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Forked from XanderLuciano/_spacing.scss
Created January 7, 2021 21:14
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This is a simple sass (rather scss) recreation of a bootstrap like spacing utility which allows you to quickly and easily set margin and padding sizes through classes like `mx-3`, `p-2`, and `pt-5`. You can define spacing values in $spacing and add or remove shorthand properties with the $prefixes variable. This uses `!important` to override any…
@mixin simpleSpace {
// margin and padding values
$spacings: (
) !default;
// margin and padding shorthand prefixes
$prefixes: (
p : padding,
px : (padding-left, padding-right),
py : (padding-top, padding-bottom),
pt : padding-top,
pr : padding-right,
pb : padding-bottom,
pl : padding-left,
m : margin,
mx : (margin-left, margin-right),
my : (margin-top, margin-bottom),
mt : margin-top,
mr : margin-right,
mb : margin-bottom,
ml : margin-left,
) !default;
// Loop generating all spacing styles
@each $attr-short, $attr-list in $prefixes {
@each $space in $spacings {
.#{$attr-short}-#{ index(($spacings), $space)-1 } {
@each $attr in $attr-list {
#{$attr}: #{$space} !important;
@include simpleSpace();
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