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Last active September 10, 2023 09:13
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type IRef =
abstract member Ref: unit -> byref<int>
type C() =
let mutable num = 10
member _.Get() = num
member _.Ref() = &num
interface IRef with
member this.Ref() = &this.Ref()
let inline func (c: C) =
let inline func'<'a when 'a :> IRef> (c: 'a) =
let inline func'' (c: ^c when ^c: (member Ref: unit -> byref<int>)) = // should compile
&c.Ref() //compile time error FS3236: Cannot take the address of the value returned from the expression. Assign the returned value to a let-bound value before taking the address.
let inline func''' (c) = // should compile
&(^c: (member Ref: unit -> byref<int>) c) //compile time error FS3236: Cannot take the address of the value returned from the expression. Assign the returned value to a let-bound value before taking the address.
let inline func'''' (c) : byref<int> = // should return `int` instead of `byref<int>` according to
(^c: (member Ref: unit -> byref<int>) c) //but error on calling - error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type
// 'byref<int>'
// but here has type
// 'int'
let g () =
let c = C()
let mutable x = &func'''' c
x <- 1000
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