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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Debug the container
1. Install xcode, make sure to also install iOS 7.1 support (from Xcode -> Preferences -> Download)
2. In Safari -> Preferences, check the checkbox to "Show Develop menu in menu bar"
3. clone the container github project (ping will or hassan if you need access):
4. from OSX finder, launch the xcode project located at connect-container/flow/flow-runner/QtByteRunner/ios/flow.xcodeproj
5. agree to the various security popups that appear, and ignore any svn setup prompts
6. set the target device to iPad running on iOS 7 (connect team hasn't dealt with the Ember iOS 8 bug yet)
7. click on the "Play" button in xcode by the top left, this launches the app. note that you can view the app console log from xcode as well.
8. click the "Stop" button next to the play button, and close xcode. You only need to run the app once from xcode in order to install it in the simulator. You can run the app from xcode in the future if you want to view the console output.
9. from the simulator go to the settings app, tap on the "Container" app in the settings left hand panel
10. add the value "env=qastg" to the "URL Params" field
11. force close the Container app by hitting Shift-Command-H twice in the simulator
12. launch the Container app in the simulator, you should now be in the QA stage environment for the Container
13. from Safari, select Develop -> iOS Simulator -> - index.html. You are now debugging the UIWebView in the Container app
If you want to use spamalot within the native container then additionally do this:
14. from the simulator go to the settings app, tap on the "Container" app in the settings left hand panel
15. set the value for the URL Params to: env=dev login=3
16. force close the Container app by hitting Shift-Command-H twice in the simulator
17. launch the Container app in the simulator
18. tap on button LOCALHOST_LTI_PAGE to go to spamalot (optionally tap on button setMenu2 to view left hand panel)
19. set spamalot to the client that you want to use: localhost:4200 or EXPECTED for the development integration env.
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