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Last active December 7, 2023 21:21
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AOC 2023, day 7
# Part 1:
from collections import Counter
ranks = []
vals = dict(zip("AKQJT98765432", reversed(range(13))))
for hand, bid in ((h, int(b)) for h, b in (l.split() for l in inp.splitlines())):
match Counter(hand).most_common(2):
case [(c, 5), *_]:
ranks.append((7, *map(vals.get, hand), bid))
case [(c, 4), *_]:
ranks.append((6, *map(vals.get, hand), bid))
case [(c1, 3), (c2, 2)]:
ranks.append((5, *map(vals.get, hand), bid))
case [(c, 3), *_]:
ranks.append((4, *map(vals.get, hand), bid))
case [(c1, 2), (c2, 2)]:
ranks.append((3, *map(vals.get, hand), bid))
case [(c1, 2), *_]:
ranks.append((2, *map(vals.get, hand), bid))
case _:
ranks.append((1, *map(vals.get, hand), bid))
sum(r*bid for r, (*_, bid) in enumerate(sorted(ranks), 1))
# Part 2
ranks = []
vals["J"] = -1
to = lambda hand: tuple(vals[c] for c in hand)
for hand, bid in ((h, int(b)) for h, b in (l.split() for l in inp.splitlines())):
match hand.count("J"), Counter(hand.replace("J", "")).most_common(2):
case 5, []:
ranks.append((7, *to(hand), bid))
case (j, [(_, n), *_]) if j + n == 5:
ranks.append((7, *to(hand), bid))
case (j, [(_, n), *_]) if j + n == 4:
ranks.append((6, *to(hand), bid))
case (j, [(_, n), (_, m)]) if j + n + m == 5:
ranks.append((5, *to(hand), bid))
case (j, [(_, n), *_]) if j + n == 3:
ranks.append((4, *to(hand), bid))
case (j, [(_, n), (_, m)]) if j + n + m == 4:
ranks.append((3, *to(hand), bid))
case (0, [(_, 2), *_]) | (1, [(_, 1), *_]):
ranks.append((2, *to(hand), bid))
case _:
ranks.append((1, *to(hand), bid))
sum(r*bid for r, (*_, bid) in enumerate(sorted(ranks), 1))
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