNode.children[character] = Node(element, path: path, after: index)
/// prefixで検索
func find<C: Collection>(prefix: C) -> [Element] where C.Element == Path {
guard let node = rootNode.findNode(prefix: prefix) else {
return []
return node.subLeaves()
/// 後ろ何文字かが一致するものを検索(時間かかるので文字数減らしてから渡すこと)
func find<C: Collection>(from string: C) -> [Element] where C.Element == Path {
return string.indices.flatMap { index -> [Element] in
guard let node = rootNode.findNode(prefix: string[index...]) else {
return []
return node.subLeaves()
func showPretty() {
rootNode.showPretty(indent: 0)
extension Trie where Element == String, Path: DecomposedStringProtocol {
convenience init(_ strings: [String]) {
func insertBatch(_ strings: [String]) {
strings.forEach { string in
func insert(_ element: Element) {
self.insert(element, at: Path.decompose(element))
func find(from string: String) -> [Element] {
return self.find(from: Path.decompose(string))
func find(prefix: String) -> [Element] {
return self.find(from: Path.decompose(prefix))
protocol DecomposedStringProtocol: Hashable {
associatedtype C: Collection where C.Element == Self
static func decompose(_ string: String) -> C
extension UTF16.CodeUnit: DecomposedStringProtocol {
static func decompose(_ string: String) -> String.UTF16View {
extension UTF8.CodeUnit: DecomposedStringProtocol {
static func decompose(_ string: String) -> String.UTF8View {
extension Character: DecomposedStringProtocol {
static func decompose(_ string: String) -> String {
let trie = Trie<String, UTF16.CodeUnit>()
print(trie.find(from: "fffCE"))
print(trie.find(prefix: "C"))
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