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Last active September 17, 2019 11:21
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Numoku Solver working in Python, not in Rust :(
'''From 1to9puzzle Twitter post
August 15, 2019'''
import copy
import time
import random
starttime = time.time()
#Puzzle #19227
BOARD = '..1....5..6....3.78......2..8.4..5..'
def create_board(board):
"""Takes initial BOARD of numbers and periods
and replaces blanks with terms or 0's, keeping
count of the number of blanks to be filled"""
output = []
for n in board:
if n != '.':
term = int(n)
term = 0
return output
def populate_board(boardlist):
'''Puts new values into existing board spots
to prevent overwriting hard values'''
output = []
board = create_board(BOARD)
i = 0
for j in range(36):
if board[j] == 0:
i += 1
return output
def row(board,n):
'''returns values in row n of board'''
return board[6*n:6*n+6]
def col(board,n):
'''returns values in column n of board'''
output = []
for j in range(6):
output.append(board[6*j + n])
return output
def quadrant(board,n):
"""Returns list of values in nth quadrant of board."""
quadrants = []
for j in [0,1,6,7]: #the 4 sub-blocks
block = []
for k in range(3):
quad = []
for thing in block:
for t in thing:
return quadrants[n]
def print_board(board):
"""Prints board while running or at end."""
#board = []
if len(board) < 36:
board = populate_board(board)
for i in range(6):
for n in row(board,i):
print(n," ",end = "")
print() #blank line
def check_no_conflicts(board):
'''Returns False if there ARE conflicts'''
board = populate_board(board)
#Check rows and columns for totals and repeats
for i in range(6):
thisrow = row(board,i)
if thisrow.count(0) == 0:
if sum(thisrow) != 30:
return False
thiscol = col(board,i)
if thiscol.count(0) == 0:
if sum(thiscol) != 30:
return False
for n in range(1,10):
if row(board,i).count(n) not in [0,1]:
return False
if col(board,i).count(n) not in [0,1]:
return False
for i in range(4):
for n in range(1,10):
if quadrant(board,(i)).count(n) not in [0,1]:
return False
return True
def solve(values, safe_up_to, size):
"""Finds a solution to a backtracking problem.
values -- a sequence of values to try, in order. For a map coloring
problem, this may be a list of colors, such as ['red',
'green', 'yellow', 'purple']
safe_up_to -- a function with two arguments, solution and position, that
returns whether the values assigned to slots 0..pos in
the solution list, satisfy the problem constraints.
size -- the total number of “slots” you are trying to fill
Return the solution as a list of values.
solution = [0]*size
def extend_solution(position):
for value in values:
solution[position] = value
if safe_up_to(solution):
#solution = solution2
if position >= size-1 or extend_solution(position+1):
return solution
solution[position] = 0
if value == values[-1]:
solution[position-1] = 0
if position < size - 1:
solution[position + 1] = 0
return None
return extend_solution(0)
board1 = create_board(BOARD)
print("Time (secs):",round(time.time() - starttime,1))
9 3 1 8 4 5
2 5 7 9 6 1
6 4 8 3 2 7
8 7 5 1 3 6
1 2 6 4 8 9
4 9 3 5 7 2
Time (secs): 43.2
extern crate time;
use time::PreciseTime;
const STARTGRID : [&str;21] = ["000800080030900500008304050070003000",
const VALUES : [u32;9] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
const SIZE : usize = 36;
const N : usize = 6;
fn row_count(board : &Vec<u32>, n : usize, val : u32) -> u32 {
//returns number of val in row n of board
// PG: this function style counting is quicker, but not for col!
.filter(|&c| *c == val).count() as u32
fn row_sum(board : &Vec<u32>, n : usize) -> u32 {
//returns number of val in row n of board
//let row: Vec<u32> = board[n*N..n*N+N].to_vec();
//Paddy's improvement:
fn col_sum(board: &Vec<u32>,n: usize) -> u32 {
let mut tot : u32 = 0;
for i in 0..N {
tot += board[i * N + n];
fn col_count(board : &Vec<u32>, n : usize, val : u32) -> u32 {
//returns number of val in col n of board
let mut tot : u32 = 0;
for i in 0..N {
if board[i * N + n] == val {tot += 1;}
fn block_sum_count(board : &Vec<u32>, n : usize, val : u32) -> (u32, u32) {
//returns sum and number of val in block n of board
let block : [usize;9] = match n {
0 => [0,1,2,6,7,8,12,13,14],
1 => [3,4,5,9,10,11,15,16,17],
2 => [18,19,20,24,25,26,30,31,32],
3 => [21,22,23,27,28,29,33,34,35],
_ => [0;9]
let mut tot: u32 = 0;
let mut count: u32 = 0;
for &v in block.iter() {
if board[v] == val {
count += 1;
tot += board[v];
(tot, count)
fn print_board(board : &Vec<u32>) {
for i in 0..N {
for j in 0..N {
print!("{} ", board[i * N + j]);
println!(""); // blank line between
fn check_no_conflicts(board : &Vec<u32>) -> bool {
//Returns False if there ARE conflicts
for i in 0..N {
for v in VALUES.iter() {
if row_count(board, i, *v as u32) > 1 { // check repeats in row i
//println!("Row count {}, {}",i,v);
return false;
if col_count(board, i, *v as u32) > 1 { // col i
//println!("Col count {}, {}",i,v);
return false;
if row_count(board, i, 0) == 0 {
if row_sum(board, i) != 30 {
//println!("Row sum {}",i);
return false;
if col_count(board, i, 0) == 0 {
if col_sum(board,i) != 30 {
//println!("Col sum {}",i);
return false;
for i in 0..4 {
for v in VALUES.iter() {
let (_n, c) = block_sum_count(board, i, *v as u32);
if c > 1 {
return false;
let (n, c) = block_sum_count(board, i, 0);
if c == 0 {
if n != 45 {
return false;
fn solve(i : usize, safe_up_to : fn(&Vec<u32>) -> bool) -> Vec<u32> {
let mut solution = vec![0u32;SIZE];
let mut map_to : Vec<usize> = vec![];
for (i, c) in STARTGRID[i].bytes().enumerate() {
solution[i] = c as u32 - 48;
if c == 48 { // i.e. c is '0' so this is a slot to fill
fn extend_solution(position : usize, // increment for each position in the solution list
solution : &mut Vec<u32>, // list of values for solution
map_to : &Vec<usize>, // allows redirection of vals in solution to slots that need filling
safe_up_to : fn(&Vec<u32>) -> bool) -> bool { // pass the function
for value in VALUES.iter() {
solution[map_to[position]] = *value;
if safe_up_to(&solution) { // i.e. this solution is good so far, push it further if not at end
if position >= map_to.len() - 1 || extend_solution(position + 1, solution, map_to, safe_up_to) {
return true; // either got to end or extended solution fails
} else {
solution[map_to[position]] = 0; // this position failed so set back to 0
if value == &VALUES[8] && position > 0 { // if at end of VALUES shift back one place as well
solution[map_to[position - 1]] = 0;
if position < (map_to.len() - 1) { // set next slot to 0 next position can have an incorrect try left in it
solution[map_to[position + 1]] = 0;
if extend_solution(0, &mut solution, &map_to, safe_up_to) { // start recursive checking from position 0
return solution;
solution // else return whatever the last attempt was - spurious values
fn main() {
let start_all = PreciseTime::now(); //Start of program
for i in 0..STARTGRID.len() {
let start = PreciseTime::now(); //Start of individual board
let solution = solve(i, check_no_conflicts);
println!("Board #{}:",i);
let end = PreciseTime::now();
println!("{} seconds. {} seconds total.",,;
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