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Created July 6, 2023 20:37
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F* Memory read/write helpers
module MemorySandbox
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.Bytes
open FStar.Endianness
open FStar.Seq
open FStar.IntegerIntervals
type qword = UInt64.t
let (!) (x: qword) = UInt64.v x
let is_qword (x:nat) = UInt.size x (UInt64.n)
let (+^) (x y: qword)
: Pure qword (requires UInt.size (!x + !y) UInt64.n)
(ensures fun c -> !x + !y = !c)
= UInt64.add x y
let (-^) (x y: qword)
: Pure qword (requires UInt.size (!x - !y) UInt64.n)
(ensures fun c -> !x - !y = !c)
= UInt64.sub x y
let (/^) (x:qword) (y: qword {!y <> 0}) = UInt64.div x y
let ( *^ ) (x y: qword)
: Pure qword (requires UInt.size (!x * !y) UInt64.n)
(ensures fun c -> !x * !y = !c)
= UInt64.mul x y
let heap_size = 1024UL
let heap = byte_array: FStar.Endianness.bytes { length byte_array = !heap_size }
assume val well_formed_heap2 (h: heap) : prop
assume val well_formed_allocated_blocks (h: heap) : prop
let machine_word = 8UL
let is_valid_word_aligned_address_for (addr: qword) (h: heap)
= !addr + !machine_word <= length h /\
((!addr) % (!machine_word)) == 0
let word_aligned_address_for (h: heap) = addr: qword { addr `is_valid_word_aligned_address_for` h }
let read_word (byte_array: heap)
(index: qword{(!index * !machine_word + !machine_word) <= !heap_size}) =
let byte_index = !index * !machine_word in
let word_array = slice byte_array byte_index (byte_index + !machine_word) in
uint64_of_le word_array
let read_word_at (byte_array: heap)
(address: word_aligned_address_for byte_array) =
let word_array = slice byte_array !address (!address + !machine_word) in
uint64_of_le word_array
let read_word_equivalence (byte_array: heap)
(address: word_aligned_address_for byte_array)
: Lemma (read_word_at byte_array address == read_word byte_array (address /^ machine_word)) = ()
let rec read_seq_of_words (g: heap)
(address: word_aligned_address_for g)
(word_count: qword { !address + !word_count * !machine_word <= length g })
: Tot (s: seq qword { length s == !word_count })
(decreases !word_count) =
if !word_count = 0 then empty
else if !word_count = 1 then begin
FStar.Seq.create 1 (read_word g (address /^ machine_word))
end else begin
let next_address : word_aligned_address_for g = address +^ machine_word in
let tail = read_seq_of_words g (address +^ machine_word) (word_count -^ 1UL) in
cons (read_word_at g address) tail
#push-options "--z3rlimit 10 --ifuel 1 --fuel 1"
let rec read_seq_is_correct (g: heap)
(address: word_aligned_address_for g)
(word_count: qword { !address + ((!word_count) * (!machine_word)) <= length g })
(i: qword { !i < !word_count })
: Lemma (ensures index (read_seq_of_words g address word_count) !i
== read_word_at g (address +^ (i *^ machine_word)))
(decreases !i) =
if (!i = 0) then () else begin
read_seq_is_correct g (address +^ machine_word) (word_count -^ 1UL) (i -^ 1UL);
let read_tail_fields (g: heap{ well_formed_heap2 g /\ well_formed_allocated_blocks g })
(header_address: word_aligned_address_for g)
(field_count: qword { !header_address + ((1 + !field_count) * !machine_word) <= length g })
(skip: qword { !skip <= !field_count })
: Tot (s: seq qword { length s == !field_count - !skip }) =
if !field_count = 0 then empty else begin
if skip = field_count then empty else begin
let after_header : word_aligned_address_for g = header_address +^ machine_word in
let after_skip : qword = after_header +^ (skip *^ machine_word) in
assert (!(after_header +^ (field_count *^ machine_word)) <= length g);
let asa : word_aligned_address_for g = after_skip in
read_seq_of_words g asa (field_count -^ skip)
//ignore this
let math_aux_test (h:heap) (x: word_aligned_address_for h) (n: qword)
: Lemma (requires is_qword (!n * !machine_word) /\
is_qword (!x + !n * !machine_word) /\
!x + !n * !machine_word < length h)
(ensures (x +^ (n *^ machine_word)) `is_valid_word_aligned_address_for` h) =
let t : qword = x +^ (n *^ machine_word) in
assert (!t % !machine_word == 0);
assert (!x + !n * !machine_word <= length h);
assert (!t == !(x +^ (n *^ machine_word)));
assert (!x + !n * !machine_word == !t);
let tt = x +^ (n *^ machine_word) in
assert (!tt == !t);
assert (!tt % !machine_word == 0);
assert (!tt + !machine_word <= length h);
let math_eq_lemma (h:heap) (x: word_aligned_address_for h) (n: qword {!n * !machine_word <= length h})
: Lemma ((!x) + (!(n *^ machine_word)) == !x + ((!n) * (!machine_word))) = ()
let math_speedup_lemma (h: heap) (x:word_aligned_address_for h) (n: qword)
: Lemma ((!x + !n * !machine_word) % !machine_word == 0) =
Math.Lemmas.modulo_addition_lemma !x !machine_word !n;
#push-options "--z3rlimit 50 --ifuel 0 --fuel 0 --split_queries always"
let read_tail_fields_is_correct_internal (g: heap{ well_formed_heap2 g /\ well_formed_allocated_blocks g })
(header_address: word_aligned_address_for g)
(field_count: qword { !header_address + ((1 + !field_count) * !machine_word) <= Seq.length g })
(skip: qword { !skip <= !field_count })
(i: qword { !i < (!field_count - !skip) })
: Lemma (index (read_tail_fields g header_address field_count skip) !i ==
read_word_at g (header_address +^ ((1UL +^ skip +^ i) *^ machine_word))) =
if !field_count = 0 then () else begin
if skip = field_count then () else begin
let after_header : word_aligned_address_for g = header_address +^ machine_word in
let after_skip : qword = after_header +^ (skip *^ machine_word) in
// assert (!(after_header +^ (field_count *^ machine_word)) <= length g);
let asa : word_aligned_address_for g = after_skip in
let ait : qword = asa +^ (i *^ machine_word) in
// assert (!asa % !machine_word == 0);
//math_speedup_lemma g asa i;
// assert (!ait % 8 == 0);
read_seq_is_correct g asa (field_count -^ skip) i;
let read_tail_fields_is_correct (g: heap{ well_formed_heap2 g /\ well_formed_allocated_blocks g })
(header_address: word_aligned_address_for g)
(field_count: qword { !header_address + ((1 + !field_count) * !machine_word) <= Seq.length g })
(skip: qword { !skip <= !field_count })
(i: qword { !i < (!field_count - !skip) })
: Lemma (ensures index (read_tail_fields g header_address field_count skip) !i
== read_word g ((header_address /^ machine_word) +^ ((1UL +^ skip +^ i))))
= read_tail_fields_is_correct_internal g header_address field_count skip i
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