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line 285 admit is redundant, but F* fails without it!
module AlgebraTypes
#push-options "--ifuel 0 --fuel 0 --z3rlimit 1"
type binary_op (a:Type) = a -> a -> a
type unary_op (a:Type) = a -> a
type predicate (a:Type) = a -> bool
type binary_relation (a: Type) = a -> a -> bool
let is_reflexive (#a:Type) (r: binary_relation a) = forall (x:a). x `r` x
let is_symmetric (#a:Type) (r: binary_relation a) = forall (x y:a). x `r` y <==> y `r` x
let is_transitive (#a:Type) (r: binary_relation a) = forall (x y z:a). x `r` y /\ y `r` z ==> x `r` z
/// We do this for future work with fractions over arbitrary domains.
/// Where there is no GCD computation, there's no reducing a/a to 1/1
/// (or 0/a to 0/1), and we'll use the custom equivalence relation,
/// (a/b)=(c/d) ==def== (ad=bc). The three properties shall be then proven explicitly.
type equivalence_relation (a: Type) = r:binary_relation a{is_reflexive r /\ is_symmetric r /\ is_transitive r}
let equivalence_wrt_condition (#a: Type) (op: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) =
(forall (x y z:a). (x `eq` y) <==> ((x `op` z) `eq` (y `op` z))) /\
(forall (x y z:a). (x `eq` y) <==> ((z `op` x) `eq` (z `op` y)))
type equivalence_wrt (#a: Type) (op: binary_op a) = eq:equivalence_relation a{equivalence_wrt_condition op eq}
/// Here, we define basic axioms of algebraic structures in form of propositions
/// about operations and elements.
/// The forall part has precisely the meaning we expect it to have :)
/// From here, one can deduce what an exists statement would look like...
let is_associative (#a:Type) (op:binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) = forall (x y z:a). ((x `op` y) `op` z) `eq` (x `op` (y `op` z))
let is_commutative (#a:Type) (op:binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) = forall (x y:a). (x `op` y) `eq` (y `op` x)
let is_idempotent (#a:Type) (r: unary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) = forall (x:a). (r x) `eq` (r (r x))
/// Things quickly get funny if we consider non-associative structures (magmas etc).
/// Therefore we don't, not because we dislike fun, but because we strive for sanity.
let is_left_id_of (#a:Type) (u:a) (op:binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) = forall (x:a). (u `op` x) `eq` x // left identity
let is_right_id_of (#a:Type) (u:a) (op:binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) = forall (x:a). (x `op` u) `eq` x // right identity
let is_neutral_of (#a:Type) (u:a) (op:binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) = is_left_id_of u op eq /\ is_right_id_of u op eq // neutral element
let is_inverse_element_of (#a: Type) (op: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) (neutral: a) (x: a) (y: a)
= ((x `op` y) `eq` neutral) /\ ((y `op` x) `eq` neutral)
let is_invertible_element_of (#a: Type) (op: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) (neutral: a) (x: a)
= exists (y: a). (is_inverse_element_of op eq neutral x y)
type neutral_element_of (#a: Type) (op: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) = (x:a{is_neutral_of x op eq})
/// The notion of absorbing element, or absorber, is the generalization of integer zero with respect to multiplication
/// That is, 0x = x0 = 0. Other exmaples are the empty set w.r.t. intersection, 1 w.r.t. GCD in naturals, etc.
let is_absorber_of (#a:Type) (z:a) (op:binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) = forall (x:a). ((x `op` z) `eq` z) && ((z `op` x) `eq` z)
type absorber_of (#a:Type) (op:binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) = z:a{is_absorber_of z op eq}
type non_absorber_of (#a:Type) (op: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) = z:a{~(is_absorber_of z op eq)}
/// Proving that in any magma, there may not be 2 distinct absorbers, is left as an exercise to both Z3 and the reader.
/// And Z3 is doing fine on that account, just saying.
let absorber_is_unique (#a:Type) (op: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) (z1 z2: absorber_of op eq) : Lemma (eq z1 z2) = ()
/// Since we are using custom equivalence relation, we specifically assure the existence of
/// the unit. We also write "forall" since, for example, for fractions, there'll also be neutral
/// elements of type a/a, b/b... for nonzero (a, b...), unless we operate in a euclidean domain
/// that offers the algorithm for GCD computation and thus the notion of reduced fractions.
/// For arbitrary domains, there is no hope of reduced fractions, so the notions for inverses and neutrals
/// stays in its most general form.
let is_inverse_operation_for (#a: Type) (inv: unary_op a) (op: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a)
= (exists (at_least_one_neutral: a). is_neutral_of at_least_one_neutral op eq) /\
(forall (u: neutral_element_of op eq) (x: a). ((x `op` (inv x)) `eq` u) /\ (((inv x) `op` x) `eq` u))
/// The inverse operation type is also a refinement for arbitrary unary operation
type inverse_op_for (#a: Type) (op: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a)
= (inv:unary_op a{is_inverse_operation_for inv op eq})
/// We shall generally keep in mind that distributivity laws must be considered separately
/// If in future we consider K[x] with multiplication f(x)*g(x) defined as composition f(g(x)),
/// we will do well to remember that only one of the two distributivities holds there.
let is_right_distributive (#a:Type) (op_mul:binary_op a) (op_add:binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) =
forall (x y z:a). (x `op_mul` (y `op_add` z)) `eq` ((x `op_mul` y) `op_add` (x `op_mul` z))
let is_left_distributive (#a:Type) (op_mul:binary_op a) (op_add:binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) =
forall (x y z:a). ((x `op_add` y) `op_mul` z) `eq` ((x `op_mul` z) `op_add` (y `op_mul` z))
let is_fully_distributive (#a:Type) (op_mul:binary_op a) (op_add:binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) =
(is_right_distributive op_mul op_add eq) /\ (is_left_distributive op_mul op_add eq)
/// Domain defining property (the alternative form is the Cancellation Law, (ax=bx ==> (x=0 \/ a=b)
let has_no_zero_divisors (#a:Type) (zero:a) (op_mul: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a)=
forall (x y:a). ((x `op_mul` y) `eq` zero) ==> (x `eq` zero) \/ (y `eq` zero)
/// For future reference, we difine what it means for divisor to divide dividend
let is_divisor_of (#a:Type) (op_mul: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) (divisor: a) (dividend: a) =
exists (quotient: a). (quotient `op_mul` divisor) `eq` dividend
/// We provide the two lemmas that ensure divides, second one purely to
/// demonstrate how one uses exists_intro. Usually you're fine with '= ()'.
let inst_divides (#a:Type) (op_mul: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) (y: a) (x: a) (z:a{(z `op_mul` y) `eq` x})
: Lemma (is_divisor_of op_mul eq y x) = ()
/// explicitly stated version showcases FStar.Classical.exists_intro
let inst_divides_2 (#a:Type) (op_mul: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) (y: a) (x: a) (z:a{(z `op_mul` y) `eq` x})
: Lemma (is_divisor_of op_mul eq y x) = FStar.Classical.exists_intro (fun z -> (z `op_mul` y) `eq` x) z
/// This will soon be used as we'll represent elements in form of x=(unit_part)*(normal_part)
/// where (unit_part) is a ring unit, and (normal_part) is, roughly speaking, (unit_part⁻¹ * x),
/// so that normal part would represent absolute value, monic polynomial, etc.
/// If you're curious as to where did these (not so often used!) notions came from,
/// see the book "Algorithms for Computer Algebra" by Geddes, Czapor, Labahn.
/// You'll find quite a lot of interesting notions there.
/// we denote the unit u, because the word `unit` is reserved in F*
/// Invertible elements in a ring are called units, and here's their defining condition
let is_unit (#a: Type) (x: a) (op:binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a)
= exists (y:a). (is_neutral_of (x `op` y) op eq /\ is_neutral_of (y `op` x) op eq)
/// A zero of a ring is the neutral element of the ring's additive group,
/// and here's the special property we might need in the future
let is_zero (#a: Type) (z: a) (op_mul: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) = forall (x: a). ((x `op_mul` z) `eq` z) /\ ((z `op_mul` x) `eq` z)
/// We call the two elements associated if they divide each other
let are_associated (#a: Type) (p: a) (q: a) (op_mul: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) = (is_divisor_of op_mul eq p q) /\ (is_divisor_of op_mul eq q p)
/// We also define in advance the notions of irreducibles and primes
/// We don't tell one from the other in Z, but in general, they are not the same thing.
let is_irreducible (#a: Type) (x: a) (op_mul: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) =
(~(is_unit x op_mul eq)) /\
(exists (neutral: a). is_neutral_of neutral op_mul eq) /\
(forall (p q: a). ((q `op_mul` p) `eq` x) ==> ( (are_associated p x op_mul eq) /\ (is_unit q op_mul eq))
\/ ((are_associated q x op_mul eq) /\ (is_unit p op_mul eq)))
let is_prime (#a: Type) (p: a) (one: a) (op_mul: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) =
(~(is_unit p op_mul eq)) /\ (forall (m n: a). (is_divisor_of op_mul eq p (m `op_mul` n)) ==> ((is_divisor_of op_mul eq p m) \/ (is_divisor_of op_mul eq p n)))
noeq type magma (#a: Type) =
op: binary_op a;
eq: equivalence_wrt op;
inv: unary_op a;
neutral: a
type semigroup (#a:Type) = g: magma #a{is_associative g.op g.eq}
type commutative_magma (#a:Type) = g: magma #a{is_commutative g.op g.eq}
type commutative_semigroup (#a:Type) = g: semigroup #a{is_commutative g.op g.eq}
type monoid (#a:Type) = g: semigroup #a{is_neutral_of g.neutral g.op g.eq}
type commutative_monoid (#a:Type) = g: monoid #a{is_commutative g.op g.eq}
type group (#a:Type) = g: monoid #a{is_inverse_operation_for g.inv g.op g.eq}
type commutative_group (#a:Type) = g: group #a{is_commutative g.op g.eq}
let neutral_is_unique (#a:Type) (g: semigroup #a) (u: neutral_element_of g.op g.eq) (v: neutral_element_of g.op g.eq) : Lemma (g.eq u v) = ()
let neutral_equivalent_is_neutral (#a:Type) (op: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_wrt op ) (x: neutral_element_of op eq) (y: a{y `eq` x}) : Lemma (is_neutral_of y op eq) =
let aux_right (t: a) : Lemma ((t `op` y) `eq` t) =
assert (y `eq` x);
assert (forall (p q r:a). (p `eq` q) <==> ((p `op` r) `eq` (q `op` r)));
assert (t `op` x `eq` t);
assert ((t `op` y) `eq` (t `op` x));
assert ((t `op` y) `eq` t);
() in
let aux_left (t: a) : Lemma ((y `op` t) `eq` t) =
assert (y `eq` x);
assert (forall (p q r:a). (p `eq` q) <==> ((r `op` p) `eq` (r `op` q)));
assert (x `op` t `eq` t);
assert ((y `op` t) `eq` (x `op` t));
assert ((y `op` t) `eq` t);
() in
FStar.Classical.forall_intro aux_left;
FStar.Classical.forall_intro aux_right;
assert (is_neutral_of y op eq);
let equivalence_wrt_operation_lemma (#a: Type) (#op: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_wrt op) (e1 e2 z: a)
: Lemma (requires e1 `eq` e2) (ensures ((e1 `op` z) `eq` (e2 `op` z)) /\ ((z `op` e1) `eq` (z `op` e2))) = ()
let equivalence_wrt_operation_lemma_inverse (#a: Type) (#op: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_wrt op) (e1 e2 z: a)
: Lemma (requires ((e1 `op` z) `eq` (e2 `op` z)) /\ ((z `op` e1) `eq` (z `op` e2))) (ensures e1 `eq` e2) = ()
let equivalence_wrt_operation_lemma_twoway (#a: Type) (#op: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_wrt op) (e1 e2 z: a)
: Lemma (((e1 `op` z) `eq` (e2 `op` z)) /\ ((z `op` e1) `eq` (z `op` e2)) <==> e1 `eq` e2) = ()
let neutral_inverse_is_neutral (#a:Type) (g: group #a) : Lemma (g.neutral `g.eq` (g.inv g.neutral)) =
assert ((g.neutral `g.op` (g.inv g.neutral)) `g.eq` g.neutral);
/// In our pursuit of sanity, we only consider ring-like structures that are at least rigs,
/// with addition forming a commutative group, and multiplication forming a semigroup that
/// is fully (left and right) distributive over addition
/// Notice how, just like inverse group operation, the euclidean_norm field holds little meaning
/// until we get to Euclidean Domains, but we shall keep the record field in the base type
/// because there is no inheritance in F*. Unfortunately so, to say the least.
let nat_function_defined_on_non_absorbers (#a:Type) (op: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) = f: (a -> (option nat)){ forall (x:a). (f x)=None ==> is_absorber_of x op eq }
#push-options "--ifuel 1 --fuel 0 --z3rlimit 1"
let nat_function_value (#a:Type) (op: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) (f: nat_function_defined_on_non_absorbers op eq) (x: non_absorber_of op eq) : nat =
Some?.v (f x)
let has_no_absorber_divisors (#a:Type) (op: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) = forall (x y: a). is_absorber_of (op x y) op eq <==> (is_absorber_of x op eq) \/ (is_absorber_of y op eq)
let domain_multiplication_law (#a:Type) (eq: equivalence_relation a) (mul: binary_op a{has_no_absorber_divisors mul eq}) (x y: non_absorber_of mul eq)
: Lemma ( ~ (is_absorber_of (mul x y) mul eq) ) = ()
let euclidean_norm_property (#a:Type) (eq: equivalence_relation a) (mul: binary_op a{has_no_absorber_divisors mul eq}) (x y: non_absorber_of mul eq) (f: nat_function_defined_on_non_absorbers mul eq) =
domain_multiplication_law eq mul x y;
nat_function_value mul eq f (mul x y) >= nat_function_value mul eq f x
let euclidean_norm_forall_property (#a:Type) (eq: equivalence_relation a) (mul: binary_op a{has_no_absorber_divisors mul eq}) (f: nat_function_defined_on_non_absorbers mul eq)
= forall (x y: non_absorber_of mul eq). euclidean_norm_property eq mul x y f
type norm_function (#a:Type) (eq: equivalence_relation a) (mul: binary_op a{has_no_absorber_divisors mul eq})
= f: nat_function_defined_on_non_absorbers mul eq{ forall (x y: non_absorber_of mul eq). euclidean_norm_property eq mul x y f }
#push-options "--ifuel 1 --fuel 0 --z3rlimit 1"
let euclidean_norm_main_lemma (#a: Type) (eq: equivalence_relation a) (mul: binary_op a{has_no_absorber_divisors mul eq}) (f: norm_function eq mul) (x y: non_absorber_of mul eq)
: Lemma (Some?.v (f (mul x y)) >= Some?.v (f x)) = assert (euclidean_norm_property eq mul x y f)
let test (a:Type) (eq:equivalence_relation a) (mul: binary_op a{has_no_absorber_divisors mul eq}) (f:norm_function eq mul) : Lemma (
forall (x y: non_absorber_of mul eq). Some?.v (f (mul x y)) >= Some?.v (f x) ) = FStar.Classical.forall_intro_2 (euclidean_norm_main_lemma eq mul f)
let eq_of (p: magma) = p.eq
//#push-options "--ifuel 4 --fuel 4 --z3rlimit 15"
let yields_units (#a: Type) (f: a->a) (mul: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) =
forall (x:a). is_unit (f x) mul eq
let unary_distributivity (#a: Type) (f: a->a) (op: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) (x y: a)
= (f (x `op` y)) `eq` ((f x) `op` (f y))
let unary_distributes_over (#a: Type) (f: a->a) (op: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) =
forall (x y: a). unary_distributivity f op eq x y
let unary_over_nonzeros_distributes_over (#a: Type) (f: a->a) (op: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) =
forall (x y: non_absorber_of op eq). unary_distributivity f op eq x y
type units_of (#a: Type) (mul: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) = x:a{is_unit x mul eq}
let is_unit_part_function (#a: Type) (#mul: binary_op a) (#eq: equivalence_relation a) (f: a -> units_of mul eq) =
is_idempotent f eq /\
yields_units f mul eq /\
unary_over_nonzeros_distributes_over f mul eq
type unit_part_function (#a: Type) (mul: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) = f:(a -> units_of mul eq){ is_unit_part_function f }
let un_op_distr_lemma (#a:Type) (mul: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) (f: unit_part_function mul eq)
: Lemma (unary_over_nonzeros_distributes_over f mul eq) = ()
let un_op_distr_lemma_p (#a:Type) (mul: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) (f: unit_part_function mul eq) (x y: non_absorber_of mul eq)
: Lemma (unary_distributivity f mul eq x y) = un_op_distr_lemma mul eq f
let is_unit_normal (#a:Type) (mul: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) (unit_part_func: a -> a) (x:a) = is_neutral_of (unit_part_func x) mul eq
let yields_unit_normals (#a:Type) (mul: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) (unit_part_func: a -> a) (f: a -> a) =
forall (x:a). is_unit_normal mul eq unit_part_func (f x)
type unit_normals_of (#a: Type) (mul: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) (unit_part_func: a -> a) = x:a { is_unit_normal mul eq unit_part_func x }
let is_normal_part_function (#a:Type) (#mul: binary_op a) (#eq: equivalence_relation a) (unit_part_func: a -> a) (f: a -> unit_normals_of mul eq unit_part_func) =
is_idempotent f eq /\
yields_unit_normals mul eq unit_part_func f /\
unary_distributes_over f mul eq
type normal_part_function (#a: Type) (#mul: binary_op a) (#eq: equivalence_relation a) (unit_part_func: a -> a)
= f:(a -> (unit_normals_of mul eq unit_part_func)){ is_normal_part_function unit_part_func f }
#push-options "--ifuel 2 --fuel 2 --z3rlimit 5"
let unit_part_func_of_product_is_product_of_unit_parts (#a: Type) (#mul: binary_op a) (#eq: equivalence_relation a)
(#unit_part_func: unit_part_function mul eq) (x y: non_absorber_of mul eq)
: Lemma((unit_part_func (x `mul` y)) `eq` ((unit_part_func x) `mul` (unit_part_func y))) =
un_op_distr_lemma_p mul eq unit_part_func x y;
#push-options "--ifuel 8 --fuel 8 --z3rlimit 20"
let product_of_unit_normals_is_normal (#a: Type) (#mul: binary_op a) (#eq: equivalence_wrt mul)
(unit_part_func: unit_part_function mul eq)
(x y: (t:unit_normals_of mul eq unit_part_func{~(is_absorber_of t mul eq) }))
: Lemma (is_unit_normal mul eq unit_part_func (x `mul` y)) =
assert (is_neutral_of (unit_part_func x) mul eq);
assert (is_neutral_of (unit_part_func y) mul eq);
assert (~(is_absorber_of x mul eq));
assert (~(is_absorber_of y mul eq));
un_op_distr_lemma_p mul eq unit_part_func x y;
assert (unit_part_func (mul x y) `eq` (mul (unit_part_func x) (unit_part_func y)));
neutral_equivalent_is_neutral mul eq (unit_part_func x) (unit_part_func (mul x y)) ;
assert (is_neutral_of (unit_part_func (mul x y)) mul eq);
assert (is_unit_normal mul eq unit_part_func (x `mul` y));
admit(); //The lemma condition is already proven here!!!
let aux () : Lemma (is_unit_normal mul eq unit_part_func (x `mul` y)) = () in
type test_unit_part_func (#a: Type) (mul: binary_op a) (eq: equivalence_relation a) = unit_part_function mul eq
noeq type ring (#a: Type) = {
addition: commutative_group #a;
multiplication: (t: monoid #a {is_fully_distributive t.op addition.op t.eq /\ is_absorber_of addition.neutral t.op t.eq });
eq: (t:equivalence_relation a{ equivalence_wrt_condition addition.op t /\ equivalence_wrt_condition multiplication.op t /\ t===addition.eq /\ t===multiplication.eq });
unit_part_of: a -> units_of multiplication.op eq;
normal_part_of: a -> unit_normals_of multiplication.op eq unit_part_of; // normal_part_function #a #multiplication.op #eq unit_part_of;
euclidean_norm: nat_function_defined_on_non_absorbers multiplication.op eq
let is_zero_of (#a: Type) (r: ring #a) (x: a) = is_absorber_of x r.multiplication.op r.eq
type domain (#a: Type) = r:ring #a { has_no_absorber_divisors r.multiplication.op r.eq }
type commutative_ring (#a: Type) = r:ring #a { is_commutative r.multiplication.op r.eq }
type integral_domain (#a: Type) = r:domain #a { is_commutative r.multiplication.op r.eq }
type euclidean_domain (#a:Type) = r:integral_domain #a
euclidean_norm_forall_property r.eq r.multiplication.op r.euclidean_norm /\
is_unit_part_function r.unit_part_of /\
is_normal_part_function r.unit_part_of r.normal_part_of
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