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Created February 8, 2019 16:54
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TailwindCSS default config
Tailwind - The Utility-First CSS Framework
A project by Adam Wathan (@adamwathan), Jonathan Reinink (@reinink),
David Hemphill (@davidhemphill) and Steve Schoger (@steveschoger).
Welcome to the Tailwind config file. This is where you can customize
Tailwind specifically for your project. Don't be intimidated by the
length of this file. It's really just a big JavaScript object and
we've done our very best to explain each section.
View the full documentation at
/* Utilities */
const pxToRem = (px, base = 16) => `${px / base}rem`
const getScaleValues = (step = 4, limit = 64) => {
let scale = {}
Array(limit / step).fill()
.map((value, key) => pxToRem(key + 1))
.forEach((value, key) => {
scale[(key + 1) * step] = value
return scale
/* Config */
// const defaultConfig = require('tailwindcss/defaultConfig')()
const colors = {
transparent: 'transparent',
'black': '#000',
'white': '#fff',
const spacing = {
px: '1px',
'0': '0',
'1': pxToRem(4),
'2': pxToRem(8),
'3': pxToRem(12),
'4': pxToRem(16),
'5': pxToRem(20),
'6': pxToRem(24),
'8': pxToRem(32),
'10': pxToRem(40),
'12': pxToRem(48),
'16': pxToRem(64),
'20': pxToRem(80),
'24': pxToRem(96),
'32': pxToRem(128),
const sizing = {
auto: 'auto',
px: '1px',
'1': pxToRem(4),
'2': pxToRem(8),
'3': pxToRem(12),
'4': pxToRem(16),
'5': pxToRem(20),
'6': pxToRem(24),
'8': pxToRem(32),
'10': pxToRem(40),
'12': pxToRem(48),
'16': pxToRem(64),
'20': pxToRem(80),
'24': pxToRem(96),
'32': pxToRem(128),
'48': pxToRem(192),
'64': pxToRem(256),
module.exports = {
colors: colors,
screens: {
sm: '576px',
md: '768px',
lg: '992px',
xl: '1200px',
fonts: {
sans: [
'Segoe UI',
'Fira Sans',
'Droid Sans',
'Helvetica Neue',
serif: [
'Lucida Bright',
'Lucida Serif',
'DejaVu Serif',
'Bitstream Vera Serif',
'Liberation Serif',
mono: [
'Liberation Mono',
'Courier New',
textSizes: {
'xs': pxToRem(12),
'sm': pxToRem(14),
base: pxToRem(16),
'lg': pxToRem(18),
'xl': pxToRem(20),
'2xl': pxToRem(24),
'3xl': pxToRem(30),
'4xl': pxToRem(36),
'5xl': pxToRem(48),
fontWeights: {
hairline: 100,
thin: 200,
light: 300,
normal: 400,
medium: 500,
semibold: 600,
bold: 700,
extrabold: 800,
black: 900,
leading: {
none: 1,
tight: 1.25,
normal: 1.5,
loose: 2,
tracking: {
tight: '-0.05em',
normal: '0',
wide: '0.05em',
textColors: colors,
backgroundColors: colors,
backgroundSize: {
auto: 'auto',
cover: 'cover',
contain: 'contain',
borderWidths: {
default: '1px',
'0': '0',
borderColors: global.Object.assign({
default: 'currentColor',
}, colors),
borderRadius: {
default: '0.25rem',
'full': '9999px',
width: global.Object.assign({
'1/2': '50%',
'1/3': '33.33333%',
'2/3': '66.66667%',
'1/4': '25%',
'3/4': '75%',
'1/5': '20%',
'2/5': '40%',
'3/5': '60%',
'4/5': '80%',
'1/6': '16.66667%',
'5/6': '83.33333%',
'full': '100%',
'screen': '100vw',
}, sizing),
height: global.Object.assign({
'full': '100%',
'screen': '100vh',
}, sizing),
minWidth: {
'0': '0',
'full': '100%',
minHeight: {
'0': '0',
'full': '100%',
'screen': '100vh',
maxWidth: {
'xs': '20rem',
'sm': '30rem',
'md': '40rem',
'lg': '50rem',
'xl': '60rem',
'2xl': '70rem',
'3xl': '80rem',
'4xl': '90rem',
'5xl': '100rem',
'full': '100%',
maxHeight: {
'full': '100%',
'screen': '100vh',
padding: global.Object.assign({}, spacing),
margin: global.Object.assign({
'auto': 'auto',
}, spacing),
negativeMargin: global.Object.assign({}, spacing),
shadows: {
default: '0 2px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.10)',
'md': '0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 2px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)',
'lg': '0 15px 30px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.11), 0 5px 15px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)',
'inner': 'inset 0 2px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)',
'outline': '0 0 0 3px rgba(52, 144, 220, 0.5)',
'none': 'none',
zIndex: {
auto: 'auto',
'0': 0,
'10': 10,
'20': 20,
'30': 30,
'40': 40,
'50': 50,
opacity: {
'0': '0',
'25': '0.25',
'50': '0.5',
'75': '0.75',
'100': '1',
svgFill: {
current: 'currentColor',
svgStroke: {
current: 'currentColor',
| Modules
| Here is where you control which modules are generated and what variants are
| generated for each of those modules.
| Currently supported variants:
| - responsive
| - hover
| - focus
| - focus-within
| - active
| - group-hover
| To disable a module completely, use `false` instead of an array.
modules: {
appearance: ['responsive'],
backgroundAttachment: false,
backgroundColors: [],
backgroundPosition: false,
backgroundRepeat: false,
backgroundSize: false,
borderCollapse: [],
borderColors: [],
borderRadius: false,
borderStyle: false,
borderWidths: [],
cursor: [],
display: ['responsive'],
flexbox: ['responsive'],
float: false,
fonts: [],
fontWeights: [],
height: ['responsive'],
leading: ['responsive'],
lists: ['responsive'],
margin: ['responsive'],
maxHeight: ['responsive'],
maxWidth: ['responsive'],
minHeight: ['responsive'],
minWidth: ['responsive'],
negativeMargin: ['responsive'],
objectFit: false,
objectPosition: false,
opacity: [],
outline: ['focus'],
overflow: [],
padding: ['responsive'],
pointerEvents: [],
position: ['responsive'],
resize: false,
shadows: false,
svgFill: [],
svgStroke: [],
tableLayout: false,
textAlign: ['responsive'],
textColors: ['responsive', 'hover'],
textSizes: ['responsive'],
textStyle: [],
tracking: false,
userSelect: false,
verticalAlign: false,
visibility: false,
whitespace: [],
width: ['responsive'],
zIndex: [],
| Plugins
| Here is where you can register any plugins you'd like to use in your
| project. Tailwind's built-in `container` plugin is enabled by default to
| give you a Bootstrap-style responsive container component out of the box.
| Be sure to view the complete plugin documentation to learn more about how
| the plugin system works.
plugins: [
// require('tailwindcss/plugins/container')({
// center: true,
// padding: '1rem',
// }),
| Advanced Options
| Here is where you can tweak advanced configuration options. We recommend
| leaving these options alone unless you absolutely need to change them.
options: {
prefix: '',
important: false,
separator: ':',
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negative margins dont work

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patarok commented Jun 24, 2020

Maybe I am also too dumb to get negative margins to work, or ... umkasanki is right and negative margins dont work...
eventually someone more experienced could tell us what could be the deal here,
resp.: What could prevent negative margins from working?

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hacknug commented Jun 24, 2020

This is a v0.x config file. Negative margins have been generated using margin for a while. Please take a look at the docs and/or the migration guide if you’re upgrading projects from v0.x to v1.x.

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