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Created June 16, 2021 05:29
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import Foundation
extension UserDefaults {
/// Returns an empty `UserDefaults` instance suitable for unit testing.
/// Based on
/// - Parameters:
/// - functionName: name of the unit test function.
/// - pathName: name of the unit test file (can be a full path).
static func makeEmptyInstance(for functionName: StaticString = #function, inFile fileName: StaticString = #file) -> UserDefaults {
let baseFileName = "\(fileName)".split(separator: "/").last?.split(separator: ".").first,
let testName = "\(functionName)".split(separator: "(").first
else {
fatalError("Could not create suite name from functionName '\(functionName)' and fileName '\(fileName)'")
let suiteName = "com.hacknicity.FTPZones.test.\(baseFileName).\(testName)"
guard let userDefaults = self.init(suiteName: suiteName) else {
fatalError("Could not create UserDefaults for suite name \(suiteName)")
userDefaults.removePersistentDomain(forName: suiteName)
return userDefaults
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