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Created March 20, 2015 10:01
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Example of a service
var constants = require('client/constants');
var _ = require('lodash');
var roomIdGenerator = require('client/logic/roomIdGenerator');
* Spawns a new player in the next available block.
* @param {Object} args
* @param {server.serviceCb} cb
module.exports = function(args, cb, session){
// Should be stored on the player
var level = 0;
var player = this.s.m.Player.f_findById(session.loggedPlayerId).wait();
if(player.stats.planetsOwnedN > 0) return cb('You own more than 0 planet.');
var planets;
// Find an available block.
var block = this.s.m.Block.f_findOne({
level : level,
openSlots : {$gte: constants.PLANETS_GIVEN_TO_NEW_PLAYERS},
// If no available block found, generate one.
var lane = this.f_api('v1/lanes/findOrCreate', {x: level}).wait().lane;
var blockGenerateRes = this.f_api('v1/block/generate', {
x : level,
y : lane.y,
level : level,
block = blockGenerateRes.block;
planets = blockGenerateRes.planets;
// If no planets yet, get them.
if(planets === void 0){
planets = this.s.m.Planet.f_find({
'' : block._id,
'owner.username' : null,
suitableForSpawn : true,
}, null, {
sort : {spawnOrder: 'asc'},
// Filter out not suitable planets.
planetsToGive = planets.filter(function(planet){
return planet.suitableForSpawn && planet.spawnOrder !== void 0;
// Sort by spawn order.
planetsToGive = _.sortBy(planets, 'spawnOrder');
// Select the planets to give.
planetsToGive = planetsToGive.slice(0, constants.PLANETS_GIVEN_TO_NEW_PLAYERS);
// @todo: Use the object
planet.owner.username = player.username;
planet.owner.color = player.color;
planet.owner.colorB = player.colorB;
planet.owner.colorC = player.colorC;
planet.owner.isBot =;
planet.units = planet.getCapacity(); = Math.max(, 5000); // At least 5K of gold.
// Update the open slots in this block.
$inc: {openSlots: -planetsToGive.length}
// Set player vars
player.lastPosition = planetsToGive[0].pos;
player.lastBlockId = block._id;
player.dateSpawned = new Date();
player.stats.planetsOwnedN = planetsToGive.length;
player.unlockedBlocksIds = [block._id];
player.ownsBlocksIds = [block._id];
this.broadcastTo(roomIdGenerator.get('gameBlock', block._id), '', {
playerData : player,
planetsGiven : planetsToGive,
date : new Date(),
cb(void 0, {
player : player,
planetsGiven : planetsToGive,
block : block
module.exports.fibers = true;
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