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Created January 11, 2021 19:32
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OCaml saga powered by lwt
type 'a t = {
f : unit -> 'a Lwt.t;
type 'a task = <
is_running : bool;
is_cancelled : bool;
result : 'a option;
error : (exn * Printexc.raw_backtrace) option;
done_ : unit Lwt.t;
cancel : unit -> unit;
type 'a saga_task = <
'a task;
_run : (unit -> 'a Lwt.t) -> unit;
_attach_child : generalized_saga_task -> unit;
and generalized_saga_task = Generalized : _ saga_task -> generalized_saga_task
exception Saga_error of exn * Printexc.raw_backtrace
let create f = {
let current_saga_task_key = Lwt.new_key ()
let join t =
let new_saga_task ?parent ?(detached=false) () : 'a saga_task =
let task = (object (self)
val parent : generalized_saga_task option = parent
val mutable child_tasks : generalized_saga_task list = []
val mutable p : 'a Lwt.t = Obj.magic ()
method is_running =
match Lwt.state p with
| Sleep -> true
| _ -> false
method is_cancelled =
match Lwt.state p with
| Fail Lwt.Canceled -> true
| _ -> false
method result =
match Lwt.state p with
| Return r -> Some r
| _ -> None
method error =
match Lwt.state p with
| Fail (Saga_error (exn, bt)) -> Some (exn, bt)
| _ -> None
method done_ =
match%lwt p with
| exception Saga_error (exn, bt) -> Printexc.raise_with_backtrace exn bt
| _ -> Lwt.return ()
method cancel () =
Lwt.cancel p
method private _cancel_child_tasks () =
let cancel1 (Generalized t) = t#cancel () in
List.iter cancel1 child_tasks
method private _join_child_tasks () =
let join1 (Generalized t) = join t in
Lwt_list.iter_p join1 child_tasks
method _run (f : unit -> 'a Lwt.t) =
let p' =
Lwt.pause ();%lwt
let%lwt r = Lwt.with_value current_saga_task_key (Some (Generalized self)) f in
self#_join_child_tasks ();%lwt
Lwt.return r
with exn ->
raise_notrace (Saga_error (exn, Printexc.get_raw_backtrace ())) in
Lwt.on_failure p' (fun _ -> self#_cancel_child_tasks ());
p <- p'
method _attach_child (c : generalized_saga_task) =
child_tasks <- c :: child_tasks
end) in
if not detached then (
match parent with
| Some (Generalized parent) -> parent#_attach_child (Generalized task);
| None -> ()
let run (saga : 'a t) : 'a task =
let task = (new_saga_task () : 'a saga_task) in
task#_run saga.f;
(task :> 'a task)
let fork (f : unit -> 'a Lwt.t) : 'a task =
match Lwt.get current_saga_task_key with
| Some parent ->
let task = new_saga_task ~parent () in
task#_run f;
(task :> 'a task)
| None -> assert false
let spawn (f : unit -> 'a Lwt.t) : 'a task =
match Lwt.get current_saga_task_key with
| Some parent ->
let task = new_saga_task ~parent ~detached:true () in
task#_run f;
(task :> 'a task)
| None -> assert false
type 'a t
type 'a task = <
is_running : bool;
is_cancelled : bool;
result : 'a option;
error : (exn * Printexc.raw_backtrace) option;
done_ : unit Lwt.t;
cancel : unit -> unit;
val create : (unit -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a t
val run : 'a t -> 'a task
val fork : (unit -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a task
val join : 'a task -> unit Lwt.t
val spawn : (unit -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a task
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