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Created April 22, 2022 06:30
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fmap sandbox
module Sandbox
open FStar.List
open FStar.Set
type nat_from (l: set nat) = x:nat{mem x l}
type nonempty_set a = l:set a { l =!= empty }
let list_len = FStar.List.Tot.Base.length
type nonempty_list a = l:list a{ list_len l > 0 }
/// Tot version of nth. Fail-safe, total, pure and all.
let rec at #a (l: list a{list_len l > 0}) (i: nat{i < list_len l}) : Tot a =
match l with
| h::t -> if i=0 then h else at t (i-1)
type fmap a =
| Empty : fmap a
| FMap : dom : nonempty_set nat -> (f : (nat_from dom -> a)) -> fmap a
let nonempty_fmap a = (m:fmap a{m =!= Empty})
let dom_of #a (m: fmap a) = match m with
| Empty -> empty
| FMap dom _ -> dom
type keys_of #a (m: fmap a) = nat_from (dom_of m)
let ( @> ) #a (m: nonempty_fmap a) (i: keys_of m) =
match m with
| FMap dom f -> f i
let is_atomic_update_of #a (original updated: nonempty_fmap a) (i: keys_of original) (new_value: a) =
dom_of original == dom_of updated /\
(forall (k: keys_of original).
(updated @> k) == (if i=k then new_value else (original @> k)))
type atomic_update_of #a (original: nonempty_fmap a) (i: keys_of original) (new_value: a)
= updated: nonempty_fmap a { is_atomic_update_of original updated i new_value }
let fmap_update #a (m: nonempty_fmap a) (i: keys_of m) (v:a)
: Tot (atomic_update_of m i v) =
match m with
| Empty -> m
| FMap dom f -> FMap dom (fun (k: nat_from dom) -> (if i=k then v else f k))
let is_batch_update_of #a (original updated: nonempty_fmap a) (new_keys: set (keys_of original)) (new_value: a) =
dom_of updated == dom_of original /\
(forall (i: keys_of original). updated @> i == (if (mem i new_keys) then new_value else original @> i))
type batch_update_of #a (original: nonempty_fmap a) (new_keys: set (keys_of original)) (new_value: a)
= updated: nonempty_fmap a { is_batch_update_of original updated new_keys new_value }
let fmap_update_batch #a (m: nonempty_fmap a) (l: set (keys_of m)) (v: a)
: Tot (batch_update_of m l v) =
FMap (dom_of m) (fun i -> if mem i l then v else m @> i)
let fmap_init #a (indices: nonempty_set nat) (value: a) :
(result: fmap a{ dom_of result == indices /\
(forall (i: keys_of result). result @> i == value)}) =
FMap indices (fun (x:nat_from indices) -> value)
let singleton_is_not_empty (#a:eqtype) (x:a) : Lemma (singleton x =!= empty) =
mem_empty x
let fmap_add_or_update #a (m: fmap a) (i: nat) (v:a) : z:nonempty_fmap a {
(dom_of z == union (dom_of m) (singleton i)) /\
(forall (k: keys_of z). z @> k == (if k=i then v else m @> k) )
} =
let new_indices = add i (dom_of m) in
mem_union i new_indices (dom_of m) ;
FMap new_indices (fun (k: nat_from new_indices) -> if k=i then v else m @> k)
let at_cons_lemma #a (h:a) (t: list a) (i:nat{i<=length t})
: Lemma (at (h::t) i == (if i=0 then h else at t (i-1))) = ()
let rec keys_of_pairs #a (mappings: nonempty_list (nat * a)) : z:list nat{
length mappings == length z /\
(forall (i: nat{i<length mappings}). fst (at mappings i) == at z i)
} = match mappings with
| [] -> []
| [h] -> [fst h]
| h::t -> Classical.forall_intro (at_cons_lemma h t);
Cons (fst h) (keys_of_pairs t)
let fmap_initializer #a (mappings: list (nat*a))
: m:fmap a { list_len mappings > 0 ==> m =!= Empty }
if list_len mappings = 0 then Empty else
let rec aux (l: list (nat*a)) (map: fmap a)
: (m: fmap a{ list_len l > 0 ==> m =!= Empty /\
dom_of m == as_set (keys_of_pairs l) `union` dom_of map
match l with
| [] -> map
| [(i,v)] -> singleton_is_not_empty i;
assert (keys_of_pairs l == [i]);
assert (as_set (keys_of_pairs l) == union (singleton i) empty);
let next_dom = union (singleton i) (dom_of map) in
mem_union i (singleton i) (dom_of map);
mem_empty i;
assert (as_set (keys_of_pairs l) == singleton i);
FMap (singleton i `union` dom_of map) (fun k -> if k=i then v else map @> i)
| (i,v)::t ->
mem_union i (singleton i) (dom_of (aux t (fmap_add_or_update map i v)));
// lemma_equal_intro (dom_of (aux t (fmap_add_or_update map i v)))
// (singleton i `union`
aux t (fmap_add_or_update map i v) in
aux mappings Empty
let test = fmap_initializer [ (0, -1); (3, 1); (4, 5) ]
let _ = assert (test @> 0 == -1)
let rec fmap_update1 #a (m: fmap a) (l: list nat) (v:a)
: Tot (result:fmap a{ result._dom == m._dom }) =
match l with
| [] -> m
| h :: t -> let m' = { m with _f = (fun y -> if h = y then v else m._f y)} in
fmap_update1 m t v
let rec fmap_update_does_nothing #a (m: fmap a) (l: list nat) (v: a)
: Lemma (fmap_update1 m l v == m) =
match l with
| [] -> ()
| h::t -> fmap_update_does_nothing m t v
let rec fmap_update_lemma #a (m: fmap a) (l: list nat) (v:a)
: Lemma (ensures (forall i. mem i l ==> (fmap_update1 m l v)._f i == v)) =
match l with
| [] -> ()
| h :: t -> let m' = { m with _f = (fun y -> if h = y then v else m._f y)} in
fmap_update_lemma m t v
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