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Created June 15, 2017 15:31
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import Base.LinAlg.BlasFloat
import Base.LinAlg.BLAS: gemv!, gemv, axpy!
using BenchmarkTools
function classical_gram_schmidt!{T<:BlasFloat}(V::StridedMatrix{T}, w::StridedVector{T})
# orthogonalize
h = gemv('T', one(T), V, w)
gemv!('N', -one(T), V, h, one(T), w)
# Normalize
nrm = norm(w)
scale!(w, one(T) / nrm)
h, nrm
function iterative_classical_gram_schmidt!{T<:BlasFloat}(V::StridedMatrix{T}, w::StridedVector{T}; η = one(T) / √2)
# orthogonalize
h = gemv('T', one(T), V, w)
gemv!('N', -one(T), V, h, one(T), w)
# Repeat
nrm = norm(w)
if nrm < η * norm(h)
increment = gemv('T', one(T), V, w)
gemv!('N', -one(T), V, increment, one(T), w)
axpy!(one(T), increment, h)
nrm = norm(w)
# Normalize
scale!(w, one(T) / nrm)
h, nrm
function modified_gram_schmidt!{T<:BlasFloat}(V::StridedMatrix{T}, w::StridedVector{T})
k = size(V, 2)
h = zeros(T, k)
# Orthogonalize
@inbounds for i = 1 : k
column = @view(V[:, i])
h[i] = dot(column, w)
axpy!(-h[i], column, w)
# Normalize
nrm = norm(w)
scale!(w, one(T) / nrm)
h, nrm
function modified_gram_schmidt!{numT <: BlasFloat, vecT<:StridedVector}(V::Vector{vecT}, w::StridedVector{numT})
k = length(V)
h = zeros(numT, k)
# Orthogonalize
@inbounds for i = 1 : k
h[i] = dot(V[i], w)
axpy!(-h[i], V[i], w)
# Normalize
nrm = norm(w)
scale!(w, one(numT) / nrm)
h, nrm
function test(; m = 50)
suite = BenchmarkGroup()
for n = [1_000, 10_000, 100_000, 1_000_000]
key = string(n)
suite[key] = BenchmarkGroup(["cgs", "icgs", "mgs"])
V, _ = qr(rand(n, m))
new_vec = rand(n)
suite[key]["cgs"] = @benchmark classical_gram_schmidt!($V, a) setup=(a = copy($new_vec))
suite[key]["icgs"] = @benchmark iterative_classical_gram_schmidt!($V, b) setup=(b = copy($new_vec))
suite[key]["mgs"] = @benchmark modified_gram_schmidt!($V, c) setup=(c = copy($new_vec))
n = 1000
"icgs" => Trial(41.635 μs)
"mgs" => Trial(182.874 μs)
"cgs" => Trial(18.854 μs)
n = 10.000
"icgs" => Trial(616.911 μs)
"mgs" => Trial(789.294 μs)
"cgs" => Trial(319.054 μs)
n = 100.000
"icgs" => Trial(10.128 ms)
"mgs" => Trial(7.047 ms)
"cgs" => Trial(5.054 ms)
n = 1.000.000
"icgs" => Trial(106.763 ms)
"mgs" => Trial(117.694 ms)
"cgs" => Trial(53.784 ms)
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