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Created December 14, 2023 23:08
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AOC 2023, day 14
# -------- #
# Part One #
# -------- #
def find_slices(col):
slices = []
fixed = np.argwhere(col == "#").ravel()
for start, end in zip(fixed+1, fixed[1:]):
if end > start:
slices.append(slice(start, end))
return slices
grid = np.pad(np.array(list(map(list, inp.splitlines()))), 1, constant_values="#")
for col in grid.T[1:]:
for sl in find_slices(col):
if n_roll := (col[sl] == "O").sum():
col[sl][:n_roll] = "O"
col[sl][n_roll:] = "."
# Solution, part 1:
np.sum((grid[1:-1, 1:-1] == "O").sum(axis=1) * np.arange(grid.shape[0]-2, 0, -1))
# -------- #
# Part Two #
# -------- #
import numpy as np
from numba import njit
def find_slices(col):
slices = []
fixed = np.argwhere(col == "#").ravel()
for start, end in zip(fixed+1, fixed[1:]):
if end > start:
slices.append((start, end))
return np.array(slices)
def let_roll_and_rock(grid, all_slices):
for i, col in enumerate(grid.T[1:-1]):
for start, end in all_slices[i]:
sl = slice(start, end)
n_roll = col[sl].sum()
if n_roll > 0:
col[sl][:n_roll] = 1
col[sl][n_roll:] = 0
full_grid = np.pad(np.array(list(map(list, inp.splitlines()))), 1, constant_values="#")
rotated_grid = [full_grid, np.rot90(full_grid, 1, (1, 0)), np.rot90(full_grid, 2), np.rot90(full_grid, 1)]
all_slices = [tuple(find_slices(col) for col in grid.T[1:-1]) for grid in rotated_grid]
num_grid = np.zeros_like(full_grid, dtype=np.int8)
num_grid[full_grid == "O"] = 1
full_grid = num_grid
rotated_grid = (full_grid, np.rot90(full_grid, 1, (1, 0)), np.rot90(full_grid, 2), np.rot90(full_grid, 1))
stop_at, hashes = None, {}
for cycle in range(1, 1_000_000_000+1):
for grid, slices in zip(rotated_grid, all_slices):
let_roll_and_rock(grid, slices)
if stop_at is None:
# Only compute hash before first collision
arr_hash = full_grid[1:-1, 1:-1].tobytes()
if arr_hash in hashes:
length = cycle - hashes[arr_hash]
stop_at = cycle + (1_000_000_000 - cycle) % length
hashes[arr_hash] = cycle
if stop_at == cycle:
# Part 2:
print(np.sum((full_grid[1:-1, 1:-1]).sum(axis=1) * np.arange(full_grid.shape[0]-2, 0, -1)))
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