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Created May 14, 2018 23:25
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var hyperdb = require('hyperdb')
var hindex = require('hyperdb-index-level')
var level = require('level')
var ram = require('random-access-memory')
var db = hyperdb(ram, { valueEncoding: 'json' })
var lvl = level('./index')
var idx = hindex(db, lvl, processor)
var alice = hyperdb(ram, { valueEncoding: 'json' })
var bob = hyperdb(ram, { valueEncoding: 'json' })
// imagine alice/bob/db have all been replicted + authorized to each other
// by default, let's say 'db' (creator of the first db) is the only one with
// admin perms
// db.put('role/' + db.local.key.toString('hex'), 'admin') // <- implicit
alice.put('role/' + db.local.key.toString('hex'), 'admin')
// then db decides to auth alice and mute bob
db.put('role/' + alice.local.key.toString('hex'), 'admin')
db.put('role/' + bob.local.key.toString('hex'), 'mute')
// the processor function below will process these in causal order
function processor (node, next) {
if (node.key.startsWith('role/')) {
var key = node.key.split('/')[1]
var role = node.value
var authorKey = db.local.key // TODO: lookup how to derive this from the hyperdb node
// check if the author is allowed to make permission edits
lvl.get(authorKey, function (err, authorRole) {
if ((err && err.notFound) || authorRole !== 'admin') return // ignore the node
lvl.put(key, role, next)
function getRole (key, cb) {
idx.ready(function () {
lvl.get(key, cb)
// getRole(alice.local.key, function (err, role) { ... }
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