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Forked from jondkinney/pivotal_tracker_git_flow.rake
Last active December 30, 2015 10:09
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Yet another attempt at Git and Pivotal integration. The twist with this one though is an attempt to work with git-flow. This was inspired by this blog post: It'll also require once I write the hook.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# gem 'pivotal-tracker'
require 'pivotal-tracker'
TRACKER_TOKEN = `git config --get pivotal.token`
TRACKER_PROJECT_ID = `git config --get pivotal.project-id`
PivotalTracker::Client.token = TRACKER_TOKEN
PivotalTracker::Client.use_ssl = true
def truncate_words(text, length = 5)
return if text == nil
words = text.split()
words = words - %w(feature scenario for in on a an the of so that they be able to are it its with) #remove non critical words (experiment with this)
words[0..(length-1)].join(' ')
project = PivotalTracker::Project.find TRACKER_PROJECT_ID
conditions = {:state => ["rejected", "started", "unstarted", "finished"]}
projects = project.stories.all(conditions)
if projects.count > 0
branches = []
projects.each_with_index do |story, index|
name =
# remove individual offending chars: single quote, double quote, open
# paren, close paren, colon, backslash, forwardslash and replace with
# an empty string (aka nothing)
# remove remaining links
# remove dash and replace with space
name.gsub!(/-/," ")
# do the truncate here, after all the removal & before the _ injection
name = truncate_words(name)
# replace all instances of one or more spaces with _
# create final display
display = "#{name}_#{}"
branches[index + 1] = "#{display}"
puts "(#{index + 1}) #{display}"
puts ""
puts ""
puts "For which story do you want to create a new git feature branch?"
puts " Note: type 1,hotfix to create a hotfix for the first story"
input = STDIN.gets.strip
story_num = input.split(",")[0].to_i
story_type = input.split(",")[1]
story_type ||= "feature"
if (1..projects.count).include?(story_num)
`git flow #{story_type} start "#{branches[story_num]}"`
puts ""
puts "Summary of actions:"
puts "- A new branch '#{story_type}/#{branches[story_num]}' was created, based on '#{story_type == 'feature' ? 'develop' : 'master'}'"
puts "- You are now on branch '#{story_type}/#{branches[story_num]}'"
puts ""
puts "Now, start committing on your #{story_type}. When done, use:"
puts ""
puts " git flow #{story_type} finish #{branches[story_num]}"
puts ""
puts "There are no available stories right now!"
# Runs at the end of git flow feature finish
# Runs before git flow feature finish
# Positional arguments:
# $1 The friendly name of the branch
# $2 The origin remote
# $3 The full branch name (including the feature prefix)
# The following variables are available as they are exported by git-flow:
# MASTER_BRANCH - The branch defined as Master
# DEVELOP_BRANCH - The branch defined as Develop
TRACKER_ID=`echo $BRANCH | ruby -ne 'puts $1 if /(\d+)$/'`
COMMIT_MSG=`git log $BRANCH -1 --pretty=%s`
`git commit --amend -m '$COMMIT_MSG'`
# Implement your script here.
exit 0
# This hook script will automatically add the Pivotal Tracker ID
# to the beginning of the git commit message (in the format of
# [#12345678]) if it is not already there.
# The script pulls the ID from the end of the branch name. If
# the branch name does not end with the Pivotal Tracker ID, then
# this script will do nothing.
# Specifying the Pivotal Tracker ID in the git commit message allows
# Pivotal to list all commits associated with a story when the
# story is viewed.
# To enble this script, copy it to .git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg
# in your repo's directory.
CURRENT_BRANCH=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`
TRACKER_ID=`echo $CURRENT_BRANCH | ruby -ne 'puts $1 if /(\d+)$/'`
# Make sure the branch name starts with what looks like a tracker ID
if [ "$TRACKER_ID" != "" ]; then
# If we could not find the tracker ID in the commit message in the
# proper format, then add it.
if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
sed "1s/^/[#$TRACKER_ID] /" $COMMIT_MSG_FILE > /tmp/tracker_git_commit_msg
mv /tmp/tracker_git_commit_msg $COMMIT_MSG_FILE
# Explicitly exit 0 to make sure we don't accidentally abort the commit
exit 0
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