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Created July 25, 2019 10:54
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CMD_NAME=`basename $0`
usage_exit() {
cat <<- HELPEND
$CMD_NAME wait_time[hms] [-c command | message]
wait_time wait time[unit]
h: hours = wait_seconds * 3600 [sec]
m: minutes = wait_seconds * 60 [sec]
s: seconds = wait_seconds [sec] (default)
-c command execute command after wait_time
default) tmux new window & popup message
message any message
exit 1
# set wait seconds
if [ ${#1} -ge 2 ]; then
target_time=`echo "$1" | cut -c 1-\`expr ${#1} - 1\``
case "$1" in
*h ) wait_sec=`expr $target_time \* 3600`
*m ) wait_sec=`expr $target_time \* 60`
*s ) wait_sec="$target_time"
* ) wait_sec="$1"
# wait_sec is digit?
if [ -z "`echo "$wait_sec" | grep '^[0-9]\{1,\}$'`" ]; then
echo "Invalid wait time!: `$1`"
# set execute command
case $2 in
-c ) exec_command=$3
"" ) exec_command="popup_window"
* ) exec_command="popup_window '$2'"
popup_window() {
[ -n "$*" ] && msg="$*" || msg="take a break!"
[ -n "`which bunnysay`" ] && print_cmd=bunnysay || print_cmd=echo
# make popup window
tmux new-window 2> /dev/null && (
WIN_ID=`tmux display -p '#I'`
# print message
tmux pipe-pane -I -t:$WIN_ID 'echo " "'
tmux pipe-pane -I -t:$WIN_ID "echo '$print_cmd \"$msg\"'"
# tmux clock-mode -t:$WIN_ID 2> /dev/null
# auto close
sleep 3
tmux kill-window -t:$WIN_ID
) 2> /dev/null \
|| ( echo " "; $print_cmd "$msg" ) 1>&2
# wait & excuete command
sleep $wait_sec && $exec_command &
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