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Created July 24, 2019 19:32
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Card Implements Example
data: {
type: 'cards'
id: '@acme/ticket-tools::ticket-card:123',
attributes: {
'edit-template': `
{{delegate-to content.event}} {{!-- framework decides the format to use, appears as embedded until a user clicks on it, for example --}}
{{delegate-to content.price}}
'isolated-template': `
Event: {{cardstack-content content.event}}
Attendee: {{}}
Start time: {{moment-format content.time 'MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm A'}} {{!-- we can access adopted cards metadata the same as our own --}}
Price: {{content.price}}
Purchased date: {{moment-format content.purchaseDate 'MM/DD/YYYY'}}
'embedded-template': `
Event name: {{content.eventName}}
Start time: {{moment-format content.eventTime 'MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm A'}}
Price: {{content.price}}
'isolated-js': `
import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import moment from 'moment';
export default class TicketIsolatedComponent extends Component { ... }
// Maybe this actually comes from the base-card
'embedded-js': `
import Component from '@glimmer/component';
export default class TicketEmbeddedComponent extends Component { ... }
'embedded-css': '',
'edit-css': '',
'isolated-css': '',
'dependencies': [
'moment': '^2.24.0'
// Maybe this actually comes from the base-card
'peer-dependencies': [
'@glimmer/component': '*'
// intentionally not including dev-dependencies, I dont think the hub actually cares about those...
relationships: {
fields: [
{ data: { type: 'fields', id: '@acme/ticket-tools::ticket-card::price' } },
{ data: { type: 'fields', id: '@acme/ticket-tools::ticket-card::purchase-date' } },
{ data: { type: 'fields', id: '@acme/ticket-tools::ticket-card::attendee' } },
{ data: { type: 'fields', id: '@acme/ticket-tools::ticket-card::event' } },
// a card always implements it's own interface, so it's implemeting its own ticket card
// interface as well as implementing the interfaces below. the implements definitions
// below allow the ticket card to be able to act as a user card and as an event card
implements: [{
data: {
type: 'cards',
id: '@cardstack/core-types::user-card::0::v1.0.0', // unclear about the card ID here...
meta: {
// here we provide mappings from our card's metadata fields to the user interface's fields.
// in this case the mapping is traversing the ticket card's attenee relationship, for which
// the attenee is a metadata field, and the fields specified from the attendee card are the
// attenee's metadata fields
'metadata-mappings': {
id: '',
username: 'attentee.username',
name: '',
email: ''
data: {
type: 'cards',
id: '@cardstack/core-types::event-card::0::v1.0.0', // unclear about the card ID here...
meta: {
// here we provide mappings from our card's metadata fields to the user interface's fields.
// in this case the mapping is traversing the ticket card's event relationship, for which
// the event is a metadata field, and the fields specified from the event card are the
// event's metadata fields
'metadata-mappings': {
name: '',
address: 'event.address',
'date-time': ''
model: {
data: { type: '@acme/ticket-tools::ticket-cards', id: '@acme/ticket-tools::ticket-card::123' }, // note the model id matches the card id
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