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Last active January 15, 2016 12:26
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sending data and synchronizing with new goroutine
package main
import (
func main() {
//step 1: create the bridge
bridgeForOne := make(chan int)
//call the function in a new goroutine
//and send the reference of channel to the new goroutine
//using this reference the new go routine will
//communicate and synchronize with main
go testRunConcurrent(bridgeForOne)
//lets onboard a integer onto the bridge
bridgeForOne <- 1122
fmt.Println("Integer recieved at the other end of the bridge in the new go routine and hence the main unblocks and control comes here")
func testRunConcurrent(bridgeReferenceFromMain chan int) {
//Inside the new Go routine
fmt.Println("Inside the new goroutine")
//recieving the integer of the channel bridge
takingTheIntegerOffTheBridge := <-bridgeReferenceFromMain
//only after this recieve from the other end of the shared channel,
//the send through the channel on main function unblocks and continues execution
fmt.Printf("\nHere is the number sent across the bridge from main: %d\n", takingTheIntegerOffTheBridge)
//since the function called from your new goroutine ends execution here,
//the new goroutines also gracefully ends.
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