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Created June 26, 2018 12:05
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React validatable component that strips off props for TypeScript
export const BlahEditor = IsValidatableComponent(class BlahEditor extends React.Component<ValidationProps, {}> {
constructor(props: ValidationProps, context: IContext) {
super(props, context);
this.state = { };
render() {
// inside some render() method....
return (
<ValidationProvider onValidationStateChange={(valid) => {
allFieldsValid: valid
<BlahEditor ... />
import * as React from "react";
import { Dissoc } from 'subtractiontype.ts';
const ValidationContext = React.createContext<ValidationProvider | null>(null);
export interface ValidationProps {
onValidationStateChange: (valid: boolean) => void;
interface ValidatableInstance {
isValid(): boolean;
interface ValidatableComponentClass<P> extends React.ComponentClass<P> {
new (props: P, context?: any): React.Component<P, React.ComponentState> & ValidatableInstance;
interface ValidationForwardedProps<O> {
_forwardedRef: React.Ref<React.ComponentClass<O>> | null | undefined;
interface ValidationInternalProps<O> extends ValidationForwardedProps<O> {
_validator: ValidationProvider | null;
type OuterProps<P> = Dissoc<P, keyof ValidationProps>;
type ValidatableComponent<P> = ValidatableComponentClass<P>;
export type PropsWithoutValidationCallback<P> = OuterProps<P>;
export function IsValidatableComponent<P extends ValidationProps>(WrappedComponent: ValidatableComponent<P>): React.ComponentType<OuterProps<P>> {
type O = OuterProps<P>;
type F = ValidationForwardedProps<O> & O;
type I = ValidationInternalProps<O> & O;
class WithValidation extends React.Component<I> {
private _localRef: ValidatableInstance | null = null;
public componentWillMount(): void {
if (this.props._validator !== null) {
if (this._localRef !== null) {
this.props._validator.update(this, this._localRef.isValid());
} else {
public componentWillUnmount(): void {
if (this.props._validator !== null) {
public render(): React.ReactNode {
const { _validator, _forwardedRef } = this.props;
return <WrappedComponent
ref={(ref: ValidatableInstance | null) => {
this._localRef = ref;
if (_forwardedRef !== undefined && _forwardedRef !== null && typeof _forwardedRef !== 'string') {
_forwardedRef(ref as any);
if (ref !== null) {
if (this.props._validator !== null) {
this.props._validator.update(this, ref.isValid());
onValidationStateChange={(valid: boolean) => {
if (_validator != null) {
_validator.update(this, valid);
{...this.props as any} />;
class ValidationWrapper extends React.Component<F> {
public render(): React.ReactNode {
const { _forwardedRef } = this.props;
return (
{(validationContext: ValidationProvider | null): React.ReactNode => {
return (
{...this.props as any}
return React.forwardRef<React.ComponentType<O>, O>((props, ref) => {
return <ValidationWrapper {...props as any} _forwardedRef={ref} />;
interface ValidationProviderState {
validatableComponents: Map<React.ComponentLifecycle<any, any>, boolean>;
lastValid: boolean;
export class ValidationProvider extends React.Component<ValidationProps, ValidationProviderState> {
constructor(props: ValidationProps) {
this.state = {
validatableComponents: new Map<React.ComponentLifecycle<any, any>, boolean>(),
lastValid: true
public render(): React.ReactNode {
return (
<ValidationContext.Provider value={this}>
private checkValidityAndRaise() {
const valid = Array.from(this.state.validatableComponents.values())
.filter(ref => ref != null)
.map(ref => ref as boolean)
.reduce((prev, cur) => prev && cur, true);
if (valid !== this.state.lastValid) {
lastValid: valid
}, () => {
public register(component: React.ComponentLifecycle<any, any>) {
this.state.validatableComponents.set(component, true);
public deregister(component: React.ComponentLifecycle<any, any>) {
public update(component: React.ComponentLifecycle<any, any>, valid: boolean) {
this.state.validatableComponents.set(component, valid);
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