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Last active December 5, 2023 15:53
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AOC 2023, day 5, part 2
class Interval:
__slots__ = ("start", "end")
def __init__(self, start, end):
self.start = start
self.end = end
def __add__(self, n):
return Interval(self.start + n, self.end + n)
def __repr__(self):
return f"Interval({self.start}, {self.end})"
def overlaps(self, other):
return max(self.start, other.start) <= min(self.end, other.end)
def apply_map(self, other, offset):
if not self.overlaps(other):
return None, [self]
split_intervals = []
overlap = Interval(max(self.start, other.start), min(self.end, other.end)) + offset
if self.start < other.start:
split_intervals.append(Interval(self.start, min(self.end, other.start - 1)))
if self.end > other.end:
split_intervals.append(Interval(max(self.start, other.end + 1), self.end))
return overlap, split_intervals
seeds = list(map(int, inp.splitlines(1)[0].strip().replace("seeds: ", "").split()))
intervals = set(Interval(s, s+n) for s, n in zip(seeds[::2], seeds[1::2]))
inp_maps = [[list(map(int, line.split())) for line in m.splitlines()[1:]] for m in inp.split("\n\n")[1:]]
interval_maps = [
(Interval(from_start, from_start + rlen-1), to_start - from_start)
for to_start, from_start, rlen in mapping
for mapping in inp_maps
stages = [set(Interval(s, s+n-1) for s, n in zip(seeds[::2], seeds[1::2]))]
stages.extend(set() for _ in interval_maps)
for i, mapping in enumerate(interval_maps):
while stages[i]:
sub_stages = [set([stages[i].pop()])]
sub_stages.extend(set() for _ in mapping)
for j, (interval_map, offset) in enumerate(mapping):
for interval in sub_stages[j]:
overlap, split = interval.apply_map(interval_map, offset)
sub_stages[j + 1].update(split)
if overlap:
stages[i + 1].add(overlap) # Move to next full stage
# No map found, move to next stage:
min(interval.start for interval in stages[-1])
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