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Created April 7, 2024 19:00
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# calculate sdp approximation for C5
using Random, LinearAlgebra, JuMP, CSDP
n = 5 #number of vertices
V = 1:n
E = [(i, i+1).%n.+1 for i in V]
m = Model(CSDP.Optimizer)
X = @variable(m, X[1:n, 1:n], PSD)
@objective(m, Max, sum(1-X[i,j] for (i,j) in E)/2)
for i = V
@constraint(m, X[i, i] == 1)
sdp = objective_value(m)
# cut[i] should be in {-1, 1}
w(cut) = sum(1 - cut[i]*cut[j] for (i,j) in E)/2
# Goemans-Williamson algorithm
function gwcut(X)
C = cholesky(X).U #X = C'C
cut = repeat([1], n)
while w(cut) < .878 * sdp
# choose random unit vector on n dimensional sphere
r = normalize(randn(n))
cut = sign.(C'*r)
return cut
#compare gw cut to optimal value mc = 4
cut = gwcut(value(X))
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